>Jews are to whites what whites are to blacks
Many intellectual white advocates such as Stefan Molyneux, Jared Taylor, and Richard Lynn have made this comparison. How accurate is this statement?
>Jews are to whites what whites are to blacks
Many intellectual white advocates such as Stefan Molyneux, Jared Taylor, and Richard Lynn have made this comparison. How accurate is this statement?
if you can’t get laid in this day and age you are either autistic or ugly as shit
either way, you are geneticly inferior and you don’t deserve sex
Israel destroyed the chosen race meme shlomo.
Kikes depent on white people to survive, much like niggers. Whites do not need kikes.
Jewish supremacism is off the charts.
Yeah, it's a meme. The whole "Jews 115, whites 100, Blacks 85". Makes a good story, doesn't it?
Just happens to be bullshit. Do the math.
Jews are as smart as their Spanish (sephardic) and Ukrainian (Ashkanazi) roots are. They reason why they win awards and end up in top position in Banking, Hollywood, news media ect is because they were given the monopoly on banking hundreds of years ago.
Whites have given everything they have to the world. Their money, resources, technology, knowledge.
Black people think White people run everything and see everything as fucked up. White people say Jews run everything and see everything is fucked up.
Funny how white people don't seem to know they're in control, and the very people they blame happen to look white.
Black people are just too stupid to know who runs this shit show. They're too stupid to know who owned most of the slave ships and a great quantity of slaves in America. Jews.
Lets put it this way: my cat thinks my house is the entire universe, animals that live outdoors think the earth is the entire universe, and humans think that the observable universe is the entire universe.
To put it another way, imagine you are in plato's cave. Blacks are chained to the wall and forced to look at projections of whites on the wall. Whites walked out of the cave before blacks did and saw that the shadows on wall were actually silhouettes of the happy merchant posing as white.
Sup Forums is to whites what whites are to blacks
All those guys think hispanic is a race so they got a low iq
William Pierce is an intellectual though
>Jews are to whites what whites are to blacks
949 times
>whites just want to live on their own
>blacks actively persue whites to leech off their success
>whites just want to live on their own
>jews actively persue whites to leech off their success
The only comparison you can make is that jews are 100x more effective than blacks at being parasites and employ different strategies.
true to a certain extent.
Although Blacks seem to be suffering from arrested development and suffer from this condition their whole life, while the white man eventually claims responsiblity and takes action.
Fuck up Jew
>whites spend their whole lives trying to blend in with and leech off niggers
tough sell right there
Have whites been kicked out of black nations over and over and over?
Oh. Okay.
Except when you ask a black guy why its the white mans fault they cant say anything but 'dey alwayz holdin us down'
When you ask a white guy why its the jews you will be bombarded with stupendous amounts of facts and evidence.
I get the feeling Trudeau is Jewish All canadian media is jewish