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Nanatsu no Taizai 241 Spoilers
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They are so dead.
So it's just me or Nakabe fucked up with Dolor's height here?
just you, hes far and glox closer
I think he's supposed to stand further back to let this shot happen, but he fucked up the perspective a bit.
They tried. F
Must suck to be Gerard
Volume 18 is out too.
F ;_;7
So aren't we left again with just Escanor being able to take him out? Nakaba can't just make him take out the two masters.
Or maybe Glox and Dolor aren't totally done, or did something to Chandler. Their death would totally useless otherwise.
Also, a timeskip can't happen. Remember Arthur plans to retrieve Excalibur soon.
They don't look totally dead.
>Those soulless eyes
They're dead Jim
>empty eyes while smiling
They're gone. They served their purpose.
oh and new gamebook
So who killed the captain?
Thanks user(s).
>Didn't even die doing one last suicide attack.
What a shit death.
That shit never works, so why try it?
Title of next chapter is : end of nanatsu no taizai
He will most likely beat them up and time skip will happen
Seriously? They stopped at Escanor's bar back then? Fucking kek.
It's night. Escanor can't do shit to Chandler. And honestly won't be able to until close noon and you see how fast he made work of Gloxinia and Dolor.
What happened to Dolor’s Gaia form, wasn’t shown in the flashback and we don’t get to see it now
CHADler can bring the night with him. So Escanor is completely useless againts the guy
Gloxinia and Dolor are jobbers, Mel stomped them before he even receive his recent power up after he died, even base Mel destroy them at this point
Mel stomped them AFTER he received his old powers user
I am talking before his "death" he received suck massive power up after he died, his demon mark form was 56K now his base is 60K with demon mark he can go up to 90 - 100K
Not counting AM of course
>he can go up to 90 - 100K
We don't know that. The bonus of the mark when he was at 32k was of 25k, so I doubt it would be any bigger than that, putting him at 80-90k max.
They got out of the night zone. Escanor could just one shot him from the distance.
I wish Dianne would always keep her hair down.
Really? That’s the title?
Who are these guys?
Absolutely disgusting.
>no nipples
>no slit
Get a load of this hack
Nothing new with Nakaba not drawing nipples and slits for degenerates like you
I just want realism, triggered plebbitor. If he put some leaves of some form of garment I'd be ok with it.
Like that it's just a fucking doll.
Is there a NNT pastepin with all this extra artwork?
>all these buzzwords
>absolutely triggered
Ever seen anyone else this cringe before?
The gardener.
How the fuck. These two were strong enough to be one of the 10 commandments, and they get BTFO just like that?
Thanks user.
The legendary Nanatsu no taizai
Fake Diane is cute and fake Gowther pretty funny.
Reminds me of the fake straw hats.
W-where's Escanor?
>Chandler left Camelot and found the Sins in what was probably minutes at best
>the 2 kings managed to delay him for just a few moments
What's the point? Glox had better have poisoned him or something, otherwise their sacrifice will have been for naught. Considering the title of the next chapter is"the end of the seven deadly sins" I'm guessing Chandler's not going to just stay put.
I was wondering the same thing, but since he was about to use it in the flashback, I think Diane probably knows how it works now. She'll use it later on.
The end of the Seven Deadly Sins can mean many things. They, as a group could disband.
I presume that would happen if their captain defected to the demon side.
>inb4 Elizabeth dies
>16 year timeskip
>time skip will happen
Nah, the demons are about to open the seal, Elizabeth is about to die and Arthur is about to start wrecking shit in Camelot. Too many game changers happening at the same time for there to be time skip.
>Escanor could just one shot him from the distance.
Escannors attacks are strong but easily detectable. He would just dodge.
Hitting him is not the issue, the problem is Chandler can full counter magic.
>detective story, where the detective can read minds.
Doesn't sound that thrilling.
The 10C always had pretty unequal strengths, and Dolor and Glox were pretty clearly never the strongest.
Fake daytime Escanor basically one-shotted both of them at once, and Mel would have slaughtered both except for the Senzu bean juice cheat and rest of 10C showing up.
Don't worry Gloxinia made sure to impregnate her.
Knowing Gowther, he knows that wouldn't make an interesting story, so he'll just play along and make it a proper story.
Dude, Chandler brings the night with him. Escanor can't do shit. No one can excepted Meliodas but Meliodas himself is in evil mode.
Lord the first Fairy King!? What are you going… to do!?
Uniiii, it won't let go of me.
I ask that a Fairy who had just grown his wings and a little Giantess leave the premises.
We can still fight!!
Yet this much is consuming the magic to the point that you can't break out of this.
Despite that, I hold you in high regard…
You're able to draw out the Spirit Lance's power like me with your wings starting growing…
Once your wings achieve their complete evolution, you'll probably become the most powerful Fairy King in history.
Diane… you must e the one who leads the Giant clan from now on.
I can't let you die here.
M… me, leading the Giants!?
That's… out of my league!!
…the Giants are the warriors of valor who don't fear even death.
…in other words, they're a coward tribe that knows only to fight and don't possess the courage to retreat.
In short, I, their king, am the cause and the resonsible for causing their numbers to drop drastically…
Someone like you will be needed to the prospere future of the Giants, I'm sure of it…!
Because I will become the new king… no, queen's shield!!
We're now done talking.
Hold on…
Pugoh, what's that!?
Uhmmmm, at last.
We got the burden off our shoulders.
Pic 6:
Ten Commandments… no!! King of Giants!! Fairy King!! I'm taking this!! as a grave treason!!
We are neither the Ten Commandments nor the kings.
We're nothing more than a Fairy and a Giant.
Meliodas… Since the day we've hit rock bottom, you
have carried out your will for a long three thousand years…
Be that it may be for the one woman you love,
it isn't something anyone can possibly do…
I'm glad we could meet you two once again.
Q252: Hachishimoda-san (Tochigi Prefecture): Is there a character you end up adding too much emotions drawing them?
Nakaba: I add emotions to any character when I draw them.
May your sufffering pay off one day…
Center text: The lives they gave up are the cornerstone for the future. The previous kings die honorably here.
Margin text: Even the former Ten Commandments together couldn't stop Chandler. The demonic hands of despair draw closer to the Seven Deadly Sins…
Bottom text: To be continued in chapter 242 / The end of the Seven Deadly Sins.
[TN: This time, it's 終結 instead of the word 集結 (gathering, resunion) Mangastream kept making a mistake. Unless it's a typo.]
Continued that Nerobasta fanart I posted last week.
Color is in progress.
looking great
If Chandler was able to teleport to Boar's Hat initially, what's stopping him from doing it now?
Nothing, that's the problem.
wow. very nice.
>Merlin's magic is sealed(possibly permanent due to infinity)
>Gowther is down due to disobeying Chandler's order(unknown duration)
>Diane is shrunken(probably not permanent)
>King's spear is broken(temporary)
>Ban is a jobber(permanent)
>Escanor is weaked and his power doesn't work against Chandler
>Mel is evil and will possibly be taken by Chandler
>Elizabeth is dead in like a day
>Chandler is too strong even for the 2 kings, Cussack probably comparable to him in power
>Estarossa almost recovered
>demons almost out of the seal
How are the Sins going to turn the tables? I doubt Arthur getting Excalibur would be enough to do it, even if that made him really strong. I think it will come down to Merlin and/or Elizabeth. Maybe Merlin knows how the holy war ended and what weakened the goddesses and she will reverse it in exchange for the goddesses saving Arthur. Alternatively Elizabeth might be under the surveillance of the Supreme Deity(through the earring?) just like Mel is being observed by the Demon King, and once the Deity realizes that shit is about to hit the fan she will offer to help by cleansing Mel's darkness like Elizabeth did to the Indura.
That's what they get for fucking with Zeldris. Their had their chance and blew it up for no reason.
The first solution I can see is doing something against the "night spell". It's bullshit anyway, you can't take "real" night with you like that, even with magic. The sun shouldn't have changed its place (looking at how this night is only in a limited area), so that shouldn't affect Escanor, just like the vampire king's didn't.
Merlin will probably do something also, she didn't do much since a while, she can't just go back to useless mode like that.
The thing about the night spell is that it should also have a counterpart, which when combined with Merlin's Infinity would essentially grant Escanor a permanent The One state. Perhaps rather than bringing the night with him Chandler actually altered the passage of time or rotated the planet or something to make it night?
But the problem is that it can't really work since it's just in a limited zone. It's not like he accelerated time.
>Lord the first Fairy King
What are the implications here? If he's the first does that mean that the fairy clan has only existed for ~5000 years or did they simply have a different system at the time, one that was not governed by the tree? If the former, were all of the clans born at the same time or were the demons/goddesses involved with the creation of the other clans, which is why the demons can incorporate other clans into their ranks?
you are good