I leaved the alt right and became a socialist Ask me anything.
I leaved the alt right and became a socialist Ask me anything
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>mods won't delete the jidf slide/larp threads.. what can we do leaf?
Go on major sites and pretend to be the most obnoxious jew you can imagine.
what's it feel like to lie on an anonymous forum?
>I leaved
Dumb spic
You LEFT the right you stupid asshole. Good riddance!
Im not lying. Im 100% serious. If you actually wanted to save white people, you'd become a socialist too.
>I leaved
Do you also plan on learning English?
why do syndies have such a retarded flag. That looks like a symbol that my grandmother would use.
The black cat represents wildcat strikes, aka spontaneous unauthorized strike.
>If you actually wanted to save white people, you'd become a socialist too
Virtually every socialist I've ever seen, both in person and through media, has been a militant advocate of mass third-world immigration and dismantling "white supremacy"
Every person I've ever seen bearing the flag you do has demonstrated ony animosity toward the very idea of "white people"
How do you feel about helicopters?
>I leaved the alt right
but it just looks so fucking retarded. like a flea ridden streetcat that you would find in an alley. If thats your idea of a good flag no wonder you movement hasnt taken of
>Virtually every socialist I've ever seen, both in person and through media, has been a militant advocate of mass third-world immigration
That's why I joined the left. Traditionally the left has been anti-immigration, seeing as it undercuts wages and what not. The left you see in the media is the "j-left" or the SJW left, who are actually liberals LARPing as revolutionaries.
Anyway, if you were serious about ending immigration you'd look at it's underlying cause and see it's capitalists wanting to save money, and the US imperialism fucking up the native countries of these brown people.
Its the symbol that's usually used. The normal symbol doesn't have the cat in the middle.
fag for considering yourself "alt right" and even more so now that you consider yourself a socialist. you're all sort of low IQ.
>pro tip
do the world a favor and never breed
>i respect the NAP
>all people who disagree with me are getting thrown out of a helicopter
so much for the tolerant right, amirite?
>I leaved
You might wanna try again.
so much for the right wing caring about human rights.
Oh, wow. Maybe something like National Socialist... hmmm. Oh, well, I guess we should all leaved the alt-right - who wouldn't follow someone as smart as you?
>Tolerant right
We don't pretend to be tolerant.
>Maybe something like National Socialist
that's fake socialism. As long as private property exists the white countries will continue to experience waves and waves of immigration to undercut wages.
I guess the NAP is thrown out the window.
this. you cant simply discard are individual rights in pursuit of a collective and still call yourself a person.
You are actually right but at the end of the day you are a very tiny tiny majority. Actually you'd be considered a White Supremacist in socialist circles anyway.
As a matter of fact a lot of "Alt Right" ppl have socialist ideas so your thread is confusing.
>the left
Pick one.
>Anyway, if you were serious about ending immigration you'd look at it's underlying cause and see it's capitalists wanting to save money, and the US imperialism fucking up the native countries of these brown people.
I fully understand that, I'm as morally opposed to the neoliberal capitalists undercutting our working class and selling our nation out as you claim to be. That said, I constantly see those claiming to be socialist street fighters like antifa being tacitly endorsed by these same neoliberal capitalists and corporate media, which leads me to believe the movement at large is nothing but pawns of multinationals and the financial class.
If you're not being disingenuous then alright but I'd still ask you why I should bother becoming a socialist if this "j-left" wing seems to dominate it so much. You may be legit but there seem to be a hundred other j-left for every "old school" socialist (if that's what you'd call it) there is.
tl;dr Even if you're not trolling why would I bother when you're surrounded by a multitude of militants who want to see my culture, identity, and security disintegrated? You may personally disagree but why would I walk into a lynch mob just because one person among it might not harbor ill will
the only person discarding individual rights is you, you capitalist dog. The biggest injustice in history has been capitalism. More wealth has been stolen in this economic system than ever in the history of the human race.
how does it feel that you commies get your asses kicked by Chad all the time?
>wealth is earned not stolen. Do something of value or something valued by people/society and you will earn your own wealth. Or is work a foreign concept to socialists?
Spencerism failed because Spencer was is and always will be a faggot who pussed out on ZOG.
The Alt Right is only a thing because guys on the right that are actually in for life for the white race like Red Ice man gave Spencer cover.
Fuck the Alt Lite.
Long live the Alt Reich.
Purge every fucking jew and communist 1488 for fucking ever.
>I leaved
>Actually you'd be considered a White Supremacist in socialist circles anyway.
If I word what I say carefully I wouldn't. The side effects of a communist society is everyone staying where they are from for the most part. Who's fault is it that white people want to live around white people?.
>"Alt Right" ppl have socialist ideas
I know. That's what pushed me over the edge ironically. The alt right has scathing critiques of capitalism but no good solutions, while the far left has the same critiques and volumes of solutions that make sense. The alt right's undoing will be it's unwillingness to talk about economics.
>antifa being tacitly endorsed by these same neoliberal capitalists and corporate media
This is true. Antifa are largely economically illiterate liberals who call themselves socialists. In reality they are social democrats who also happen to be extreme sexual deviants. Marx himself was against left wing idpol, and a lot modern day leftists recognize that it's liberal garbage.
That aside I cannot endorse capitalism after what it's done to the white people and all of humanity for that matter.
>If you're not being disingenuous then alright but I'd still ask you why I should bother becoming a socialist if this "j-left" wing seems to dominate it so much.
Im not asking you to do anything other than to try and recognize that capitalism is antithetical to saving white people. Filling the modern day leftist movement with Sup Forumsacks would actually be hilarious, all of the degenerates would have to turncoats and support the GOP.
>Jeff Bezos earned all his wealth, it wasn't possibly created by his army of workers.
pretty good bait
this thread is garbage larping
fucking trash
>Antifa are largely economically illiterate liberals who call themselves socialists. In reality they are social democrats who also happen to be extreme sexual deviants
fucking kek
>Im not asking you to do anything other than to try and recognize that capitalism is antithetical to saving white people
Well then there's not much room for us to continue because I'm already quite critical of it, although probably not as critical as you are. But still, you won't find me going to bat for the multinational corporations and international banking classes that gutted our people. America isn't a market, it's a nation, and I believe the working people need guarantees and protections from predatory behaviors of that financial elite.
Still, I'm basically equally critical of full-blown socialism, and I find the theory fundamentally flawed in that in trying to establish a state to eliminate class differences leftists are doomed to simply creating another bureaucratic class that ends up holding even more power and wealth
im not larping.
>creating another bureaucratic class that ends up holding even more power and wealth
I think bureaucracy is inevitable. The more sophisticated societies become, the more necessary bureaucrats it needs. If we can do the socialism thing correctly it would minimize the need for a large bureaucracy.
Don't pretend to follow the NAP when your ideology is against it. This is why I would remove your kind from society.
My only question is why?
Wtf are you doing on this jew-forsaken website??
>being this much of a class cuck
The alt-right doesn't exist, it a vague term, taking a shot at the dark to group everyone in the right into a collective. Its for uneducated souls like Hillary and yourself, I'll "leaved" it at that.
How is your sophomore year of college going kiddo?
Not only a faggot but also a coward too.
>muh alt-kike
How can you leave a group that does't even exists, corporate lefty shill?
pretty good.
im still pro white.
>I think bureaucracy is inevitable. The more sophisticated societies become, the more necessary bureaucrats it needs
Then the attempt at socialism seems pointless, as you would just be creating another class
>If we can do the socialism thing correctly it would minimize the need for a large bureaucracy.
That's a mighty big "if" though. The track record leaves me a little tepid to undertake another attempt right here at home. Theoretically, locally? Maybe. But I can never see it working on a national scale, especially a multiethnic nation of 300+ million.
But now we're just getting into minutia and values differences we'll likely never agree on. Long story short I think the neoliberal pawn antifa-types are too dug in for socialism to ever move away from fighting against borders and for trannies to ever address worker's actual grievances again.
I'm gonna be honest with you, I don't want to be part of any economic system. I am saying this as an unemployed NEET who has never worked a day in their life and still lives with their parents. All systems, capitalism and communism, and even socialism require you to work to sustain yourself financially and be a wage slave to the government. Fuck that, working yourself for hours just for green printed money is exploitive and unnecessary
>Then the attempt at socialism seems pointless, as you would just be creating another class
classes are based on private property and relationships to the means of production. Bureacrats wouldn't have any extra privileges.
> fighting against borders and for trannies to ever address worker's actual grievances again.
sad but probably true.
you're a few steps away from being a socialist then.
read this it's a good intro to anarchism/socialism
>270 pages
I'll pass
>having a brain so small you can't read a measly 270 pages without losing interest.
>and became a socialist
Are you now a socialist and a (white) nationalist?
>If you actually wanted to save white people, you'd become a socialist too.
I don't really know of any current left wing movement which is *against* immigration.
Care to enlighten me?
what a coincidence
i left the alt right and became a national socialist