I can't wait for Kirito's boyfriend and new girlfriend to be animated.
SAO Alicization
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Alice'a reveal as an IK will be hype as fuck as long as A-1 don't fuck it up
I'm honestly really looking forward to Alice's fights. If it's not a huge fuck up then we are in for some good shit.
>as long as A-1 don't fuck it up
Wishful thinking
Also said reveal will cause Sup Forums to be immediately flooded with "Saber-clone" shitposting that will only subside when the Fantino fight starts and it turns into "Do they all literally just have bankais? Is this Bleach now?" posting
Oh Well,
Fantino vs the Bros, Bercolli vs Eugeo, and the three main characters vs. Quinella and the Sword Golem will be super hype even with the shitpositing
I hope they don't rush the first few books.
That's honestly my biggest concern. Alicization should be more or less smooth sailing a few books in, but those first few Volumes are what I'm most worried about. Particularly Volume 9.
This better usher in an age of armor girls
Actually in preparation for those Saber clone shitposting, did Alicization in the Web Novel come out before Fate/Stay Night?
So what exactly happens to Alice at the end of the arc? Does she become a nonfactor on account of being an AI? Why did the other guy die but not her as well?
Not a chance
>Does she become a nonfactor on account of being an AI?
Nop, Robot body means IRL shenanigans
>Why did the other guy die but not her as well?
because unlike her he was killed to be fair, Alice "Shuberg" technically died in that fight too and went into the light with Eugeo, but Alice "Synthesis 30" survived
Around the same-ish time
Don't know when Alicization itself came out, but the web novels were published starting 2002 onward, while the Fate VN came out in January of 2004
I've never read the WB but didn't it come out in 2002? And F/SN was 2004? So there's a 2 year time gap for Alice's design to be conceived even before Alicization's release.
Alicization should have some of the best animated fights of the series if A-1 care enough to do them justice
So to sum up, she survived because the author needed Kirito to meet the quota for a new harem member?
>posted roughly the same information at almost the same time
The blonde boy is there to be cucked by Kirito?
No she survived because she is the living plot device the entire arc revolves around and so she couldn't die alongside Eugeo halfway through the thing because then there would have been no fucking plot for the next 5-6 volumes.
But sure, "hurr durr harem"
Have a picture of the cast in an actual harem setting
>Eugeo gets fucking included
Holy shit my sides.
I like abecs BUNBUN more than abecs abec.
Why not? He's easily the person Kirito cares the most about in that picture with the possible exception of Asuna.
Including his sister and adopted daughter
Which is why the next arc should should consist of 48 or 52 episodes.
Its A-1, they are probably gonna try to cram it all into one season and maybe a movie
Providing yet more fodder for the secondaries to complain about how the series is disjointed and akwardly paced, because they don't know the source material was hacked to the bone
I never realized how good these group shots are. abec really knows how to make them look comfy.
Hes there to be his best friend for two brain years and then die at the end, turn into a sword and then have kirito use him with his dual wield bullshit
Even after all these years, Lisbeth is still the best girl
My favorite part of most of them is how Yuuki is holding hands or interacting with Asuma more than Kirito is
Would you waifu an evil monster without a single redeeming quality?
Quinella did plenty of things wrong, but she has redeeming qualities:
a) learning you are an artificially made lab rat instead of a real human bean, and the "gods" that created you are just as fallibly mortal as you (and much less intelligent in most cases) and you are still somehow totally at their mercy gives her a HELL of a chip on her shoulder
b) She did keep the human world stable and safe for over two hundred years and would have beaten the forces of darkness with her OP as fuck Golems if not for the protagonists getting in her way. Sure she had to abduct a few people and mindrape them into becoming her puppets and transform a few hundred other people into swords. But needs of the many and all.
c) She is very soft
Quinella is the ruler of the Underworld server and High Minister of the Axiom Church. In an effort to obtain immortality, she fused herself with the Cardinal System of Underworld. After her success, she began corrupting the souls of the Underworld nobility by separating the nations and spreading ignorance and fear among the populace. After making the populace believe that she was a goddess, she created the Axiom Church and named herself the Highest Minister. Quinella brainwashed every rebel fighting against her government and the Champions of the Four Empires Unity Tournament. She also performs fatal experiments on innocent people in order to learn the secrets of the human units. After realizing the invasion of the Dark Territory was inevitable, Quinella confiscated every line of defenses from Human Empire in order to make the people more dependent on the Axiom Church. When faced with possible defeat by the Dark Territory, Quinella transforms thousands of people (including familiars of her own Integrity Knights) into swords and forms a Golem out of them, her victims conscious in their new form. She claims this action was for the safety of these people, but it's clear she shows no remorse for trapping these people in such a state. A narcissistic sociopath and a selfish woman, Quinella only wants to control everything in her reach, randomly killing and torturing out of both spite and her own enjoyment.
She has the longest list of crimes of SAO´s villains, she made experiments equal of worse than Sugou´s, she kill more people than Death Gun (or put them into a Fate Worse Than Death) and she totally wreck with the society of Underworld.
Of course, I don´t want cut the other villains, she has more resources than them.
Positive Traits?
None, she is just a ambitious selfish bitch who want control all, she try to make the golem of human souls to "protect the Human Empire" for the Invasion of the Dark Territory but isn´t for altruism, she want protect the human Empire because is her empire.
She show a huge Lack of Empathy and sadism, and lacks any sort of Freudian Excuse. She is rotten to the core and is the ultimate evil and the worst of worst in SAO.
>Kill of Yuuki
>Kill of Eugeo
Why do they keep killing off the only good parts about this show? Atleast Alice is still around for now.
Judging by the old webnovel Q&A taptaptaptaptap.net
SAO was in the early parts of the Alicization arc in 2005. I don't know if Reki sketched a design for knight Alice back then, or if that's purely abec's design.
Though personally I'd say that Alice's design has as much(if not more) in common with Agrias Oaks, or Chris Lightfellow as it does with Saber's design. Both of whom predate FSN.
Anime is going to have some interesting arguments and shitposts.
>experiments equal of worse than Sugou
At least Sugou's experiments ultimately only ended up with some bad nightmares.
Quinella ironically ended up being worse than the forces of darkness she was trying to fight back.
So do we have a Kirito selfcest doujin yet?
I need one
Thanks user
I expect we are going to have a lot of "Quinella did nothing wrong" type of posters.
Sometimes I wonder how popular Yuuki would be if she didn't die. I feel like part of why she's so loved is because she died in the same arc she was introduced.
Lisbeth is pretty fun. Her thirst for Kirito's D is off the charts too.
She's even more thirsty in the games. Luckily we can fuck her in bed to give her the dick she wants.
Fuck that would be hot
I just looked up those two characters and yeah Alice does look like a mix between them
I'm really interested in seeing how they adapt the prolouge. I don't think Kirito can die any later than the second episode. But it might have to be put off till the third considering what they have to fit in.
Judging by the gameverse and mobile games, she seems like she'd still be pretty popular regardless.
>Kirito uses two swords
>now this
Eugeo's existence was foreshadowed all along
Would Asuna approve of Kirito being bisexual?
Only if she got a slice of the Eugeo pie.
I imagine she would be okay with it under the condition that she gets to watch them go at it
Bless whoever made the decision to have Yuuki live in the gameverse
I want to go on a date with Sinon to the festivals.
>Go with post-Desu Gann arc Shinon to the festival
>She gets a perfect score on the air-soft rifle games without even trying
>Walk out with the biggest damn prize available
It would be fantastic
What kind of dates would the rest of the girls have in festivals?
Sinon-stop is canon megaslut.
>Luckily we can fuck her in bed to give her the dick she wants.
Lies from v-tier.
Handholding and resting her head on your shoulder
Pulls you into the woods behind the stalls to moke out
Plays that goldfish catching game the nips love so much and then makes you buy her a ball of cotton candy bigger than head
Challenges you to every single game available, stays genki whether she wins or loses
Just walks with you without indulging in any actives, but somehow does it looking so dignified and shit that everyone's attention ends up on you two anyway
Tries to confess, but ends up spilling spaghetti and ends up falling back into her imouto role with resignation.
Aoi Yuki is serious /biz/nezz.
So someone clear this up for me. Alicization is like, the author getting to properly restart SAO?
So is SAO full harem yet or what?
No, Alicization is simply a huge ass arc that comes chronologically right after Mother's Rosario/Calibur
Progressive is the reboot
People keep >implying this, and Asuna keeps staying the one and only victor
Asuna already won the dickbowl in volume 1. Everyone else is NTR fetish material.
I can't believe Kirito died.
this is great
I know I'll be outing myself as a newfag but where does this Forever Suguha meme comes from?
Kawahara has insinuated the next arc will probably have the usual harem shenanigans, with Alice (and possibly Sinon) getting in between Asuna and Kirito, in real life.
>I love Onii-chan, but he's stuck in a death game, I know I'll play a VR game too, to be closer to him
>Onii-chan woke up! But it turns out he loves someone else now. He will never reciprocate my feelings now
>I guess I'll just try to move on and give my heart to this guy I met in the game
>BAWWWWW He's actually my Onii-chan
forever suguha
Sucks to be Sugu
I'm going to be honest I felt really bad for her in that arc, I wouldn't have minded if she actually won the Kiritobowl
Wait people still watch this shit, Sup Forumsutism
Oh nice. The harem shenanigans are honestly pretty fun in the gameverse so I look forward to more of it.
>complaining SAO in the current year
You might need to get checked out for autism user
Thanks user. The Yuuki date would definitely be the most happy and fun.
>sinon finally gathering up the courage to try her luck
>alice capitalizing on the fact that she alone took care of him as a vegetable for half a year
i'm looking forward to this
You guys shouldn't get your hopes up, it implied pretty heavily that he proposed to Asuna at the end of the movie
>slid an engagement ring on her ring finger
sealing the deal doesn't mean shenanigans can't still happen. sinon might just want to tease him and alice might just be a blockhead
...right, it's been a while, I forgot how blatant it was
anyway, Sinon won't do shit, and Alice is an AI, when the crap is resolved and they go back to IRL Asuna will be like "lol cya bitch"
at least i have my fanfic
Does Alice even have any fanfics?
Sinon needs to find someone else who will love her and stop chasing after Kirito. She's too good to be going after a man who is already committed to someone else.
maybe Kirito would've let Eugeo in on the harem as an orbiter-male
How is Quinella any different from an average JRPG villain whose motivation is they want to join the ranks of God/ancient aliens, the only difference being that God/ancient aliens is a human lab researcher?
>letting literally full blown drug resistant AIDS into your orgy room
Isn't that dangerous
is there any other english translation that's farther done than Defan's
They should probably restrict the orgies to VR only
It's a promise ring, which doesn't mean anything is certain anyways.
Pretty sure Quinella is content to just rule over her empire for as long as possible. Her main desires lay in maintaining her life as long as possible, and keeping as close to the status quo as possible. Becoming a god was just one of the methods she took to achieve that.
Whatever happened to that one black dude that used to hang with them
Married and has a cafe.
prolly cuddling it up with his actual canon wife too much to be playing video games
He'll show up in the Alicization prolouge.
I would've liked to see that.
I know I shouldn't but I'm still slightly hoping that we get a harem ending
There Is But One Ultimate Way ova, when?
A harem ending would satisfy pretty much everyone except maybe those who hate harems but then I would question why they're still watching SAO in the first.
first place*