Your favorite One Piece character?

Your favorite One Piece character?

Whatever one I fap to when I come across them.


If you read any big three you need to go back to reddshit.

Not your safespace. Also
>big three
One Piece and ...?

Spike. He's got a nice boat. He sucks when it comes to women, though.

Goku from Hunter Hunter


Dragon ball, konosuba

Those don't look big at all. Dragon Ball only had 6 volumes

Dragon Ball is the franchise name too retard.

Eiichiro Oda


Kurono Kei.

Kei and Chadospero


I donĀ“t watch one piece
Hit me on the ground if you want

Big Mom

It's not big at all

Usopp. Please, don't bang me.


Franky. Cyborgs are always such cool guys.