What was this board like when the 12 episodes were being aired for first time? I sadly missed it
What was this board like when the 12 episodes were being aired for first time? I sadly missed it
Lurk for 10 years and try again, newfag.
>I sadly missed
You're clearly new here, fuck off and lurk more.
this faggotry doesnt even come close to answering my post you "oldfags"
Too much hype and reaction faces.
Lurk again when S2 is arriving
Most people already read the manga. I was surprised about the quality though, people were being autistic with the PV's and saying it was going to be shit and CGI.
just check the archives nigger
can i hab more reaction pics
Nothing special, trust me. There were both more and less famous shows that Sup Forums had much more fun watching together.
Lurk more faggot
How was it compared to that shitty 2k replies thread about Jiren vs goku
how do i archives from years ago
There was hype and people were surprised it turned out to be a good adaptation. There were also lots of threads shitting on it and the manga because it became popular, and you know how Sup Forumsutists work.
It was shit because it invited tons of newfags like you. Now fuck off.
No seriously, fuck off. We don't need your "quality posts" or other posters like you, really. I bet you spam forced memes and post in Dragonball threads too.
>i want muh Sup Forums to be top notch quality posts just l-like the o-old days haha xd
>hey guise wanna do some raids?
Who would have thought that the 2016 newfag doesn't know what an archive is?
>being this new
>expecting the board to do anything about a mediocre satirical series
kill yourself any fucking time, underage newfag trash
>people werent even here for OPM
Id say people began shitting on the manga because of the "filler" not because of the anime.
go to reddit and ask there.
We're not Sup Forums, dipshit. If you want to act like you're on Sup Forums, then you're welcome to fuck right off back there. Our elitism is what keeps Sup Forums as one of the few mostly unchanged boards despite our size.
>Our elitism
with what mods
battle shounen kids have overrun the board
>people arent here everyday of their lives
fucking normies am i right?
holy fuck, how new are you?
it aired for 3 months faggot
>waifu faggot shit 80% of the threads
>the rest is about trash series nobody watches
yeah Sup Forums is the best haha
That means you werent even here when the site was owned by moot.
Sadly he's right, Sup Forums is slowly turning into another Sup Forums. Any series that contain lolis are getting deleted/moved and the mods are letting the dozen of dragon ball threads run loose all at once. I fucking miss the day when Naruto threads didn't exist.
Sup Forums doesn't exist to serve you or your needs
Go search an archive dumbass
You know it's bad when the worst poster in the thread isn't the tripfag.
And such it has been for 10 years. Beautiful.
Now fuck off, or lurk forever. You are not welcome. Your posts are trash and you post like a retard newfaggot from Sup Forums.
I was full of autistic faggots spoiling with manga pictures. Thats why DBS is unique right now and worth lurking the threads, because the shit manga is behind the anime so no spoilers
DBS is shit all around and so are the threads.
Only go there for preview spoilers.
Get fucked secondary
>hurr durr spoilers
go back to facebook toeicuck, manga is different from anime
Dragon ball super is nothing more than merchandise. Everything is made in advance already.
Just fuck off back to wherever you cam from.
>DBS threads are worth lurking
You're not fooling anyone, Pablo.
Here's how you can tell that someone is not an Sup Forums native. They complain about spoilers.
For as long as I've been here this has been the case. People post spoilers whenever, take it or leave it. Also Lelouch dies. And so does L.
>Lelouch dies
Or does he?
>Also Lelouch dies
Lot of complaints about the comedy being mishandled. The timing was great in the webcomic and manga but came across as awkward and forced in the anime.
Mosquito Girl could suck my blood as long as she also sucked by dick
one thing is to post low tier spoilers that may not even be true like incoming episode names. Other thing is shit manga pictures posted everywhere that you cant even ignore.
Surely posted by lowly shits like this that are depressed and deliberately deprive themselves from any joy in their pathetic lives.
I say we make some use of this shitty thread and simply post the one anime we want to get a season 2 but will never get a season 2, I mean who the fuck even wants the magical baby arc? I do
Don't believe these OPMfags, OP
This series is already dead even when the anime was airing. It was just full of powerlevel shit back then compared to dead threads now.
Judging by how new OP is, I wouldn't be surprised if you just spoiled several newfaggots.
Fuck off with your meme cartdriver. Lelouch was dead until you faggots literally memed him back to life and Sunrise decided to stick with it.
Just because you don't understand the appeal of spoiler threads doesn't mean that those who do are depressed fucks.
I'm not even talking about the cart driver here. Stop assuming. Cart driver theory was always unlikely but everyone forgets this is the same series where Lelouch had his battle maid disguise herself as him perfectly.
There is literally nothing stopping Lelouch from Geassing some poor fuck into thinking they are Lelouch, slapping a Lelouch mask on them, and sending them on their merry way
Maou-sama was such wasted potential
>demon lord who conquered the underworld
>hurr he's actually a good guy all along
filthy secondary
>reading trash LN's
Darker than Black
A second season would be amazing. I really enjoyed the protagonist and the universe.
I thought he became good because he was a human now?
dead meme, just like your trip
>It was just full of powerlevel shit back then
that's how the anime ruined it, it was all newfags not the 'OPMfags', anime always brings in new cancer
Congratulations. You might be an even bigger faggot than OP. Dragon Ball Super threads are garbage and literally every single poster should be permabanned whether they're being "ironic" or not.
>implying anime wasn't trash
This thread has no OPMfags. We're all shitting on OP for being painfully new. Lurk more and an hero, faggot.
What is the appeal in literally destroying any sense of intrigue, thrill, expectation, or anything else you ruin by knowing what is going to happen in a series/movie? Instead of watching it like a normal person, you rather read shitty spoiler text on a shithole like this site
To see the appeal in that you either have to be depressed or be autistic
There was a time when Naruto threads didn't exist?
I could explain why he did exactly what he did for you in a lot of detail but I will summarise for you
>Maou's parents and entire clan are killed by some random demon
>Random angel notices that a demon is crying, considers it interesting and pities the demon, saving said demon and teaching it to be intelligent and all about tactics and letters and shit
>demon uses this knowledge to unify the underworld
>the now unified underworld begins to starve, as the lack of conflict means a lack of negative energy
>Demon comes up with the brilliant plan to invade the human lands in order to get negative energy, barely ever coming out of the castle he sets up as he is spending that time in an effort to understand humans, his generals are the ones conquering the continent for him.
>Demon loses and fucks off to earth
>Demon is now for all intents and purposes, a human who doesn't require a mana upkeep to survive
>Demon decides to use this as oppurtunity to learn more about humans, hoping to find a way to allow demons to survive without conflict or some shit
Also he didn't even kill Emi's father, he's still alive and is like a 20 minutes drive away. Also the angel who saved him is Emi's mother.
Maou dindu nuffin
DBS threads are almost pure garbage and shitposting.
They always popped up, but they """weren't allowed""" until a certain point.
Reactions and knowing ahead of time. There are arguably more people who like spoilers, than those who don't. And those who don't ALWAYS come off as self important twats who don't want you to enjoy something if they don't