American SA Volunteer General

Old bread:
This is for the discussion for the potential of American Volunteers forming a defensive militia to help White South Africans when the inevitable collapse happens.

Good thread yesterday on this topic. Problems were presented and solutions discussed. It would be good to get that going again.
So many threads on Sup Forums are memes or slide threads. This is one of those that can really grow some legs and do some good.

Also, fun flag ideas for patches / flags for the militia


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Other urls found in this thread:

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better quality of the first one
>inb4 MS PAINT?!
plz no bully

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bumping. important stuff.

I'm lazy, what was in the old thread?

basically lots of talk of logistics. Getting several hundred men over, should they slowly arrive by plane over like 2 weeks or all at one on a leased or purchased old vessel. Personally I like the plane idea, much easier to organize, but the ship has the advantage of being able to transport all the gear and equipment, saving time on the back end.

what about guns? training?

We talked about veterans / police holding equivalent ranks that they held in the military. a few dozen veterans with any sort of training and experience would be really beneficial in teaching small unit tactics, discipline, etc. I almost feel like a boot camp would have to be set up, a couple weeks of learning how to work as a team and all of that.

makes sense. I think the hardest thing is going to be getting hundreds of dudes, likely from places like Sup Forums, to put their life aside to go fight overseas, especially without the guarantee of pay

We would need to have backers back home or seize land in SA to provide revenue.

yea that's fair. I think there might be enough NEETs and college students though that might be willing to put everything on pause. they talked about '2000' men, but honestly even a few hundred could make a huge difference.
The SA military has about 94,000 members. As I understand it, most of their pilots are white, and I find it hard to think that they would participate in the slaughter of whites. Their military would likely be mobilized all over, putting out fires everywhere, so the main concern would be unorganized mobs trying to attack white towns. A couple dozen organized militiamen at each location could turn them away.

that was one idea that was brought up, trying to create a new nation within the old. Orania is in Northern Cape province, and is essentially a semi-autonomous white ethnostate of a few thousand. potentially, expansion from there could lead to the expansion of an ethnostate within SA. the land and resources could then be used for revenue, with hopefully enough crowd sourced funding to keep everyone going. Theres a billion white people on the planet I believe, and if 1% of them (10 million) gave $20 each, that gives the militia / supporting groups, thats 200 million to help create a new nation.

they talked about crowd sourcing. easy way to raise millions even

I'm only going to say it once.


Theres an unironic chance to carve a nation out of SA if it were to collapse. It's no different than what happened in the Balkans, shit that was almost 30 years ago and a new nation still pops up every few years.

how many whites are in SA? how many would actually want to live in an ethnostate? how much land would we need?

Bump. Has anyone joined the discord?

Around 4.5 million. Assuming half would want to live in our new nation, thats a decent starting point. white only immigration could help the population grow quickly, a few hundred thousand whites a year and the economy would be exploding.
Also, it looks like Northern Cape province, where Orania is, is about the size of New England.

Not sure. so far I think the hardest part is just getting commitments and working out the logistics. Also, pay is a powerful incentive. If each volunteer is offered 50k for a year of service, could be powerful. 2,000 men, that means about 100 million. we're gonna have to start playing the lottery.

can you imagine?
>be me
>browsing a Thai piano playing forum and failing at nofap almost daily
>wins 300 million in the powerball
>see this bread
>Invest it all in troops, equipment, other sources to fight in defense of SA Whites
>liberate and occupy province the size of new England
>self declared autocratic leader
>white only immigration, voting rights, citizenship
>dickey Spencer and the crew come along
>"Cool ethnostate user!"
>pay Chads stipend to immigrate
>roasties follow en mass
>White birth rates skyrocket
>within a generation, ethnostate established, millions of citizens, first world country, massive wall to keep out nigs

sounds comfy desu

shameless self bump

>dickey Spencer and the crew come along
Fuck, only whites that don't glow in the dark

gotta win the fight first. when does everyone think this will start off anyway? is there enough time to be able to organize something like this?

I like the don't tread on me flag the most.
Also, I'm in. how would this all work out do you think?

the hardest part is organization and logistics. getting everyone is step 1, getting them the supplies they need is step 2, and getting them over there is step 3. the actual nitty gritty, digging trenches, defenses, all of that is pretty straightforward. Getting everyone to actually get on that plane, or get on that ship, and make it over there safe and as intended, that is what's going to be hard.
Also, just realized, talking about getting a ship to send a couple hundred white boys overseas to liberate Africa. Basketball americans are always talking about ships that came from Africa with hundreds of black boys for forced labor. irony.

as in meds?

As in no CIA glow in the dark niggers. Implicity Dicky's a spook.

Just takes a website.
Also, kek about the slave ship joke

fuck man, I knew that. thanks for reminding me. alright, so normal huwhite men and only, no CIA nogs

lurk moar

>Orania is in Northern Cape province, and is essentially a semi-autonomous white ethnostate of a few thousand
LMAO holy shit you guys are going to have a wild time here

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care to elaborate, Boerbro?

is there no majority white areas where we could start our efforts?

Sounds like a good way to get declared a terrorist group. Any volunteer brigade that leaves should be prepared to never come back.

good point. thats why we want to stress the defensive nature of the group, the militia mindset. All it would take is a few false flags or bad steps though and it could all backfire.

would that help push the idea of creating a new independent state from areas within SA? like before the point was made about how the Balkans have changed alot, especially in the 1990s with all the turmoil. south Africa could split up as well, and a small area reserved for the millions of whites in that country isn't out of the realm of possibility

Is there a discord link?

Wouldn't work for America, the government would declare you terrorists and not let you return. Could work for Russia though if they decided to side with the Boers. Russia has a huge population of violent skinheads (half of the world's skinheads are Russian) and sometimes use them as mercenaries in Ukraine and Syria.

The only hope for whites in South Africa is by separating. Its should be clear to anyone multi ethic states dont work. Even more so when whites are the minority and don't control the government. Just don't expect any international support or sympathy. I can see it now, farmers could be murdering on a live stream and a cnn panel of nogs and kikes would comment about colonialism and apartheid.

I have spoken to a few people about starting a campaign of witholding taxes when shit starts getting hairy. If only 100,000 whites give $500 each (which is much lower than the average income tax paid montly) you could get $50 million in a single month.

The western cape would beby far the best place to declare independence, but the timing is horrible since they are suffering the greatest drought in decades.

you should be converting some of your assets into crypto. rand will end up being worthless.

Well I think most white South Africans are more "redpilled" than most it would be hard to get all of them to see the threat to move into localized areas and seperate

If it would be anything like Syria. Alot of people from Europe would go. A majority of the volunteer fighters were from different parts of Europe


>implying the saffers aren't thoroughly cucked
I mean if you all start shooting I'll show up. I know what that actually entails because I've actually read about the Bush and Border wars and that I'd basically be manual labor if I wasn't SAS before buying a plane ticket but hey, domino theory and all that.

don't include the apartheid flag or American flag, we need a new one. Worldwide support is needed for this to succeed and people are not at all sympathetic to apartheid.


don't make it easier for them, there is alot of distrust of the media these days so we want to make it as easy as possible for youtubers that are sympathetic to the boer struggle to defend us.

I was thinking something with animals and the normal flag colours like pic related:

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You guys are jumping the gun a bit. The first step is to make contacts with locals and local militias first. Then you can figure out organization and logistics. The hardest part is that the local militias themselves would have to do the leg work to build a foundation to get the ball rolling.

um sweetie...

the first step is always arguing about the flag

It may be of use to you guys to know that, albeit under much simpler circumstances, this has been done before. Quite a few Americans, especially Vietnam vets, traveled abroad to join the cause for Rhodesia. Enough made to have their own platoon(?) maybe regiment of Americans that were in the RLI. They were called the crippled eagles and it would do some service to research them. Although I can almost guarantee you that they simply went through the friendly old RSA which would have certainly turned a blind eye or even assisted with this. In both the old RSA and Rhodesia, the whites had the advantage of the establishment both militarily and economically along with many WW2 and colonial vets amongst the population. This is certainly not the case with Afrikaners today, who only have economic dominance. So any hope of having much more than ground troops is scarce, especially with their lack of international friends. The blacks would most likely get a fair share of support, but they tend to be incompetent no matter how much help. The whites would take all the economy with them especially agriculture which spells chaos for the blacks. Another advantage, which is waning every year, is that many older whites are battle hardened vets from the border and bush wars and are also armed.

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It’s also important to note that whites are scarcer but also closer knit together with superior resources in every way. It’s likely they’d have strongholds of some sort scattered throughout. This would likely be a lot of infighting between blacks more than anything. The political parties and tribes (ANC, EFF, Zulu/Inkatha, etc...) have quite some tension. The best hope for whites would be to step aside and hope for the blacks to tear each other apart like they used to back in the day. Hopefully this will end up with various ethnostates, particularly for the Xhosa, Zulu and Afrikaners/maybe coloreds as they’d side with them most likely.

That’s just a broad outline. I’m not really sure if this will really pan out and I really do think pol is overhyping it too much. But we will see and if it does, I can almost guarantee you the above. It’s impossible to really speculate the details though. We don’t know how the international community would respond. Maybe Botswana, Israel or a covert wester power would support Afrikaners. Maybe North Korea, China, Russia, and Zimbabwe/some other local player would try their best for some of the blacks. It’s a tossup and a tough call. Even when the blacks get help they fight a lot. Rhodesia had ZANU and ZAPU, each different tribes (Shona, Ndebele) and each backed by a different eastern power (China, Russia). They still managed to fuck it up and fight/massacre each other for dominance despite the common enemy they were supposed to be allied against.

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Very good.

Dankie broeder. Hou gaan dit? Goed? Ek is jammer ek kan nie afrikaans praat nie, maar ek leer.

Enjoy practicing when I can.

There also needs to be a list of all white mojority areas in S.Africa

There already is one. Easy to find. Mostly Western Cape, JHB, and CT. The rest are scattered in different communities or are farmers

Theres an opinion poll to get Australia to support the whites over the South African government. Please vote

this might help

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>Maybe Botswana, Israel or a covert wester power would support Afrikaners.
How do you figure, Schlomo?

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im both terrified and excited regarding what the future holds

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I'm going to add Art of War to my reading list. Even if I can't go I can coordinate.

Looking to discuss, discord unsafe.

Could we get any patch / flag ideas from related:

Just a reminder that the first 3-6 months are utterly vital, to cut off ARV supply will decimate the military which has an 87% HIV/AIDS infection rate (read 100%, there is still a white presence which should account for the 13% uninfected)
Also cutting off water simultaneously will cause them(talking about the greater black population) to either migrate in search of clean water or move to the closest river and live in squalor, which as we all know is as good as death for those with AIDS as TB and Ecoli will spread like a roasties legs...
Also recognise that the indigenous population is lower than it was in 1994 and the statistics have been doctored by the influx of foreign blacks, Zimbabweans, Congolese, Nigerians etc.
So what we must aim for is to get everyone in for opoperations as soon as tshtf so we can watch black south africa tear itself to pieces and help it on its way to extinction.

first we need to fix that fucking flag

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Once you get there you need food, water, and shelter. Don't downplay this and act like it's nothing, it's the most important part and it's going to be tough to find someone to feed hundreds of men in the middle of a drought. How many can even afford it?

Jesus Christ. Is this a new form of biowurfar? Also you really should have waited for a more confidential setting.

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