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Didn't watch the show but I loved the manga. It was a good coming of age story about a fully grown adult.
is there still any online sources of the manga in good quality? i cant seem to find them. the last time i read gto was 10 years ago in a tl done in my native language, which was shit.
>not getting the new UHD scans
Better than AssClass
Too long. Also, the bitch who accused and ruined the professor didnt deserve forgiveness (really?) but punishment and torture.
Got drunk almost passed out on the toilet and watched the whole anime. Cant remember much but watched the whole thing so I guess it was good.
Liked the first intro, watched almost the whole anime in 1 week very good old school art.
I wish they just stuck faithfully to the manga, the ending didnt sit well with me.
There was almost 100 more chapters to cover, i hope there are plans for a remake.
>make perfect first OP and ED
>they realize it and at least didnt ruin the pretty good second OP by making another one.
Also can any mangafag tell me why the kid who was in love with the awkward girl couldnt just tell her the next day at school he loved her? She just moved away in a bus, she didnt look like she would leave for good.
Anime ending is shit
Wish it would get a BD release.
only the best manga of all time
also the most amazing drama based off a mango of all time (1998)
All j-dramas of GTO are good really but nothing beats the manga.
Show is animated like steaming shit and I don't care because Onizuka is too likable.
I forgot how handsome he looks since he is alway making nonstoo funny expressions.
Shonan days if fun but the sporadic updates makes it hard to follow.
It's good. Manga is better. Shonan Junai Gumi is the patrician choice and the author's best manga/Onizuka.
shame about the follow ups and the way he's still beating the dead horse
that was 27 years ago... older than most of Sup Forums
How much did the shouan junaigumi leave out from the mango?
Is it worth a read?
Was litreally just thinking about making a thread for this. I finished watching recently.
God damn I feel so bad for the Vice Principal, I mean yes he's a dirty old man and an ass to Onizuka, but seeing his students, wife and daughter all treat him like shit and all the misfortune that comes his way just made me want to see him get a happy ending.
Yeah fuck that bitch, even with her sob story she was still irredeemable.
And not ever seeing a follow up with Murai confessing to pic related was a disaster.
Literally the greatest OP of all time, bar none.
Does that happen in the manga?
I would love some sort of spiritual successor.
But i know deep down I just want them to make more of the same thing. It was one of my first shows when i started watching. And nothing really filled the hole.
>5 episodes trying to adapt 28 vols
What do you think?
What do they not cover?
It'd be more accurate to ask what they covered. Maybe 5% of the manga.
felt bad for him and his cresta that got fucked up
>muh cresta
Onizuka saved his smile in the Kanzaki suicide arc
Also poor role model.
Why is that a bad thing?
He's not really a great teacher, but I guess Great Life Counselor Onizuka doesn't have the same ring to it
For whatever reason GTO has a passable dub. Is the manga better than the anime?
>and torture
t. virgin
One of those series that needs the Brotherhood treatment. So many people write the manga off in the west that it's insane. It's a whole half of the story they didn't experience. Do a good Shonan Junai Gumi adaptation while you're at it.
>watched GTO and loved it
>fell into a void of nothing being as good ever since
>read the manga about a year back]
>it was even better and gave me a love for the things I enjoyed again
>back to not enjoying things when I finished
It was too good for this world.
>fell into a void of nothing
im here right now desu
He was my first husbando.
But now that I am two years older than him and have come to the realization that he is what I will never have.
I loved him so much, but it is time I let go before I become old enough to be his mom.
Onizuka was my first and only.
I can't bare the thought of growing old without him.
I have resigned myself of husbandos, I can't go through this again.
>But now that I am two years older than him and have come to the realization that he is what I will never have
I have come to the realization*
Fuck, I cam't even type properly with thr way I am feeling
I am done.
The Urumi arc was one of my favorites
Onizuka is basically the ultimate dude. Deeply perverted and lazy, but with strong morals. Fundamentally good person at heart. Could have easily banged several of his students throughout the series but doesn't. Does his own thing, doesn't take himself too seriously. But is responsible and serious when it counts. Goes to bat for the people he cares about on the regular. Is willing to risk his life several times to do so. Doesn't lie, doesn't BS. Doesn't take BS from others as well. Follows through on what he says, not matter how hard or painful it is for him.
When Sup Forums talks about manliness and thinks muscle autism, edgy fighting and violence is what makes a man a man, I can't help but shake my head.
How is the sequel
Only watched the old drama and read the manga. Been meaning to give the anime a spin, but no time...
manga and drama were 10/10. Shame about the manga's sequels which didn't seem to go anywhere.
good luck user
now i go to bed. dont let thjs thread die.