Why do they always make kid show JCs so sexy?
Why do they always make kid show JCs so sexy?
Little boys need to masturbate, too.
Why don't you get banned? Thank you.
Why would i get banned? I make this as a legitimate question about the use of the trope of making attractive female leads in kids shows.
>Talk about JCs
>Post a JS
What's the name for the little girls that go to school with those yellow hats then?
>talk about sexy
>post cute
reaction image
JS- Ellementary
JC- Middle school
JK- High school
JD- College
no wait, JY I think
youre correct satan
It means they will surely be sexy when they grow up too.
If it wasn't for children's anime I'd be gay right now
>grow up
That never happens.
Fumika is JS.
>Youkai Watch character
What is that, collaboration event?
>im still mad i missed out on the ghost mount
go back to Sup Forums btw
yes though dosn;t answer, what the hecks a JCs?
they brought back the event this year you have 4 days to do it.
>the amount of grinding you need to get the sperm mount
look up how much you need for the glowing sperm mount.
Young boys need someone to project their budding lust too. An it better be human, if you don't want for them to fap on antropomized squirrels some years later.
If i was still subbed i would, quit after the fireV nerf. you have made me want to play my lala again though
> JY-Kindgegarden
> JD- College
Do Japanese actually use those? Have seen JS, JC and JK a lot of times in LNs and on forums, but have never seen JY and JD.
You could probably find JD in 3dpd porn catalogues but i wouldn't know myself
They aren't used as colloquially as JK or JC, but that's just the abbreviation of what it would be if they were used.