After recent events, I think its time for Hiro to shut this board down or at least temporarily suspend it.
After recent events, I think its time for Hiro to shut this board down or at least temporarily suspend it
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Called it. This was a psy op to try and censor this website.
Not at all, if we want to preserve the white race we need to keep our men alive faggot
Just fucking kys you absolute retard. Do that and this place will become more CANCEROUS than it already is. It's a FUCKING CONTAINMENT BOARD
I'm mean we are all Nazis here and /r9k/has killed WAAAAAAAY more people than we have.
>Just fucking kys
Thanks for proving my point
You'll never know who's going to take that seriously.
>white race
You're so jewish you cant even hide it.
If they want to wallow in their despair and kill themselves, let them. Also /r9k/ is a containment board.
>implying this suduko an heros are anomalistic in Sup Forums land
lmao faggots
You're the Jew
What did I miss? I’ve been ripping my hair out all day of crypto
concern troll gtfo
The Jew is immunized against all dangers: one may call him a scoundrel, parasite, swindler, profiteer, it all runs off him like water off a raincoat. But call him a Jew and you will be astonished at how he recoils, how injured he is, how he suddenly shrinks back: “I’ve been found out.”
In your case, I wouldn't lose sleep over it.
Why didn't this kid get help, I would have taken him out in the desert dropped some Lucy and he would have forgotten about it.
An R9K subject killed himself
Given the quality of "people" this site attracts I'm surprised we don't have more an heros
You say that, but you would be traumatized and devastated
I work in the medical and security field, see dead people and hopeless people everyday. I literally feel nothing, my sorrow was spent years ago.
hi mom
And i'm the governor of Montana.
Crazy that Something Awful had more spree killers than Sup Forums did across ~15-20 years. You would think the opposite
Why tf is this relevant to Sup Forums lol
What because a guy killed himself?
Why do they bother screwing around letting retarded people into the IDF? Wouldn't it be easier just to make them exempt from service instead putting them in uniform and parading them around like they're making a difference?
Because we are a community retard.
pol would only find another board to shit up until it was back up though
If Israel needs retarded people and is attacking Orthodox Jews because they're protesting to stop being forced to join the military then Israel is a doomed state and Trump draining the swamp would make him the "Best President for Israel" ever.
no. you're a jewish shill trying to set a narrative.
Because taking their board away from them right after a regular there offs himself is going to do WONDERS for any healing process somebody might need there, right? Fuck off with this nannystate mentality which is bound to do more harm than good.
i have no love lost for /r9k/ and the pathetic faggots that dwell there but the only one to blame in this situation is the weeb that pulled the trigger
>healing process
lmao, you said that ironically and accuse anyone else of a nannystate mentality
After recent events, I think its time for you to leave this site and never return
More like governor of r/faggot
Look, you never know. Some people really need to talk through things. Taking their board away “because it’s probably the right thing to do, it might be dangerous” is complete horse shit. You’re deplatforming a shit ton of people because one guy went mental.
fuck you and fuck anime faggot. I hate everything on Sup Forums exempt Sup Forums
That's becuz Sup Forums is full of larpers, while /r9k/ is full of genuine autists
That dude was pure goblino dead americano. You are JIDF.
de* but I guess auto correct has to get its kicks somehow
Yeah he was Mexican and an anime faggot
>Quick, somebody shut down pol! This kid is gonna’ kill himself!
The only board that should be shut down is this one. With right wingers committing more terror attacks in America than any other race, toxic far right nazi forums like this one should either be forced to remove and ban anyone who spreads hate speech, or be shut down.
Discord actually did something similar to that recently, shutting down multiple far right communities and I hope Hiro would consider doing the same.
If you shut down /r9k/ it will just spread to every other board. Thats the only reason fucking moot brought it back so centralize the feels threads. And no one fucking knows if he was an /r9k/er or not an /r9k/er he might've been cause he was a faggot weeb shitskin
Sup Forums was right
cia btfo
You’er mom gay
Why, so they can flood Sup Forums like they(and /new/) did with Sup Forums??? FUCK THAT
Ban assault boards now. #enough
I think the faggots trying to say it was fake are shills trying to cloud those who just browse or maybe even sell a news story later
Just sayin'
What goes on over at r9k? I don't want to look for myself.
that's sad. not surprised though, went to that board just to see what the hell it was and everyone was complaining about not knowing what cunt felt like. It was like the inverse of Sup Forums
Sadness , self loathing , extreme women worship / hatred , and lolis . Constant whining , it's a sadness board , where black pilled virgins congregate . Very few good threads , if at all . Every post must be "original"
Also /r9k/ is just a board, you visit boards according to your mood, if you spend your time on depression central you are already depressed, lurking /r9k/ can help or make things worse making you talk with likeminded people.
The same way Sup Forums don't make you anything, it just correspond to a certain view that you want to see more of at a particular point.
Boards aren't communities
Do people really feel anything personal when reading anything on the internet? I don’t get it. We are here discussing ideas and opinions. Regardless of their morality, legitimacy, or veracity. Have people become so thin skinned that something on the internet offends them so much they just can’t bear to look away?
Thoughts aren’t crimes and ideas aren’t criminal. What one does to themselves is nothing but personal choice.
Honestly, the world is a fucked up place and there is a lot more worse things happening in the world that needs to be discussed. A mentally imbalanced and impressionable teenager’s suicide is no one’s fault but himself/herself.
Personally it feels like some kind of distraction that it is being pushed and spread so hard. There is a lot happening in the world. Including a lot more crueler and more gruesome deaths to people who truly don’t deserve death (from the hands of another). This makes me think this is all a psy-op of opporuntiy.
i just arrived, why do we care about some random 56% la creatura killing himself?
I think it’s something to do with internet bullying.
Wow didn’t know that it was true that french people were actually faggot pussys, thought that was a meme
Because people with a soul do
Shinobu is best girl.
r9k breeds degeneracy and depression. Those fags who browse that board are pushed to becoming huge losers. Let's remove r9k, it's a faggy circlejerk.
The only thing you should be thinking when looking at that face is "we told you to go back".
Fuck no this would create more refugee crisis and all lefty cucks will invade this board
I don't support that erratic mango.
Oh wait you're op
Haha fuck off kike
Why are you even on Sup Forums
go back to r****t, Sup Forums is an anime board
i'll go you one better and vote to have Sup Forums shut down too. then we'll all fuck off to dblchan and the mods there will ban 9/10 of the posters and then we will rule the world
Why are you?
Are you dumb? This is the CONTAINMENT board,
Without Sup Forums, the entire site becomes Sup Forums
ew, then r9k would be here.
>I'm mean we are all Nazis here
Speak for yourself asshole.
The entire site IS Sup Forums
>Visits mongolian cave painting board
>Doesn't realize some people here observe mongolian cave paintings
>Thinking containment boards are a thing
Mods can actually just do their job and ban any toxic bigotry on other boards and nothing will change. Reddit has banned many racist alt right subreddits (uncensored news being the most recent one) and you don't see those users flooding the other subreddits.
yeah. people always think Sup Forums will crash the site.
But Sup Forums has absolutely nothing on the sewer that is [r9k]
So from what i understand some weeb killed himself because of /r9k/.
So what?
You're posting this everywhere. We see you glowing faggot.
/r9k/ was generally my "home" board for several years after I grew tired of Sup Forums. Over time, I slowly came to read redpilled things and now I split my time between /r9k/ and Sup Forums. /r9k/ is best viewed as a containment board for folks who've seemed to lost almost all hope. It's a lot of guys who are very directionless in life and have little in the way of long term goals and social/family support. I think half the board is filled with people trying to figure out if it's all satire, and the other half have simply exiled themselves to the board due to self-imposed or socially imposed isolation. I find helper sums up the general "feels" of the board quite well.
How do we know he was a regular poster there?
At least /pol kills others and not self
>florida bang bang
I say leave it there - 'cause I'm really interested in guys like this one --
His death note was "bye r9k", or someting like that
If he should shut down any board it should be this one
>I think
Nobody gives a fuck about your opinion you hugh mungus faggot
>don't see users of banned subreddits flooding anywhere
How long have you been here newfaggot? Banning political dissent all over the internet is how Sup Forums came to dominate Sup Forums.
theme of this thread
I'm pretty they banned a small niche subreddit for hating fat people and then someone shot up a church. Pandora's box is dangerous.
he literally fell for the robot meme and killed himself to fit in, lmao what a faggot
That board is the personification of cancer and self loathing. Personally, I think Hiro should make a self-improvement board and delete /r9k/ altogether. Not to mention /r9k/ is a cursed board and you shouldn't browse it under any circumstances.
Lol weeb bitch got btfo by life.
Problem is as Sup Forums isnt exactly a new community there are vets here and newfags. The age gap is so vast you can literally have a 36 year old telling a 15 year old depressed cunt who is sad because Stacey won't look at him to kill himself. It's a sad state of affairs that cunts suicide that young. Call me a moralfag and whiteknight but this poor cunt was too young to put his life down the end of a shotgun. Feel for the parents.
3 still needs more
fuck off zog
I am a newfag. What does that bord stand for?
>What does that bord stand for?
to, "we're full, fuck off "