Why aren't you watching the episode?
I want JANNU to ____.
Dance with me.
be replaced with a competent Ruler.
She's French, not an Eleven.
She also talks in Elevenese, though, because of reasons.
Anime with Jeanne Alter when?
How do I get into Fate, where do I start?
Not soon enough.
In which language are they even talking in this series, Romanian? I highly doubt it can be anything else considering that one of the masters is just a random prostitute.
Read the Visual Novel.
>Chuunibyou Demo Ruler ga Shitai!
12 / Would watch.
>it's an SoL of Jannu and Jalter bickering while in their undergarments
I'd rather have a SoL aof JANNU ALTER and Saber Alter.
Your Saint for the weekend.
Any limits on my requests?
What's the difference between Fate/stay night and Realta nua?
Fate/Stay Night is the Visual Novel, while Realta Nua is the version that has no sex scenes in it.
Realta Nua has voice acting, a remixed OST, and no sex scenes.
Where's the best place to get it? Vndb?
yo anyone know the song that plays on episode 14 when the dude finishes the golem? It's kind of like a slow version of the theme, but I can't find it anywhere
Which servant out of all servants has been given the worst treatment?
I'm thinking Ushiwakamaru. Horrible fucking design, and a backstory and personality that's an exact clone of Saber.
>Horrible fucking design, and a backstory and personality that's an exact clone of Saber.
I didn't know saber was an imouto who only wanted headpats and didnt understand anything else about life. Interesting take on her character, user.
>autist that doesn't understand people
>so competent everyone follows her
>abandoned and betrayed for being too perfect
It fits
Jeanne wasn't that bad in GO.
>used to undress in front of men, never felt love or attraction to any in life
>suddenly meet a random boipussy and acts like a highschool girl
I know Fate isn't about historicity but really, that's one shitty adaptation of Jeanne.
a character is worth more than their backstory, it turns out
Not even Fatefags can defend the shitshow that is Apocrypha
Isn't it partly because the girl Jeanne is possessing likes Seig?
This is my Saint for the future
So Jack the fucking Ripper is now a whiny little brat?
You can't prove that wasn't the case.
Partly. Jeanne has her own reasons to like Sieg.
Vlad standee
>their backstory
Backstory can be great, though.
why are archers so fucking op
>used to undress in front of men, never felt love or attraction to any in life
>suddenly meet a random Yuri CGDCT girl and acts like a Yuri CGDCT girl
>fuck off, a Saint like Jeanne being thrown for fanservice, yuri and yuri/waifu panderig as in F/GO.
I know Fate isn't about historicity but really, a Saint like Jeanne being thrown into fanservice, yuri and yuri/waifu panderig as in F/GO, that's one shitty adaptation of Jeanne.
Not even delusional fgotards can defend the shit mobage about ''waifus'' that is FGO.
What did the cartel do to Apex?
When's this show going to stop trying to make us care about the bad guys?
The only bad guys here were Darnik and Celenique, and are Shirou and Semiramis.
I don't think GO featured any actual Jeanne yuri pandering outside of fanart.
The double-standard of user:
>due to development falls in love with a boy
>immensely strong, but loses the moment one faceless thug shows her the cock, and is brutally raped and humiliated throughout the whole doujin.
>"B-but I've fapped once today, a-user!"
The whole family was in on the conspiracy. I will not accept any of that "I was just following orders" bullcrap.
Not really a fan of either
comparing it to a doujinshi is just wrong annon
The problem here is that Jeanne fell for some shitty, boring, pathetic kid, rather than a manly thug who conquered her by force.
In the end of the day, it all comes down to this, user.
Is that Apex?
And this is what I meant.
I love it. Let her finally face justice.
Her character is so bland and boring it doesn't even fit a romantic model but they did it anyway. So we have this awkward out of character highschool romance theme between two protagonists with the charisma of a sack of potatoes out of no fucking where because, well just because.
I don't care if she's a saint or heathen, this romance subplot is horrible just like the whole show. Apocrypha is a shit stain to the Fate franchise as a whole.
To be honest servant/non-servant romances are one of the worst aspects of Fate in my opinion.
Although I like when Fate characters act like proper master/servants like Archer and Rin or Richard and Ayaka where highschool shit romance isn't even the focus of their characters and master/servant relationship. Well, there is barely any romance in SF in the first place.
Yggdmillenia did nothing wrong though
>Reika dies first episode she came back
It’s not fair bros, at least she was based enough to shoot Sieg.
This show is so bad it's not even funny anymore.
>there's nothing wrong with starting a war
Sieg heil, my friend, sieg heil.
Break on one week, really killed this threads and shitposters.
>"background / subtext" yuri.
Did you forget?
Better luck next time.
Please Pablo user, nobody is talking about Gudako and gudao, so get out.
based =/=a coward slut acting with bad faith and fired a shot at person who helped her.
Please seek psychiatric help and and stop attending reddit.
>These Apo shitposts and memes are so repetitive and bad they aren't even funny anymore.
Censored sex scenes, new OST,voices, some new CGs, and a handful of edits to make it fit in a little neater with Fate/Zero and the voices. Mirror Moon patch should get you the best of both.
Martha too.
When Pope John Paul II calls blasphemy against the Saints t an “eternal sin,” it means a sin that God will not forgive to all eternity.
Cause I can't find any subs and I don't speak weebfag
I tried to watch this shit show and couldn't get past the first 10 mins of exposition
this, subs are late this week
The date scene was quite cute.
>Weebfag doesn't speak weebfag
The fuck am I reading?
[UTW] subs is pure shit
Because Type Moon is a shitty franchise.
It really displeases me to see that guy with her. Literally anyone would be a more competent suitor.
Fiore a cute.
but retard-kun, Sieg doesn't suffer from gynephobia and doesn't even blush in front of waifus as their favorite self-insert beta harem Mobage/Eroge MCs.
there's your problem right there.
Yet the homunculus is infertile and destined to be a cuck through artificial insemination/asking a friend for help, if they ever get that far.
Is Jack the nippah actually a hag?