If you had access to the twitter account of @realdonaldtrump, the president of the United States, what would you tweet out?
Trump's Twitter
His name was Seth Rich and he was the DNC leaker.
@Wendys if I get 100,000,000 RT Free burgers for everyone today.
I'd call Obama a nigger.
Hello fellow Americans,
Today's a great day-today we're announcing a partnership with chainlink, BUY CHAINLINK BUY AMERICAN.
"Check 'em"
9/11 was an inside job, ggwp everyone is red pilled.
I heard from NSA head that my impeachment is the go code for several groups. Best of luck to ZOG after I'm gone. If you're a citizen they got a fema coffin with your name on it. Haha, well, cya!
Just this. No words.
>yfw da bears win da superb owl!
Paternity test confirms I'm Chelsea Clinton's Father
"Traps are gay."
I'd fuck my own daughter before I let a NIGGER touch her!
I just took the best shit. It was huge. Believe me.
>fart niggas be like 'oops i shitted'
>im a jew pedo commie satanist frog whore piss cuck incest rapist anchor baby refugee lazy fat cunt liar coated in 100% kosher cheese powder
jews did 911
>of some 1,750,000 Jews who succeeded in escaping the Axis since the outbreak of hostilities, about 1,600,000 were evacuated by the Soviet Government from Eastern Poland and subsequently occupied Soviet territory and transported far into the Russian interior and beyond the Urals.
stormy daniels did my balls. i hate the jew college. i love the jew college. what can bibi do for you? drain the frogs that live in swamps and so forth and so on
"The Purge begins now and will last for the next 48 hours"
Child and human trafficking is one of the biggest problems in our country gone completely unnoticed by the majority public. We must find who is responsible and put them to death.
He's already done this.
"Flashback: Can you believe this dumb bitch ran against me?"
Starting now the government and ICE will pay bounties for illegal immigrants, $1000 per person, and $1500 per DACA participant. Must be alive to get payed, Lets Keep Americsa Great
You beat me to it.
What would happen to someone who gained access to his Twitter?
Banana memes
I wouldn't tweet anything, I would sell it
Depends on if their liberal or not.
10:35 pm: "Bill Cosby is honestly a great guy. @(some member of his staff) remind me to pardon him.
10:45 pm: "All I'm saying is that if we dropped 300 pounds of anthrax on Shanghai, it wouldn't be such a bad thing."
11:15 pm: "Ok, fuck it, I'm done with Afghanistan. Starting tomorrow, I will be concentrating the entire military force if the United States to finally getting rid of that landlocked shithole."
11:30 pm: *dick pic*
12:00 am: "So apparently China didn't like that anthrax quote and it honestly makes me want to do it even more."
1:32 am: "On behalf of the president of the United States, who fell victim to a coma recently, I, Jared Kushner, will be taking full power over all branches of government effective immediately. I will also ban green paint and declare war on Canada."
That last one might be kind of long, so it'll probably be a series of tweets.
Rights for whites only.
>I pressed a big red button and now a ton of alarms are going off. Good luck, rest of the world.
Missing: one briefcase
Identifying mark: Property of United States Department of Defense
Please return to White House or Pentagon.