man this Amber kid needs better parents or something, always getting kidnapped holy shit
Bump, I approve if this.
I got this on my phone. What a bunch of dumbfucks. No race, hair color, eye color of the kids. No race or appearance or age of any suspected adult. No last location seen. Useless.
Amber alerts are controlled by pedophiles. Maybe they're warning of impending raids
Nigger names, Roby and Washington.
Amber Alert senior community happiness manager here, what's your tip?
If these are chiruns and not children, idgaf.
amber alert means they've already processed her and are looking for a buyer
imagine being this much of a paranoid schizophrenic
Good looking out nigga, i'll change cars
Why are kids that young driving a car anyway? Where are the parents?
Virtually all amber alerts are non-custodial fathers overstaying their visitation. I have them disabled on my phone.
I get what you're trying to do, but was it really worth a thread?
We're sorry, we could not process your tip. You must include the pizza type and ingredients along with your tip.
i get what you're trying to do, but was it really worth a post?
We're wasting bandwidth here, at least post a mildly interesting picture or maybe a funny pasta
>pepe pictures aren't mildly interesting
shill/jew/nazi/alt right/libertarian
I think we can all agree on one thing
These alerts are so fucking Annoying
Ugh, here kid let me show you how it's done.
Careful with that
>posting amber alerts on Sup Forums
anyone to whom this information is relevant got the alert boomer faggot
What year is the Malibu? I had a white one. Good car, decent V6 and good mpg
I am only talking out of my ass but I assume a big reason this works is because the kidnapper gets scared as fuck seeing the kids he took show up on his phone and everyone's phone so he panics and dumps them at a gas station to try to get the heat off.
In America more people go ((missing)) then die from car crashes, over dosing, cancer, obesity, guns. COMBINED. Really make you think. 50%!ate children. Missing children data base 75% have no picture
a Sup Forumstard abducted those kids