China cute.
China cute!!
China cute
Rewatching this show has got me thinking. Who is the target audience of this show? I know it's a meme question but seriously who were they aiming at. Did they seriously create this and think it would be ok for kids to watch. I forgot how much yuri was actually present in the show (which I don't mind).
Also forgot how funny it is, it's been years since I have seen it but I am still laughing pretty damn hard each episode.
>Who is the target audience of this show?
Single males in their mid 30s.
People like us
>Did they seriously create this and think it would be ok for kids to watch.
It probably aired at like 1:00AM.
Ayano a best
>Who is the target audience of this show?
Gay little girls.
Little girls and grown men.
Cumming inside Sakurako!
Virtually all these seasonal CGDCT anime are targeted at adult men.
They air in the middle of the night when everyone normal is in bed.
China is the best!
China is a pervert and should be kept away from other Yurus
Has anyone who makes moeshit also made stuff for children?
>blocks your path
Ayano a CUTE but something about her makes me want to see her suffer
Yeah, your definition for "cute" is probably sick. You sicko.
I want to make love to China!
China would look super cute in a diaper.
China shit.
China shit!!
China pee.
China pee!!
CHINA PEE!!!!!!!
pissfags pls go
>One Yuan has been deposited into your account.
So, Sup Forums?
I want to molest this bully, so that she stops being mean to poor Kyouko.
>Drinking a huge beer mug of tea
China is brave. I can't even drink a teaspoon of that.
It's pee, and she's offering it to me.
Rapists can't be cute
They're just playing.
Akari was asking for it.
ching chong chang
>that hit the spot!
Whenever I fap to Yuru Yuri official art I cum so hard my legs feel weak afterwards.
I wish I could say the same. The yurus are hot as fuck, but I can't fap to yuri.
I want Chinatsu Yohsikawa's sweaty pussy region on my face!
Why is she so best?
I can only fap to picture of Akari's tight butt because I can't see her judgmental face watching me sin.
chinatsu is pure evil and eats little children
The first part is a lie. The second one, not so much.
Akari's butt is not for lewd!
Get in line.
ayano is so hot it makes me wonder why she didn't get raped yet
Seitokaichou is the cutest.
>Ayano thinks she can replace her.
Mega qt quiet 15-year-old student council president!
tfw no doujins of sensei and seitokaichou making each other explode
Reminder, there are all kinds of people in the world.
Fuck off, attention whore.
akari is a nigger
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Yui a cute!