Is this dare i say the most edgiest anime series of all time?

Is this dare i say the most edgiest anime series of all time?

>10 times dose of weed will kill you


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Japanese weed is stronger than Western weed.

This is wrong because on my trip there that shit was trash

Is it because it's folded over 1000 times?

No, but it sure is boring as hell most of the time.

That last 2 mins of the 5th movie was pure Kino though

Nah it's just Japanese ignorance of drugs at work because apparently it's rather rare there.

Just skip the Miura movie and KnK becomes a 10/10.


Edgiest series of all time for one dumb line?

I liked it. It was good.
Mikiya should have died at the end though.

What is the edgiest anime of all time? I think I'm down for it.

Mars of fucking Destruction

Nah, there's that one about the guy in post-apocalyptic Earth who fights monsters using a special suit bonded to his body. His sibling (or was it just fellow student?) also has one, but it required them to change their gender to use it. It's just full on gore and sex all the time. Shit gets nasty.


If you look closely enough you'll notice he survived tho. It's attention to small details like this that distinguish me from the average folk.

5th movie is the only outstanding one. Every other movie is fairly mediocre if not, like you said, outright boring, with the only redeeming aspect being the big budget visuals and sound

Enjou was too good for that series and world. Motherfucker went out like a boss.

>Sup Forums has already forgotten about pitter patter

times dose of weed will kill you
It was literally magic weed.

Also Mikiya survived you moron, maybe you're too stupid to understand but this faggot was out of his mind so not everything he said makes sense.

>skip the movie that talks about Mikiya's origin and the title of the series

Wow, secondaries are at it again

Gonna need you to find the name user.

OP is a faggot; post best girl.

Pretty much. Some of it was like the rest of them, but even in that case we got Not Shirou instead of fucking Kokutou who was a slight improvement.

More like a major improvement. Dude had an actual personality.

The 10x dosage was referring to the strength of the Origin-converting magi-chemical that the marijuana was laced with, not THC.
This is "people die when they are killed" all over again.

The birthplace of meth is telling me that weed kills you. Ok.

>the only redeeming aspect of this work of audiovisual media was every aspect of the outstanding audio and visuals

Apocalypse Zero

I was just thinking of that one. There were a bunch of edgy OVAs in the 80s and 90s, but that's pretty high up there.

Really, anything tamer than Elfen Lied isn't even worth mentioning in terms of edginess, and KnK isn't edgy in the slightest. Fucking classic Go Nagai stuff from the 70s was edgier, hell, the original Getter Robo manga was edgier.

Poor Japan. Even carrying a joint can get you 5 years of prison with hard labor.

"Uppers" are very popular in Japan, as they keep you awake so you can do more work.

How big of a dose would it have to be to actually kill you?

Times twenty.

In Thailand carrying drugs can get you the death penalty.
All this shit is relative. Also, as people have pointed out, in the context of KnK it was magic weed made by Araya that completely fucked up your nervous system, so the argument is pointless.

Surprisingly difficult to get Ritalin or other methylphenidate variants there, though. Can't get it for ADD, only shit like narcolepsy.

wtf i love ANN now


I remember reading that cannabis-based drugs have grown in potency by a factor of >1000x since first introduced to the West.

It doesn't actually seem far-fetched to me that a further 10x dose of it is really harmful, and literally anything can kill you at certain concentrations.

Movie 5 fucking sucks, the basic plot is a complete mess even if you have knowledge of Alaya, the counter force, and the Root

I seriously don't why people ignore just how little everything makes sense on the most basic level

>My biggest quibble with these movies is that you can tell ufotable hadn't quite figured out how to adapt Takeshi Takeuchi's style to motion yet – he has a unique way of drawing faces that scrunch into something uncanny if not drawn precisely right. It's fun to compare The Garden of Sinners to more recent works, like Fate/stay night: Unlimited Blade Works, where they really got those down pat; that's not to say that this isn't an impressive production and gorgeous pretty much throughout.
The most egregious part of that review. KnK 1-7 was the only TM-Ufotable production that didn't suffer from adopting Takeuchi's style, all the other ones including Mirai Fukuin have horrid detail reduction and rhinofaces.
Takeuchi should've learned from the KnK Ufotable artists, not the other way around.

weed makes people into psychopaths, in irl and anime too, get over it niggers

Shiki rapes kokuto everynight now that he can't run away.

It's not rape if I like it.

Magical girl raising project.

>Magical girl raising project.
Wow, that plot summary sounds edgy.

In what way didn't it make sense? The presentation is superfluous, but the actual flow of events is really straight-forward.
>Araya tries to reach the Root through repeating death scenarios in the Ogawa Building, with assistance from Alba
>Isn't working, deliberately lets a pre-programmed Enjou-replica escape so that he'll find a bring Ryougi (who Araya has identified through other Demon Slayer clan members as possessing the trait that connects to the Root)
>Touko figures out what's going one and trounces Alba, but underestimates Araya
>Enjou succeeds in bringing Shiki who gets captured and cut off from space-time
>Mikiya and Enjou go back to the mansion, Mikiya gets wrecked by Alba, Enjou gets wiped by Araya
>Touko 2.0 shows up and kills Alba, saving Mikiya
>Touko points out the flaw in Araya's plan, putting someone who can cause abstract levels of damage outside of space-time is a dumb move
>What she doesn't point out is the even STUPIDER thing was putting the vessel for the Root in a state where he wanted to awaken the Root, so the Void Personality obviously wakes up and busts out
>Araya gets trounced by Shiki for his own stupidity and hubris (and Shiki's inability to tolerate non-humans, which is the idea whiich was build on for the Nanaya disposition in Tsukihime)
>Shiki, Mikiya and Touko all go home
>The end
Really not that hard to follow.


Movies 3,5, and 7 are all kino.

Shit's pedestrian compared to the likes of and .

>INFJ problems
