Future queen of england

>future queen of england

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Blacker than Obama

The bitch I couldnt stand on that piece of shit show, Suits. Its poetic.

The royal family is going to suicide her, just like they did with Diana.

She'll get Diana'd don't worry

Um, that's not how royal lines work, sweetie. She and any of her potential children are just an off-branch of the royal family that will never take the throne.



Mixed race beauty.

Why do you still LARP as a monarchy?

Not only is she not in the direct line to inherit the throne but I doubt the monarchy is going to exist after Charles. People here are espousing more anti-monarchist ideals, especially the young leftists.


Nope buddy, the future queen will be Camilla, wife of Charles (William and Harry's father).

After he passes, or should he chose to turn down the throne it will go to William and Kate, then to William and Kate's son and whoever he marries. It will never pass to Meghan Markle or any of their progeny (unless someone dies or has no children).

Better her, than some slavshit whore

That's not how the Line of Succession works you retarded Amerimutt.


ya but she's all-american

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she looks like she had plastic surgery and lost too much weight.


>Harry's father

and better-looking than any woman 99% of Sup Forums would get

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>(William and Harry's father).
He's Wills father.
James Hewitt is the father of Harry


Good. Anglos deserve to be genocided for their crimes against the white race.
Never forget what they did, regardless or not if the jews gave the order.

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I'd prefer an English white bird instead of a slavshit whore as well.

krauts were worse




Everybody says there is this RACE problem. Everybody says this RACE problem will be solved when the third world pours into EVERY white country and ONLY into white countries.

The Netherlands and Belgium are just as crowded as Japan or Taiwan, but nobody says Japan or Taiwan will solve this RACE problem by bringing in millions of third worlders and quote assimilating unquote with them.

Everybody says the final solution to this RACE problem is for EVERY white country and ONLY white countries to “assimilate,” i.e., intermarry, with all those non-whites.

What if I said there was this RACE problem and this RACE problem would be solved only if hundreds of millions of non-blacks were brought into EVERY black country and ONLY into black countries?

How long would it take anyone to realize I’m not talking about a RACE problem. I am talking about the final solution to the BLACK problem?

And how long would it take any sane black man to notice this and what kind of psycho black man wouldn’t object to this?

But if I tell that obvious truth about the ongoing program of genocide against my race, the white race, Liberals and respectable conservatives agree that I am a naziwhowantstokillsixmillionjews.

They say they are anti-racist. What they are is anti-white.

Anti-racist is a code word for anti-white.

1.The monarchy of England is not legitimate, as legitimate monarchs only descend though the male line
2.Being a nigger is less of an issue than being a commoner
3.english monarchy has been an abomination since the magna carta and deserved to be abolished (along with the island sinking into the sea) after it broke from the church to look the monasteries.

The royal family feels like the last vestige of any kind of culture we have left. Remove the monarchy and what are we even really as a nation? We have almost no cultural identity beyond that.

Is this el goblino or la abominacion?

They are, but that doesn't make the traitors any better. You know who dies first, american nazi.

Queen consort is a worthless position.

I don't know. I've seen the pictures, but after looking at Harry and Charles, they have the same nose and eyes.

Is britain really sinking into the sea

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how do I get my skin to have that pulled tight leathery look?

Yeah, keep the royal family.

It's better than America's situation which looks up to the Karjenners instead.

It really is a shame. We had something good going for a long time but then we fucked it up with importing millions of people from inferior cultures. Now we even arrest people who speak up about that - there's a reason 1984 was set in Britain.

be inbred

I'm sensing a pale dork who doesn't get a lot of sun.

Now the UK is irrelevant time to give the crown of europe to the netherlands, spain or denmark, they have pure blood

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>We have almost no cultural identity beyond that.
god people like you disgust me

It's even worse than 1984 tbqh

at least in 1984 the native anglos arent genocided and replaced by shitskins

it's amazing how accurate le 56% meme is sometimes

in 1984 the boot was stomping on a people with a human face. We are brave new world territory.

Fuck, I never even thought of this one. This is spot on. Every thread on here may as well be a UK hate thread.

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>implying if you're right I'm wrong
did you pass high school?

Haha, yeah, I never looked at it like that. At least in that book you'd share the same culture as everyone you were oppressed with and could still sneak down the pub for cheeky pint with the based proletariat just like Winston Smith did.

This. She would never rule. Queen consort is the highest position she could obtain and queen consort is just a polite way of say "the king's cum rag".

Go outside user.

nah man we're all fucked, it's not just UK or Germany

yaaaaaaawn is that the best you can do? like could it have been more obvious I was looking for tanning tips? maybe give me some advice instead of white knighting some bitch who doesn't give a fuck about you

How now brown cow

It's true, though. I'm not saying it should be like that, but British culture is largely empty at this point apart from the monarchy. If we tried to organize some kind of British pride day event, you could be sure it'd be shut down before we even started browsing venues.

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SJWs will kill charlie, will, George and Charlotte.
OR the first 3 and turn Charlotte lesbian

At first I thought it was a pornstar. She kind of hot to be honest. And seeing the British royal family getting blacked will be priceless, I want to thank her just for that.

pls no kill George

I have a good feeling about that lad

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She is obviously a white person in a chocolate body. And dont forget gorgeous..

Monarchy in Britain is all fake though. It was overthrown by the gentry and reintroduced by the gentry

Pity that the Royal Family decided to boycott the world cup. We'll miss you sweeties!

Have literally no opinion other than posting this picture within the appropriate context

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Führer George, the dragon slayer, when?

British royalty is abolishing itself. Nature's way

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The virginity is strong in this one.

Genetic diversity is rather good thing, considering the state of genetics in that family during Victoria`s rule.

Sure, fucktard shitposter. Statistically, trans youth commit suicide so all we have to do is wait you out

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la aberración...

Refer to here.

Fuck off Mutt.

Can't be any worse than the current queen.

it's not appropriate.. cheddar man, despite not being that dark, is not a mulatto, is not half white and half what we now know as black. cheddar man is ancestor for a lot of native europeans, in one way or another, and has no resemblance to africans or mixed-race people of today.

Well, no, it is. She can be Queen if her husband is King. Because King > Queen.

The opposite wouldn't be true, however. Were it a white female who married a non-white male, the woman would be Queen, and the non-white male would be prince (never King, as it supersedes Queen.)

Depends on how black the babies will be I guess

No she would be queen consort, not a queen.

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Te monarchy would probably go down with Charles rather than after him, wouldn‘t it? Not that he‘d make a particularly bad king, I just fear the age of he British monarchy is over. It made political sense when he nobility still controlled the government but now they have lost their political function and the ceremonial function will follow some day.

Take a gander at her stompers

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The „A ruler made decisions more than half a millenium ago that I don‘t agree with and therefore proclaim to have caused developments I also don‘t agree with but which the ruler could never have foreseen even if the argument was true“-approach to history.

Wow, germanic aristocracy, how beatiful!

Let‘s not fool ourselves. All things put together she is gorgeous. A good thing that most mulattos are not. If the National Geographic had put people like her on the cover and not las luces extinguidos then we might have a problem.

She will only be queen of England if she gets a time machine, goes back in time 500 years, murders queen Elizabeth I and then takes the throne by force

she looks like a washed up stripper and her feet are disgustingly disfigured. and im not even a feet guy.

Anyone with even an ounce of animal blood is literally not human and shouldn't be protected by law, legally discriminating against a German for example is no different from discriminating against a horse.

Yeah boi! I'd hold her foot flat, shifting my head around to first the right side of my slut-hole. By now I got a few toes in, then run my tongue underneath, hoping to catch a hidden treasure between the underside spot between the toes. With half her foot in, turn my head to the left and jam the rest into the trashcan that is my mouth. Going all the way down, doing my best to reach the heel, tonguing, and sucking, like I'm trying to suck daddy's love out of her callused corned nigger feet.

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>It's true, though

>British culture is largely empty
you mistake a comfortably complacent people for being one without culture.

>you could be sure it'd be shut down
this is a complacency vacuum filled by jews

Your culture is your history. If you think that's boring, then kys. You're told you don't have a culture, because you can't see it in front of you, or hold it in your hand. brown people do though, right? Dancing in street festivals and spicy food? that's their culture precisely because they don't have any history. Read a book, and study your culture, faggot.

She's white. What's the problem?

Hm, I do agree a bit with the washed up stripper. In a few years, maybe.

How is it to discriminate against muslims, poo in loos, niggers and chinks? Ah, you wouldn‘t know, after all they are your government.

she looks like a neanderthal...

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>She can be Queen if her husband is King
depends on the monarchy. Foreigners cant in Denmark only natives can carry that title and get the privileges that goes with it.

that ginger headed cunt will never sit in the throne even if the monarchy doesnt die with that piece of shit elizabeth. her family would be literally die of shame if they were to see the state of her legacy and britain.

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hopefully it goes down when he's king for maximum ownage.

>if her husband is King.
but her husband won't ever be king

No digits, shes going the distance. She has been carefully selected by a jewish matchmaker for whatever reason. Shes probably going to give birth to the antichrist. Look at all the time shes clearly spent trying to straighten her hair trying to look white

I hope not but fear it will if the wrong kind of crisis develops.