What if it's good

I guess we'll find out

What if you weren't a disappointment?

I wouldn't be posting here that's for damn sure


most of the time when I hear "is this necessary" I question where they are coming from to make such a question

but in the wake of the sequel to FLCL2, is that necessary?

Are the ears speakers?

Adult Swim doesn't have the shoulders to make it good, check Samurai Jack reboot.
It's ineluctable

Is that actually a still from FLCL2? That's horrendous.

It's updated for modern times

You could have made millions but you chose to piss away your time here.

That was because Gendy just wanted to end it. He never thought he'd be going back to it after the initial hiatus.

Who knows. Maybe, but I don't it will be Half good as the original one

FLCL is one of those anime like Haruhi, TTGL and BnHA that people inexplicably got hyped about for no reason when it was still fresh, but which didn't age well at all.

What if it's shit?

Haruhi and TTGL are legit good though.

BnHA is just people wanting their Naruto/Bleach fix.

FLCL is just people wanting their shitty Avant-garde anime fix.

At least we'll get some sweet Pillows tracks.

>Haruhi and TTGL are legit good though.
What's good about them?


FLCL was supposedly to end entirely, within the 6 episodes released. There is no reason for there to be a season 2.

Bland as fuck.

>missing the point of FLCL

FLCL, Haruhi, and TTGL have aged like fine wine

I'll shitpost by saying it's not.

FLCL, Haruhi and TTGL have aged like pop tarts. Still palatable after 12 years, but stale and tasteless.

I bet you anything that's her design before the insanity kicks in.

If I recall that panel from over the summer correctly, her dopey guy friend is the one that grows horns in season 2. It sounds to me like he's the Naota stand-in and she's the Ninamori stand-in this time around. It'd be a nice change of perspective, imo

FLCL is objectively the best anime of the century.

There’s probably going to be an enjoyable moment here and there, at least

What if Despera comes out?

I hope it does.

But you know it won't. The same is for FLCL2 being good.

It’s ridiculously generic

What is it then?

An anime made entirely by directors and animators with no writers to speak of.

I wish I'd known sooner (but maybe it simply isn't my particular cup of tea)

>not knowing that rabbit ears for are better signal reception

Try to give at least 13 examples of anime that aged well.

But it won't be. Once the original time has passed, it's always bad and stain the history of the original. This is why JIBUN WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO won't be anything of note when it does come out.

Definitely not Naruto, which has gone from shit to shittier.

Then I'll be damn happy.