>I voted Trump
>I am Catholic
>white (Lithuanian-Finnish-Scottish)
>blonde-hair, blue-eyed
>24 years old
>dating hot half Mexican,part German, part Greek girl
>men treat me like shit
>no really, they treat me like a dog in China or Brazil in the ghetto of starvation
>I have tried to save the white race, multiple occassions
>they have all been utterly repulsive, and highly-demanding or too needy
>ie, guys who grew up in trailer parks think they are more high class than someone like me who grew up in richest neighborhood
>I'm considering insemination, this way I can pick the height, race, hair/eye color of the men who donate
Ask a white, right-wing Catholic lesbian anything
Other urls found in this thread:
Whats you're bowling average?
>Good question
>I don't bowl
>men treat me like shit no really, they treat me like a dog in China or Brazil in the ghetto of starvation
yeah. sucks that most guys are scum. you should only go after guys that don't have sex or have only had it once or only had it with their gfs. well honestly it's hard to find a good guy because a lot of them are hypocrites. sorry fellow men.
what's your handicap in golf?
>Thanks user
>That's really good advice
>I will take that with me
>I don't play golf
>only futball
What's the best film in the alien franchise?
pisau tavo mocia
Wow you sound like an entitled slut
well desu there are probably good guys that have a lot of sex but it's probably rare. dude idk man dont listen to me idk how this all works. if you want a good guy tho ill put money that they havent had much sex
>I can only give you horror film recommendations
>Unfortunately, my grandma or aunt or even momma have not taught me Lithuanian
>but I can cook some zeps!
>May I ask why?
you can't call yourself white or catholic if you don't play golf you entitled, race mixing butch. Get off my fucking board you fucking normie.
alien is horror what the fuck is wrong with you
>Catholic lesbian
No such thing. You are a /leftypol psyop trying to undermine western values. Fuck off faggot
>Greek woman
wew, enjoy that feta cheese with fucking hair in your teeth.
tits or gtfo
Seriously, what the fuck
>Thanks and I'm highly feminine, hair down to my waist, high heels, city trekkin thru Europe all dressed in black
>oh, my bad, my experience has led me to believe otherwise
>She's not sure herself, but she is half Mexican.
>My name is Anna
>May I ask why?
>they have all been utterly repulsive, and highly-demanding or too needy
Tbh maybe you need to fuck some aussie chads
fucking disgusting.
>>I voted Trump
>>I am Catholic
>>white (Lithuanian-Finnish-Scottish)
>>blonde-hair, blue-eyed
years old
you blew it
congrats, you are satan whore
I think the only Lesbian I would consider offering a sperm donation to would be Alice Maz. She is a freaking genius. That being said I don't think I could because statistically Lesbians aren't great parents.
Who are you quoting?
what are some examples of horror films that you like?
how do guys treat you like shit?
Should they treat you better, knowing you're a lesbian? Why would they do that?
Why would a guy invest into you knowing you're not going to give him pussy?
What makes you think you're that interesting?
She said she's already had utterly repulsive mate
OP check out Carlo Gesualdo's Responsories for Holy Week. It's a good listen.
>Catholic lesbian
That makes no sense...aren't those mutually exclusive?
>I'm sorry, my mom has limited my international galactic level to only Lithuanian men, as well as local men.
>no Lithuanian men in my town to mate with
>local men r gross
>too many germs and the balls are heavy
>if it helps
>no lesbian acts in my entire life
>still hoping for man to swoop in
>um me lol
>psychological, diabolical, paranormal
>my fav genre are classica Americana horrors
>like Texas Chainsaw Massacre
>No, no, no.
>They do not know I am a lesbian, I don't tell them
>but if it helps
>I put in extra effort, more so, to be with men than women
>ie, never once had a boyfriend
Looking forward to burning in hell you heretic?
You may have been born catholic but you are defying the written laws of the text.
There's no hope for you unless you repent and forego your sinful ways.
If you are attracted for people of your own sex, there is a problem with you, not the men you dated. Of course they probs were awful, the majority of people are, but to change sides is not natural and is not their fault for not being able to breed.
>in a way
>but gay is just sin
>we all sin, different ways of sinning
>ie, hedonism is sin, and I know lots of straights who gossip, get jealous, assault neighbors, etc.
>I believe they are equal to me in sense of "sin"
>like we are no different
>I have scapular
>I will never burn in hell
>I put in extra effort, more so, to be with men than women
how? What do you do? How do they respond?
You still didn't answer my first question,
how do men treat you like shit?
btw this is possibly the dumbest roastie-posting i've ever seen
Good luck to you, from a fascist.
they know.
also ivf clinics sometimes "screw up" and give you retarded or nigger sperm
r u butt ugly?
if not, u can find a guy.
bigger deal is kids should be raised with their mom and dad.
>they try to be typical
>"mean guy" to make me jealous/want them
>to me, it feels like abuse, because I already want them, and just want to move forward
>do other things when they "want" something
>but pretend to not know me in public
>just fake and phony
>Thanks user, good luck to you as well
no sense.......
You can't be Catholic if you're a degenerate lesbo. Also sage this faggot thread.
There are venial and mortal sins I think, I don't think there are degrees of sinfulness you know like it doesn't exist on spectrum like autism.
>I agree
>mens influence can be the difference
>but if you are like my father....different story maybe
>Maybe, but hedonism is a mortal sin
The pope is right it's not his place to judge anybody, judge not, lest ye yourself be judged, of the same accord, ya know?
I don't know if I've properly watched the original but the one with Matthew McConaughey was meme worthy. What others would you recommend?
how secure are you in your masculinity?
Not really asking anything, just agreeing that trailer trash, or as we call them, housos, are some of the most entitled pieces of shit on earth.
So how do you feel about Stephen Hawkings death?
Yeah, people are that stupid. Call themselves catholic and defend promiscuous behaviour. We all sin, but to defend the practice of sin and be catholic is a paradox. Some even defend abortion, like american "catholic" liberals.
Given that you are likely a unicorn in rarity, and I know you, why the fuck are you so unconciousably a bitch to me at work. We agree on religion, politics, basically everything, but the constant snide bullshit remarks and pure cuntery has to stop. No amount of "hey, look at this thing Trump did" changes that you are the worst kind of person on earth.
>>but gay is just sin
That is right its no more sin then straight people cheating , in the old testament both would be put to dead
if you act on your gay impulse that is sin and for that you will be judged
You must read your bible better
>1Judge not, that ye be not judged. 2For with what judgment ye judge, ye shall be judged: and with what measure ye mete, it shall be measured to you again. 3And why beholdest thou the mote that is in thy brother's eye, but considerest not the beam that is in thine own eye? 4Or how wilt thou say to thy brother, Let me pull out the mote out of thine eye; and, behold, a beam is in thine own eye? 5Thou hypocrite, first cast out the beam out of thine own eye; and then shalt thou see clearly to cast out the mote out of thy brother's eye.
>Thank you fellow user
>Some anons think the Pope is like a king or ruler
>similar to monarchy
>but he is much more like democracy
>really nice guy who doesn't want to judge anyone
>makes you think
>If I get my netflix up I will say
>Not masculine at all, very femine
>ie, dresses very nicely
>most masculine about me is my love for history
>like just got back from France and Spain
>planning to go to Europe this fall
>it's purely educational and relaxational more so than party and do degenerate things
>THANKS user
>fuck the poor can be so nasty
>glad Stephen Hawkings is dead, no sadness or anything
>I read some of his works and opinions around age 12, ever since not a fan of him
just convert to protestantism i know they allow heresy
For what you describe, it seems that you are just looking fior man who are too young. The stupidity goes away by late 20's for most guys and late 30's for most chicks.
can I have sex with you?
>Some of us place value of religion on some things
>Some of us on others
>Like myself, am judged by people everyday, by people who have cheated on their spouse, have divorced, etc.
>those things I would never do
>but it's much more normal to do so
>silly initt
>I don't treat anyone at work like shiite
Everything wrong with this post. Gas yourself.
She wants to marry you
Post tits or gtfo
nice larp mutt
>>ie, guys who grew up in trailer parks think they are more high class than someone like me who grew up in richest neighborhood
>she thinks she is better than them because her parents made some money
You deserve to be treated like shit desu
>white knighting this hard
>I would never go to a Bulgarian city alone, or out at night, if that says anything
Should I go for a 308 or 300 blackout build for my next AR.
>I know nothing on guns
>white (Lithuanian-Finnish-Scottish)
¡La Creatura!
>I am Catholic
Can't be both. Go to confession and repent.
If you're scared to finger a ball, how will you ever please another dyke?
308 is a bit more of a common caliber, but the parts are generally more expensive. 300 blackout is a bit less common, but I can use cheaper and more commonly available AR15 parts. I do not load my own ammo if that affects your decision at all.
nah faggot im not a white nite
look, instead of being a lesbian, why not just try a penis to see how it feels?
I will gladly volunteer mine, free of charge. You can take as much time as you need with it
is your girlfriend also catholic / christian?
1 Corinthians 6:9-11
Or do you not know that the unrighteous[a] will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived: neither the sexually immoral, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor men who practise HOMOSEXUALITY, nor thieves, nor the greedy, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor swindlers will inherit the kingdom of God. And such were some of you. But you were washed, you were sanctified, you were justified in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ and by the Spirit of our God.
This is my redpill. no matter what the girl, loser, popular, pretty, ugly as fuck. they only want to be disrespected. they dont give a fuck about guys who legit care about them
>Hey daddy
>I just like Catholics better
>They will tell me, "it's just a phase, you'll get through it" over a Protestant that says "I'll never speak to you again in our town population of 100"
>I do daily
>like some days, 99% of the time, my GF and I aren't dating or anything
>we just act out classic European paintings
>just really good friends who spend most of our time with each other
>never discuss feelings or do sexual things
>just natural
>never will I
If a self professed identitarian of one who's lineage extends to that of wealth and exclusivity, and yet manages to interact with described trailer trash males, you should hear some news:
You either go out of your way to interact with said trailer trash, or live next to trailer trash for immediate access. Either way you're trailer trash and your arrogance is huge.
I wouldn't pay to have my cock covered in her disease ridden cunt's slime. I only date my fellow anglo's.
Tell us what your father did to you, age and which holes. T.
>our relationship isn't sex
>we don't even touch
>we just love each other very much
>refer to each other as girlfriend
>spend time with each other
>look out for each other
>literally less homo than what you imagine
>sorry so boring
>we were both very popular
>guys treat us both like shit
>what is public spaces
>what is small towns
>typical abusive father
>thought he was a drill sergeant
>broke my 12 y/o brother's ribs
>never raped me
>just a drunk who beats up children and hospitalizes them for weeks with broken ribs, black eyes, the like
>all these people saying she's going to hell for being in a relationship with a girl
do you all think Christ Jesus' sacrifice is so powerless?
No in fact, Christ's holiness is immeasurably greater than our sinfulness. His strength is stronger than our weakness.
We are all sinners, but we are saved by a perfect God. Have faith in His mercy and trust in His forgiveness
>I do daily
Got it. Larper. Not actually Catholic. I rate 6/10. Not terrible. Could use some work.
Please Don’t have kids, you sound insane.
whoops didn't mean to quote anyone
>I meant to ask god for forgiveness in my prayers
>I'm white, going to make 7
Not to burst your bubble, little missy. But is that good enough of a reason to conform to sexual lust anyway? I get that quite a few men are despicable, but that goes without saying, so what if ya found a better girl? I could say the same about a dude. But homosexuality is a damn sin in your religion, and you want artificial insemination at that too? What kind of mad hypocrisy is that? You can still save the "muh white race" if there will be any left, but find yourself a man and if that fail, get a cuck boi and get superior semen from someone else and raise the kid right.
Also, i cannot understand why these desperate fags above me are treating you so nicely, as they say, white knighting even amongst the most hardcore...
Anyway, I wish you good fortunes and stop calling yourself Catholic too, cause you aren't one.
If you live in a small town and decry even some of its population as trailer trash, you're both geographically and literally no better than them.
Your elitist attitude makes you sound like you think you should be worshipped before giving access to your fishy Lithuanian cunt. You sound like a tart that'd have piss water dumped on her here in Perth.
>we were both very popular
idk what to tell you. well i actually i do now. popular guys are mostly losers. good guys are hard to find because they are reclusive and they dont think good girls exist or at least girls that care about them enough to where they text them first, even if its the second or third time
Yeah they didn't respond to my line about Tenebrae either
The bible only explicitly condemns man and man laying together.
>I meant to ask god for forgiveness in my prayers
Like I said larper. No Catholic would make that mistake. Confession is a sacrament and requires more than just simply asking for forgiveness.
Do you ever shape your chewed bubblegum clit into a benis with rubber bands? You could bang away on your pillow and feel all giddy.
>our relationship isn't sex
Why should anybody care about what someone with such profound cognitive dissonance has to say?
Every man is a lesbian.
I am lesbian too. Why need to mention it?
you are worthless
>watching porn alone is a mortal sin
>let alone spreading your seed on the floor and not in womb
>that means men on Sup Forums causes women to be lesbians
>if you've ever watched porn, that is equivalent to being a homo
>debate me
>well you are British
>I'd have no idea
Ivan is right here, get a qt lesbian bf instead
What's wrong bud larp not working out as well as you wanted?
>Okay, Pavol