This is cirno

this is cirno

she just transferred here form /jp/

please take care of her

Other urls found in this thread:

OH NO! Cirno has turned into a slut.


Sorry but Sup Forums is closed to refugees. She has to go back.



Did something happen to /jp/ again?

Only if you promise to take the stupid fucking kong back.

I have a feeling she was already like this

oh no!

they're coming for her!

Cirno is a damn baka.


>actually got it
damn baka, you ruined it

check my nine

tfw no more 9 ball unicode



>being correct at math
get out of here you baka

is she really the strongest?

She's preety good at dodging danmaku, but not at making it


someone didn't play the latest touhou

even a broke clock is right twice a day

or once a day in japan

Reminder that the Cirno is /bant/'s mascot and not /jp/'s
for those that did not see it on 9/9 this year
how the fuck did that even happen

A stopped clock is broke twice a day. A broken clock can be right more, less, or never, depending on the manner of it's malfunction.

/Bant/ is filled with bakas, duh doy

Not even the strongest fairy anymore.

thread theme

Post more bakas



go back to the trash can that /jp/ is


I haven't been in ages, but /jp/ was one of the last bastions of Sup Forums oldfags. I hope the fort still stands.


How sexy is Cirno?


I'm surprised ZUN actually killed her off.

I can't believe Cirno is fucking dead.

She learned it from her master, the Prime Slut



Get that hurt fairy some 9s

why is cirno so appealing?

I have never played the game and have no interest in it

but damn it I am fascinated by her

Cute idiot

closet pedo

>No more tanned Cirno.
Cirno is no longer perfect. What should I do now?

e-mail Zun once a day a haiku about the perfection of Cappucirno

She's now pure again

I always found it funny how Cirno is way more popular in western countries than in Japan.


A simple design and a fuckton of fan material, which makes it feel fresh and not stale despite being from a 2002 videogame
It's literally why 2hu is popular in general


I'd like to have a cup o cirno

so cool and refreshing


Does ZUN have a public fanmail?

lemme help you with that a bit

poor froggo


So what actually canonically happened in HSiFS? As in, which character did what?


So anyone believes that she will placed first in the next popularity poll? Somehow beating the sisters and the two colours?

i bet that bitch came straight from /bant/


Cirno is the overlord of Sup Forums, all boards are hers

How great would real life be if tea bags were actually little fairy girls?


I'm gonna melt every fairy in this thread.

But what if you're a fairy?


How's that supposed to work?

I'll simply blow the fire away!

I'm immune to your bullets.

what would it be like to live with cirno?

It would be pretty chill

As with all games, it's obscure. By assumption, most would just go with "Reimu solved the incident", but that outlook has always slightly faltered with the release of more periphery works. Like with Marisa having large connections to the underground as well as having solved the UFO issue.

Marisa generally always seems to get plot hook endings as of late as well. The Yukari encounter in LoLK and the Okina tease in HSiFS.

However Reimu always holds knowledge of all incidents as well as reputation for them. If anything, this would imply player characters actually stage a cooperative effort, but none of that is ever present in the actual games where each player character's story in solo-centered. However many times the endings aren't necessarily contradicting besides for the individual being responsible for solving the incident. The exact nature of what really happens is always obfuscated due to this.

ZUN simply likes it this way now since the open-interpretation has become a bit core to the series. Years ago, I used to have a theory of Marisa and Reimu being the same person with split personalities due to all this ambiguity.

It's kinda cool.


been thinking about putting a cirno sticker on my car

Yeah it's always been ambiguous but this time all four playable characters mentioned fighting the dancers / Okina so I'm not sure how it fits together. I guess they could've just all fought on completely separate occasions since Okina wasn't ever really defeated.

He did worse, he killed her tan

ZUN giveth and ZUN taketh away

>Years ago, I used to have a theory of Marisa and Reimu being the same person with split personalities due to all this ambiguity.
>When Marisa and Reimu fight each other, it's actually a mental battle to see who will take control
I know it's false but the thought amuses me.

Reminder cirno was stronk enough to throw down against okina and not necessarily lose. The strongest indeed.

the strongest


is this baka good for anything besides cooling my computer?


I like grown up Cirno

Cooling drinks

Having a nice drink with.






really makes me think...

Luna Child is the cutest fairy.


Melt the ice fairy!