
Have you already accepted Kaato as your main villain?

She hasn't even done anything.

She killed a kid

Haven't read since the leaf stand, but wasn't jobin the or his dad the mains antagonists?

She didn't let best boy suck her tiddies

Norisuke was probably going to be originally, but he's now a protag. It now seems like Jobin and his mom will be the main non-rock antagonists.

Thanks for the answer. I can't enjoy the scan so i only buy the release but one volume per two-three month is too slow..


Actually that's real main villain Jobin thank you very much.

Gappy and Kaato are not related by blood.

She made him bury the kid alive. and that's what killed him She's just as responsible.

Bullshit. The main villain is Joshuu and you know it.


She dundu nuffin


A pump and dump

>Tfw no rock bf
I'm jealous of Jobin.
I am both saddened and relieved that there's no lewds of Tom yet. Dolomite and Urban got some pretty fast.

I recognize that filesize

Why the fuck? These people are getting lewds when the one who has the least and deserves the most is Tsurugi

wtf is up with that dwarf rock human.

I know there was an user who drew Yasuho/Urban at one point too. Might have been the same one who did the "Anything for kfc" picture. I recognise the chicken scratch.
Now you made me think of Yvlish's Tsurugi/Yasuho with the weird face.
Also I'm pretty sure Tsurugi has more lewds than Hato floating about. I know a good 4ish in existence but don't ask me to dig them out.
>Rock Human skin is moist and erotic
By what Urban said too, they are the same as the better kind of lube.
As for the age changing?
Might be native rock human thing like Yotsuyu's eyes or Ozone Baby can just spout some form of illusion just by being near it.

Reposting information from the 'JoJo Bizarre Mansion' interview.

Thanks for the second part of the interview, that was exactly what I wanted to know.

Based madman

That's not that bad actually. I should visit /y/ more

What chapter is Jojolion currently on?.

I need "THAT" Gappy gif

Don't do it, one single good pic isn't worth it. But you can help make the JoJo threads decent by posting good shit.


God, I miss season 1's style so much


Don't post low quality pics

Just for you



Objectively the best one
The excessive shading of SDC didnt fit with the animation and the DiU artstyle felt weak ,rushed and cheap

Would Stardust Crusaders look better visually with this art style?

I dunno
I don't like Jotaro's rendition that we see in that card game

>horse shit
was it worth it?

>loving the UGLY

Post jojo memes


You baka

chapter sebentee
i believ

I think the shading was fine. The drawings were the problem, that style was too over-the-top.
Nah, probably not. If it was a little like a mix between that and season 2's style, though...

That kid was a total shithead and deserved to die tho.

New rock niggers are appearing, so most likely not. Jobin is their puppet.

Remember when Josuke used Soft & Wet to remove the properties of things?

That was him tampering with physics with the spin.


I saw that spinning bubble

Araki is building up his greatest hax yet

Sewer Rat will be the true main villain.
He's been shown only engaging in minor degeneracy and villainy, but in the end he will go full blown psychopath

I miss when shitposting about how Gappy sucked was met with 'go back to your sewer Joshu'


isn't random guy in josuke's memory the main villain? actually has he even shown up yet?


>SBR Joseph cheated his wife with an american woman
>From this relationship, Irene father was born
>The two universe are now reunited
>Part 9 protag is Anakiss and Irene's son/daughter
>Adult emporio and some Jojolion characters
>are in as well
>Part 9 takes place in South America, where it all began
>Saint Corpse, Rokakaka and Stone Mask are in the same place now, and something crazy is going to happen

Araki pls do this.



I want to FUCK that sewer rat

How about you keep your autism in South America instead of spilling it on this site?

70. Where did you stop at? Or have you not started? It's likely JoJolion is gonna run for 100 chapters minimum so there's still a while until it's finished.

How are people still confused about this?


Part 5 never

don't do this to me user

They're waiting to see how Part 3 and 4 sell before committing. Which is dumb because the BDs for 3 have been out for like 2 years and the BDsfor 4 finished months ago, the majority of sales should have already occurred. They probably just don't want to do JoJo anymore, they mentioned in an interview being surprised when Warner and Shueisha asked them to adapt Part 4 because they were expecting the adaptation to stop at 3 and they already were planning other stuff. So Part 5 might not be adapted by David Productions at all since they seemingly want to do other stuff, which is good news and bad news. Good news because David aren't the greatest animators in the industry, their sound direction sucks dog dick (the composer for Parts 1 and 2 left the company because they didn't use half of the tracks he wrote and of the ones they did use they just used the same sections on repeat and not other parts) and they don't get much money to work with from copyright holders because they're a budget studio. It's bad news because, out of every studio who could animate the series, they were one of the very few willing to do it right and not cut or change stuff (they remix some stuff but nothing except for some lines of dialogue and small scenes are skipped and some orders changed) and they clearly knew what they were doing despite getting a shoestring budget.

No you don't

Post your favorite villain

>implying Valentine did something wrong

Inb4 people start talking about the "rape"
He just needed a host for the last corpse part, and Lucy killed his wife.

Either Diavolo or Valentine.

He lost, so that's one thing.

>he lost
Just like every other main antagonist in JoJo. What's your point?

That means he DID do something wrong. And I'm not saying any of the others didn't, because they did. Don't get defensive.

But losing doesn't make you a villain. Is Jonathan a villain? Ceasar? Kakyoin? Avdol? Iggy? Bruno? Narancia?

Justice is divined by the hand that claims it.

Kaato means felling in finnish.

What's the wrongest thing Valentine has ever done?

Be fat. Thankfully he repented, but it was too little too late and fate caught up with him and punished him for being fat anyway.

He was a scummy cunt in general

Convinced retards here that he was right

In a way it makes him a truly impressive character, seeing how genuinely charismatic he is, but the tards who fell for his shit are so annoying I can't appreciate it

What about Caato?
That's her actual name.

tell johnny and gyro how using the corpse to make america great will make the rest of the world go to shit.
not offer to just find a stand user with healing powers to un-cripple johnny in exchange for helping him get all the corpse parts
also a lot of people he murdered or tried to murder really wern't obstructing him in any meaningful way



is mugi too old for valentine?

>too old
>actually falling for the Valentine is a kiddie diddler meme

Do you have to post it every thread?

Yes, I do. People must know the truth

But it's not the truth

Yes it is. It's no coïncidence that he says he only wants Lucy to bear his child and she ends up being the host to the last corpse part

yare yare daze

The DiU art style had by far the most love put into it. It's S1-2 that were very obviously on a tiny budget and rushed.

Valentine would probably fuck a toddler if he could get away with it.

Haven't kept up with this, everyone is fugly, the stands look retarded and Araki still can't draw anything in motion.

not lesbian enough for Valentine

It's no coincidence because Jesus decided to save her so Valentine doesn't rape her

Jesus saves her from Valentine by making her pregnant with the thing Valentine wants?

Valentine wanted to fuck and impregnate underage Lucy so he could then fuck her while pregnant and thus fuck the fetus

He saves her from rape