Buyfag Thread

Orange bunny is best bunny

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Can't wait

Look at this handy guide I found that probably has an answer to your question:

The pineapple will drown in hot glue.



Can't wait to be disappointed that this will never become a real figure, and the most we'll get is a gathering bootleg with botched paintjob.

Wow, I've never seen this before. Thanks for posting this new and refreshing resource for my buyfagging needs, friend!

Are they still looking at us?


Hoping to see this on WF Winter

How do you buy a detolf if you don't have a car?

You are going to carry this weight.
(the weight of detolf is actually insane).

r8 my preorders.... did I make a mistake on Megumin?

How long until the next batch of bunnies are available to preorder?

Calm down

Buy more to justify the shipping cost?


I'm not really into lewd shit but god damn.


You answered your own question Sup Forumsnon.

>detolf costs $137 in my country

why the FUCK

skytube stop pls, I can't properly display this.

All shit

This looks great, but the reason it looks so good is largely due to the colors used in the illustration, the subtle shading on her breasts and small details around her armpits and crotch. Those won't translate well to a 1/8 PVC scale.

I dunno, I need to pre-order a couple more

Ho. ly. Shit.

You also made a mistake on Mumei
and Rem
and that furshit.

These bunnies are better.


I asked a question, I didn't answer one.

All? Do you hate anime?

You jelly that you missed out on his preorder when he was available?



You can get a UHAUL for like $19.

I hate shit anime and shit anime characters you posted.

Oh gosh why is this so erotic?

thank fucking god for FGO

Looks fine, I want that tanned boat now.

Not if he doesn't have a driver's license, which he probably doesn't because he's underage.


fucking mikan every time.



Alters in sexy casual outfits

Plenty of people don't have drivers incenses, especially people you live in big cities.

Please stop, I'm trying to save for a down payment.

Jesus, I knew you would whine about it. Stop being such a stereotype.

She gets the best figures.

I hope she bins

They look like sluts here.


does kotobukiya leave welds? this is the first i've seen, he better not or imma be mad.

I like sluts.

she also seems to be getting the most figures. She's gotten 4 this year I think?

Maid outfit, Swimsuit, Gym outfit (sitting) , and OP's? Plus a ramen-cup sitting bikini one.

Holy shit, what's with that delivery cost? Where I live, delivery cost from Ikea is like 1/5 of the price of the Detolf.

Funny thing is, Detolfs are not sold online here for reasons I don't know, so you have to actually go to an Ikea, buy it, and drop the package at the delivery counter.

It's probably because they want to pressure you into impulse purchases. Their whole damn buildings are designed to be winding labyrinths, so you have to pass by everything before you can reach the warehouse portion. Shit's nefarious. "Come in and have a Swedish meatball! You'll need the energy if you wish to leave."

Momo and Yami both did so pretty likely, though her Venus scale is jumping like crazy already so maybe the power of Mikan will prevent the bunny from binning.

When is TLR going to finally have canon nude figures?

Silly Ikea, they don't know that I have mastered the art of resisting dickbuys here. There's no way that I'd lose to Swedish meatballs.

>Plus a ramen-cup sitting bikini one.
I haven't seen this and can't find it on MFC. Can you post a picture?

Holly fuck

>implying anyone here has mastered resisting the dick buy
Not if people's collections (or preorder lists) that they post are any indication.

Why master resisting it when you can become one with the dickbuy?

ask a friend for a ride. or mom? thats what i did


Those are some fat thighs. I approve.


Missed my tan cirno nendo delivery this morning god dammit

This. Anybody who just preordered one Nanachi is stupid. The key is to order the max quantity and sell the others for a profit. Don't you want your figure habit to pay for itself?

Neato. Don't know if I'd want to buy Hinata's nendoroid now.

because she has the best figure

wish they make them like this

Nendos are for fags.

>she shipped
can't wait


I need someone to 3D-scan all the mikan figures so I have HD poseable mikan vr models.

Nemesis does too but she doesn't have anything.

Wasn't she like 10k after discounts?

Anyone else?

Just look at acrylic/plexiglass risers available where you live and decide. I bought pic related for my nendos. It's 10 cm high. If you have many nendos, consider getting one of those stairs type risers as they'd let you use 3 rows.

They're exuding an aura of what we in the business like to call "slut".

I bought this and have no idea who she is.

Haven't tried these guys but they were bookmarked from a while ago

You can check resellers and other sites. Amiami emailed me about a preowned one going for like 15,800. She is definitely going up in price.

Neither she can

Ikea makes money off of basically being a big self-serve warehouse. They contract out all deliveries and really don't give a fuck what third-parties charge you. They basically have no incentive to make it more cost-efficient because it's not their business strategy.

They are looking to expand into exploiting Amazon and other businesses with better logistic services in the future, last I heard.

That vagina is too young.

Can't wait to use her detachable dick to literally dickbuy. Best stylus ever.

>presenting you with a condom full of semen

That's some cuck shit, user.

Thats nice user, but unless you are using it to type on your keyboard or have an old as hell device with a resistive membrane that wont work,. you need a conductive or at least capacitive material to use it on any modern device that is not a freaking nindendo 3ds

>tfw don't live in the contiguous US and can't even get one shipped
>only option is buying wood curios for like $300 off of Craigslist
>OR buying a not-Detolf for like $200 plus rape shipping

>hotglue isn't conductive

wew, lad

Thank you. Does 3.5" width for the steps seem reasonable?

Correct, not conductive enough to be detected by screens.

Not even close compared to a regular stylus, which is actually a piece of metal covered by a capacitive foam or rubber.

The more you know

>Finds someone from Germany selling my grail on MFC
>Immediately buys her
>Realizes Germany uses DHL for international shipping
I'm going to cry as if my only child had died if it comes damaged

Has anyone actually tried using this method for lighting up a Detolf? I've been thinking of finally adding lights to mine, but it seems like most people just stick the lights along the sides or the bottoms of the shelves. What's the best looking method?

Two threads ago people were circle jerking over Nazi shipping

You see the "wireless" approach used on here fairly often, but not many people bother with the metal cover stuff

Utena bluray box set preorders up
>all eps and movie on bluray
>english and jap w/ subs
>original cast commentary on eps 37-39, Ikuhara commentary on the movie, interviews with Ikuhara, utena and anthy jap VAs, and english cast
>promos, karaoke versions of songs, etc
Here we go
>264 page art book with silver foil numbering
>replica rose crest and black rose crest rings
Anyone else getting this? I hope the rings aren't shit

Nendoroids are like 3" squares. So that sounds fine.

I can't say I'm not tempted., but I'd rather they made a proper Utena scale for the 20th anniversary. I'm disappointed that all we got was jointshit.


Semen is more electrically conductive than water (i.e. it has far more electrolytes). Have you ever spilled a drop of water on your touch screen? The only actual problem with using semen would be it's drying/evaporation time.

There are studies on the electrical conductivity of semen across a range of species, but if you really want to get hands on...dip a pencil eraser in semen and run it across your phone (you could use water, as well but that's no fun).

Got any resale shops around you? Check them all every week and you'll probably find one eventually. That's where I got mine. I actually almost had to fight an old lady over it. She wanted it to put flowers on top of. I was like, no bitch this is for my plastic butts.

Thank you.