Germany is better off than americ-

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I doubt it, rather see Mexicans than sandpeople.

Press 'S' to spit on G*rmany's grave

Right? Mexicans are statistically 66% white, these niggers straight out of Africa are 0 lmao

"Diversity" means chasing down the last white person.

They're basically the same thing brown people with 2-5 kids except mexicans are catholic and speak spanish while sandpeople speak arabic and are mulims

Attached: Streets of LA.webm (480x360, 2.98M)

>Germany will be le 50% face within two generations

Fuck, this happens fast, doesn't it?

Well white people were only 11% of the worlds population to begin with, we just got dun goofed & scape goated big time.

Blacks will kill us. After that, they won't be able to control western civilization & our technology, they will decline- after this, Asian countries will swoop in & do to America & Europe what they're doing to Africa right now- take control.

It's a bit comfy, knowing that in the end the Asians will win. It could have been a lot worst.

>Thinking there are varying degrees of whiteness


Asians winning doesn't fill me with excitement, having lived with/around them first hand. It'll be the Chinese, too, and they'll basically just rape the Earth even harder than whites have.

A grave development, to be sure. To be fair though, in Germany having an Austrian mother counts as having migrant background. Niggers fresh off the boat, Poles (lots of them here, good people), Russians (lots of them here, not quite as good but acceptable people) and muslims all get lumped together in this way.

Still, the dynamics are not in our favor, that‘s for sure. Probably they will soon stop to make these statistics and close their eyes like France.

Maybe I jut don't like muslims, yup, that's probably it

I wish people would push the demographic angle of illegals more here.
Like they say they arent even a big portion of the population, but look again. They are almost all between the ages 15-30. The prime breeding years, if you compare how many 20somethings there are legal to illegal it gets scary fast.

>the average German and Swede in one generation are going to be shitskins named Muhammad

Germany doesn't have anywhere close to the institutional and cultural defense mechanisms to combat it either

post yfw Europe is lost

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We still have a few decades to deport them. Nothing is lost.

Deport them where? if they are born in Germany there is nothing you can do.

Yep. This was merkels plan all along. EU citizens now boys. You're done for

Kuwait actually solved this issue by equipping all non-citizens with a comoros passport and sending em off to live there.

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The difference is that the German people actually think this is a good thing lmao

They can always do something.

Guilt is such a disfunctional emotion. Germany has guilt for Nazis.
My friend has guilt for her boyfriend she doesnt even like anymore,

Something about Germans make them blindly follow authority without question. I have a client with a factory in north Germany. Perfect place for medium to low skilled immigrants to work. He is pro Merkel and believes the immigrants are good for Germany, because the authorities say so. I ask him how many immigrants he employs in the factory. Not one. Ok, how many job applications from immigrants per month ? No one application from refugees in the last 4 years he admits. There is a silence where I let it sink in. I see he doesn’t know what to answer. Immigrants clearly didn’t come to work. But he still follows Merkel.

Not if they become a minority in their own country

You do know that cumulatively most immigrants to Germany are other europeans, right?

Another american who doesn't know what migrant background means. You're probably some half spic mutt.

Opinion discarded
Also, the Burmese military has successfully driven over 700'000 Royingas out of Burma in the span of less than 1 year. So there is hardly "nothing you can do".

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>Deport them where?
To Kuwait or similar countries.
>if they are born in Germany there is nothing you can do.
There is literally no reason why this should be the case. The jews were born here, we managed to deport them well enough. Even after the war most of them stayed away.

Poles and Russians are still foreigners your point being? fact is that Native Germans has the same Population we had in WW2 nowadays everyone Immigrates to Germany and calls himself German no wonder this Country turned into an Americanized shithole it's America 2.0

Whatever, you're probably a faggot leaf hiding behind a meme flag anyway, keep on larping with your estoeric nazism horseshit and keep jerkin off to traps while you edit aesthetic fascist meme videos with a vhs overlay.

Europe got what was coming to them when they let kikes run their countries, let em die off, fuck em.

To Kuwait? I don't think so kraut, at least in my country we have enough dignity to enforce laws that prohibit people who are born here out of wedlock or out of a Kuwaiti lineage as NON-CITIZENS. This is how it is now, as it was yesterday and how it will be tomorrow; you are clarmering onto the agenda of a reich that has past my friend. You are being replaced. Simple.

>t. fag pog or contractor stationed in kuwait

Where are all the americans?

So depressing.
It's the same nearly everywhere now.
Only poor shit holes are safe.
Anglos are fucked

You sure Goyim? Seems like we have a problem towards the southern region.

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I'm neither

you are counting poles and other european emigrates if you only count non european is around 15%

Sure you aren’t, Pvt. Mutt

Immigrants who said they were from Kuwait will be sent back there, whether they are citizens or not. What happens to them after they are returned to where they came from doesn't matter. You can send them to some other desert shithole or genocide them for all I care.

History will repeat itself. It always does.

False. Germany does not have birthright citizenship. The situation in Germany is still not as bad as in the US due to this, as well as strict rules relating to dual citizenship. It would be very easy to justify deporting the majority of the non-European migrant population. The changes to the law that would be needed to do so are minor, and do not require a lot of deep thinking about "what it means to be German" or DNA tests or anything like that.

>t. spic

they're equally as bad and both need to be eradicated. they both try to push their cultural onto us

>Fund the travel of subhumans on a 5,092.7 km all expense payed free trip from a welfare state to a wealthy GCC country to prolong their hedonistic lifestyle
You are to kind hans, are you going to rent out your mothers pussy to those disenfranchised refugees too?

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You're in no position to call others mutts.

The walked here, they can walk back.

You know, it was the insane plan of Charles Manson to bring about the extermination of the white race so that him and his groupies could rule over the Earth. This rings of that. This rings of someone thinking that all of these people will just inherently kneel to them and obey once their wicked work is done.

I hope the people responsible end up exterminated with extreme prejudice.

>Immigrants who said they were from Kuwait will be sent back there, whether they are citizens or not
>whether they are citizens or not
>or not
>they can walk back.

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I wonder what group of people would plan such a thing on a global scale...

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Well they'd have to walk out of Europe, where they go from there is irrelevant. I assume they will go back to your desert shitholes, unless the asians become dumb enough to take them in.

Post a pic of Europe and draw an arrow of where they will go exactly. We don't live in abrahamic times where you can banish people into uninhibited deserts because most of the world is already inhabited dumb fuck

kiss ekhtak stupid dog

>Breitbart spinning again fake news

10% of german kids under 5 are actually Migrants
30% of kids going to school have one parent as "migrant"

Te biggest migrants in recent years were from inner european counrties like Poland.

>a leaf
>making fun of someone else’s national anthem

then stop whining and make some kids.

Mud people are bad. But a Muslim mudperson is worse.

>he found me out

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>we dun goofed
No, Jews planned this for more than 100 years retard

>Chink talking about whiteness

Turkey has been threatening to release it's refugees into Europe as a tactic of posturing for years now, what makes you think they'll take in millions of non-europeans?

There are several places in Poland, with showers and heating.

Gulf countries are low iq literally niggers, I'm so glad I was born a leb with pale skin and blue eyes

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literal *

I wasn't planning to ask them. Besides, a large part of our mudpeople have turkish citizenship.

>I'm proud that my ancestors were used as flesh lights by french colonialists and crusaders
Dites adieu à votre dignité!

>mfw the "greatest aryan" race dies in 1 generation

All these boys are gonna deflower the german girls

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I imagine it would be a lot better than being some swarthy arab.


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Yeah maybe 50 years ago

>Mexican are bro-tier , And they look like us

No its not

here is Ryan Gosling "half white" daughter

And She doesn't look like Audrey Hepburn or Grace Kelly

European (64.9%) mean they are mongrel

Even 0.01% Dna differences make huge problem like heritable disease

If people who carry 35% non-white dna mean they are not european

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>implying I have french DNA
I'm literally more berber than European stay mad turbo kike, once your oil runs out your country will turn into a tribalistic shithole hopefully the same happens to Saudi Arabia

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I'm not a mutt fag I'm a lebanese immigrant.

The Creature.. A genetic demon..

BTFO'd harder than in nam' , I guess you have to leave it to the Asians to put burgers back in their place :')

What the fuck are you even talking about? All it takes is a tiny bit of political will, and we would be able to deport all the shitskins out of Europe. For that we need to remove the scum from politics and gradually subvert the mainstream and break the Jewish mind control.

If a fucking third world military in Burma can get rid of 700k Muslims in less than a year, what do you think Europe could do?

Haha remember that one time when we enslaved you guys into near ethnic extinction

don't listen to the tubro kike here no one questions what race I am I'm seen as a white guy, a lot of people think I'm anglo or irish. My brother is also a ginger so no one think twice about us being white.

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there's no latino jihad at least.

>I wonder what group of people would plan such a thing on a global scale...
I dunno. I think we should nuke Saudi Arabia and Dubai, just to be sure.

>Believing the lying press
Oldest trick in the book.

Not the first time the Reichsbahn has sponsored free tickets

>implying arabs are turks and persians
you guys didn't do shit for Islam, persians were the brains and turks were the brawn. You were all too busy putting camel piss on your wounds

God created man in his image
Europe killed man
Man died.

Burma has a strong foundation in religiosity, Europe does not, the only thing they can do now is bend over for the superior turk and jew cock

Asians are the worst. Literal insects.

Migration background: everyone who wasn't in Germany in 1949 or who has an ancestor who wasn't.

USA: 49.5% non-Hispanic white babies


Merkel ruined Germany. I expect most german's to move to the remaining whitish countries.

>no one questions what race I am I'm seen as a white guy


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Whiter than you, Mohammed

I'm being serious. Let's nuke Saudi Arabia and Dubai. It's them. It's always been them.

Whiter than you, Muhammad

Umm. have you heard about the golden age of Islam Sweetie? It didn't take place in Iran, I'll tell you that...

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Body 9/10
Face 2/10
Only virgin losers will fuck


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>come at me with an ad hominem because his sub 80 IQ can't come up with an argument

typical shitskin baka I can't wait until your oil runs out

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>come at me with an Argument from fallacy because his sub 80 (""Irish"") IQ can't come up with an argument.

Typical potato nigger baka, I can't wait until your tatter's run out

20% of arab dna is from subsaharan africa,kill yourself subhuman