Dylan Roofs younger sister is the ideal aryan woman

Dylan Roofs younger sister is the ideal aryan woman.

Attached: B762637D-862D-4BF8-80EF-5E32D458C937.jpg (1017x1722, 302K)

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She's cute
Would fug

I heard she doesn't like Canadians.

She has to be on Sup Forums


I heard that too.

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Who is this semen demon

>nose ring

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I heard that from a well known source

nothing a nice maple cologne wont fix

Who is this cum guzzling gargoyle

>nose ring

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"fixing to be"

mighty European use of English there boyo's

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Who is this Demon that subsists on Semen

She'd be right to. We're a fucking joke of a country seriously. Not sure why Canadian take pride in it.

>Dylan roofs
>younger sister
Can you English

I'd hit it.

Breeding women like this is the only way the white race is going to survive the oncoming genocide against whites. We're going to have to breed a race of superhuman whites with no remorse or guilt. This woman should have 8 kids at least.

It’s all about financial security and adjusting your living Situations.

Whites need to live as far away from cities as possible and woman need to stay at home and garden during the day

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Fucked a Blonde southern girl last semester at college I would literally say the most racist shit while making out with her.

Her dad worked for cnn tho, I got spooked.

If only roof sisters was in my state shes definitely my type

I'd wife her and fuck that nose ring out her face

Bros, what's her IG or snapchat

Gonna breed this Aryan queen

That's the dude who shot up David Hogg High school?

This guy is richer then bill gates lol

This. And her kids would share similar genes to roof himself, making them ideal soldiers when the race war breaks out

Lauren Simonsen on suicide watch

Who is this daemon of seminal discharge

Looks like she was right about the nogs.

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"fixing to be" is in normal usage in the southern states. Blacks say "fittin'" tho.

if she browses Sup Forums I wonder how many times I called her a mutt

> heir to a nigger killing dynasty
> prime breeding age
> aryan qt hnnng/10
fuck you mutts I will breed this bitch

Too many, god bless her aryan heart.

Well. New queen of Sup Forums it is then.

Who is this sperm succubus

Who is this nut butter bandit

fucking shit on buddy

semen demon

Who is this trouser gravy gollum

>leaf doesn't know Canadian is the polite way of saying nigger in the u.s.

>drug addict
This literally the most Jewish thread I've ever seen

>implying the drugs weren't planted on her

Hitler was a literal drug addict.

We all have drunk alcohol or consumed caffeine.

Alternate thread.

I've literally drank neither.

Impressive, but you must be an absolute autist social outcast to haven't had either.

Why would I want to be anything but an outcast in a society full of degenerates?

Ayooooo touche. Keep your head up.

Speak for yourself degenerate. If you're not living an ascetic lifestyle you're nothing but chattel to the Jew

>nose ring

how did the other survivors get out?

Can someone give context upon what's happening.

Damn imagine rationalizing being a complete fucking loser this hard lmao


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who is this tatty water triumphator


Does she have a thing on her nose? Or is it just optics?

A bunch of high school students all across the nation " walked out of class" in protest of guns. She's claiming that the school itself allotted time for this "protest" and that it's pointless because we all know that kids will take any reason to get out of school.

Who is this cream of cum

Are you retarded?

No one likes Canadians.

Not that's Smimen

Attached: right wing united propaganda 1.png (2448x1148, 2.47M)

Who is this vestibule of testicular discharge?

Kwisatz Hadderach


>lusting after high school students is okay
You guys are either open pedos or the types of closeted pedo that make countdown clocks. I bet half of you are the type that slows down when you drive by schools at home time.

Pick one and thwn kys