Name a cuter nun

Name a cuter nun.
Protip- you can't.

Truly wife material.


Young Mother Carmel from One Piece



Too easy.

what are these clothes?

what a slut.


That was easy.




Talking shit about my cutest waifu?




>No one remembers Top Nun
Isn't it sad, Rosette?

Get out.
>Young Mother Carmel from One Piece
Judging by the few available images on google search you might be right. But there is not enough material.
>slutty outfit
What kind of a degenerate are you?
He might be the cutest (male) nun.
Cute. Sauce pls.

Sigui a best

>Cute. Sauce pls.



>>slutty outfit
>What kind of a degenerate are you?
the trap loving kind if Bridget is his waifu.

There was a nun in Zatch Bell. I think her name was Ellie?
Best nun

How does Christianity even exist in a world with magic, elves, demons and shit?

there are nun

>ends up with Sunbeam-san
She is a slut that is not loyal to the lord.
Not that I blame her since Sunbeam-san is groovy as fuck.


Does it count?


Medieval Christianity doesn't seem to have much effect on this society, since women, even nobles, are allowed to go out in public dressed in ways that even today would raise a fuss. Not to mention that women are allowed in positions of power in the first place.

Right sect, wrong girl.

Have you forgotten that all oaths, certificates of ownership, service certificates and so on were done in the name of God?

The worst thing that could happen to you in the middle ages was to get excommunicated. Not only do your knights and peasants no longer obligated to you, you also did not own any of your lands, leaving you penniless and with most of your population hating your guts.



Best nun

How does Christianity exist in the One Piece universe?

Tell that to Henry VIII. Or Elizabeth I. Or a whole bunch of Holy Roman Emperors. And probably a ton more besides.

I was talking about Black Clover's society. We haven't seen the Church exert any of the power it held in the real world.



I liked Azmaria.

Kate was probably the best girl in that whole fucking trainwreck of a series.
There's a terrible lack of anal doujins for her.

what's wrong with these hands? They are nanoscopic.


Lewd nun is best nun



What's that hole for? Is that where people donate their money?

>There's a terrible lack of anal doujins for her.
Agreed, it's a huge missed opportunity. She has like zero porn in general for some reason. At least her sister was decently popular in that regard.

Sure, as long as you plan to never take her in the sack

mein neger


I guess you could say that there are nun cuter

>Name a cuter nun
You think an old hag can rival those lolis? Pathetic.

bester nun


This thread made me realize that nuns are always the best characters in an anime.

i love this nun

and nutrients.

Battle Sister, Waffle.



>No one posted that Vanilla Hentai Nun.

this desu

What, the one from Dark Chapel? Eh.

>not even ONE nun from Index
What the fuck is wrong with this thread?


;_; an hero

>tfw someone remember CHrono Crusade

Literally the third post.
None of them are much good.

>nun thread
You are now remembering Seikon no Qwaser.

She will not come back, user. Move on, like me.


It's not about her coming back or even moving on. It's about honouring her memory.


Came here to post her.

Nah it's a recent one like 2-3 years old, She's like blonde and bends over the desk.

Why could it not?


I can only think of that one from Meikoku Gakuen.

I knew somebody was going to post her.

Whenever she gets flustered and stands on her tiptoes is best.

I think the fact it's taken this long for anyone to mention her speaks volumes about how unpopular she is.
Poor Ciel, forever cursed with being least popular heroine of a non-Fate TM series, and therefore eternally forgotten.

Kek. So this is the origin of glory holes.

Is this Celica?

Bestiality is a sin though.



Says who?

I watched this documentary about the church where such practices where widely spread in male and female monasteries (supposedly).


I want to fuck her in the butt

Somehow didn't come to me, despite playing through Tsukihime for the first time this week and choosing her route.

Thanks for making me feel like I'm not devoted at all.

That was easy.

I want to have anal sex with her. Because anal doesn't count.

She looked like one but nah.
She didn't deserve any of it ;_;



God tier nun
Somewhat decent story
That being said, could the MC's voice be anymore annoying fucking christ