Hey guys I have to take care of this girl today but I need to make a quick call so I'm gonna leave her with you for a...

Hey guys I have to take care of this girl today but I need to make a quick call so I'm gonna leave her with you for a second. Please don't do anything stupid I'll be right back.

/rape /rape /rape


I don't have experience looking after slow children but okay

Your glasses look dumb and they make you look dumb even though you already look dumb without them

>she sees your vidya collection

What is this expression trying to convey?

You guys are suprisingly nice to her.

Well, she's a good girl.

She's a demon plotting to overthrow the world.....

Isn't that adorable?

Eh. Can't be any worse than usual.

She's a qt

At least she isn't Trump, so we have a chance.

>satania thread




Satania is just the best. I wish she could rule the entire world, and not just hell. There must be some sort of petition we can sign somewhere right?


Hail Satania

good thing there's only 14 minutes left of the day

I leave her here for not even two hours and when I come back you guys gave her some crazy power trip.

Just keep her.

How old is she again?

I'll be taking this bye.

Old enough to buy a gun.


Fuck you though, Satania is the greatest.

Better keep her in a safe place then.


Is it okay if I kissu her?

Garbage girl, garbage thread


She'd do a better job since she'd be trying to take over the world not screwing her own people and giving it all up.

Plus I could really get behind glorious leader. Feeling a rise in me already

the expression of someone who saw the vidya collection of a complete pleb

pat her on the head and tell her everything is gonna be ok because i'm her big brother now

Thanks, Satan

Today is Satania Saturday!

In my time zone, there's still a full 4 hours of Satanichia time.

In my timezone we've got a good 6h of Satania
So post more Satanias


delete this immediately

aw geez and you got the cum lines and everything


The dark lord has spoken