Why does no one talk about this? It seems really underrated.
Rakudai Kishi no Cavalry
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It was generic battle harem trash. Seasonal shit enjoyed and talked about during it's emission, but no more
Because everything about it was garbage.
But the main girl was super hot, though
Nah, she was a disgusting slut.
Stella is almost a meme and she's hated thanks to a certain autistic Stellafag. Then again, Stella is worst girl so she's rightfully hated.
she was super shit, go watch asterisk - a superior series
Isn't that the one Digibro shit on for like six videos, and that Rakudai did the same thing, but better?
don't know who the fuck is this digifag but he must have shit taste in this case
It was shit and basically another battle school clone.
>Why does no one talk about this?
Show me where can i read the ligth novel translated and I'm gonna talk about it
>Show me where can i read the light novel translated and I'm gonna talk about it
Translated up to Vol 6. Vol 7 to be completed soon.
Prepared yourself to make a thread with VOL.9
The show was pretty lame. Didn't make me curious about the novels at all. It would have to get 10x better in the novels to get me to read them
It's not good.
God I hate imoutofags so much. NIps really need to turn down the incest shit
Otherwise, despite how generic the setting and plot is, I was pleasantly surprised by the MC and the main girl who were straightforward with their emotions and desires. Very refreshing to see the MC not be a turbobeta.
Is this official? Do they allow sex in light novels?
it is there were a bunch where it happened all at once, this that sister devil one and something else
Impossible to discuss because of the rampant false flagging Asteriskfags shitting up every thread
Case in point
Apparently the main couple get together by the end of the first book. It's quite surprising really.
Sup Forums doesn't talk about old anime.
I remember the little sister being insufferable.
Anti-Magic was more memorabe, and it already ended, so meh.
There are tons of better shows that we don't talk about
Because it was shit duh. The only decent things were Nene and Shizuku and shark teeth guy.
Needed her clothes torn in more lewd places
>anything from A-1
They didn't even try to set up the attraction.
She literally just instantly wants his dick and will do anything for it out of nowhere. Even for battle harem's this was lazy writing.
Yes, they fuck in light novel. She even makes a comment about not wanting to heal the morning after pain, because she wanted the pain from their first time to last as long as possible
She was a bit better her voice but the show was even shittier than Rakudai
The main romance being established so quickly was refreshing, ice vs lightning was a great fight, and the ending was much hype.
all rakudaifags mad their series didnt get a second season
Generally decent and acceptable shows don't get discussed on Sup Forums past airing. There's not much to talk about.
It subverts a few of the typical tropes you'd find in battle harem (e.g. in not being a harem anime) and the typical character archetypes (tsundere main girl goes dere real fast and isn't afraid of intimacy, imouto isn't annoying, bro character isn't really a bro, etc.), but the story structure and general themes aren't really different.
I liked Stella's character designs way better than what's-her-face from Asterisk, so I watched this instead. Got a cool fight and some neat visuals in a few eps and that was it.
Only enjoyable part of the series was Kuraudo, who jobs in the novels which immediately made me lose faith in the series. Read Antimagic instead.
In terms of anime, at least Rakudai isn't an absolute fucking snorefest like Asterisk.
>not wanting to heal the morning after pain, because she wanted the pain from their first time to last as long as possible
>she wanted the pain from their first time to last as long as possible
internalized misogyny
>those fucking nipples
So does the imouto ever get a husbando in the novels or is she just doomed to be depressed forever?
garbage even for ecchi trash
Not exactly, there are 13 videos, it's theirs only 4 are directly on asterisk war, the videos are a general analysis on this type of light novels, it's excellent, give a chance youtube.com
Yes, he has the taste of a little girl.
>It subverts a few of the typical tropes you'd find in battle harem (e.g. in not being a harem anime)
If it's not a harem why do people insist on calling it a harem?
It's fucking garbage. The MC is simply magic Japanese Batman. I'm not saying that to be funny either, it's true.
The entire gimmick of this show and many others is that the MC is supposed to be the weakest person & people think he is shit, but all of that is thrown out the window almost instantly which basically invalidates everything the anime tries to set up.
You wouldn't call Batman weak would you? It's the same concept, it's like calling Batman because he doesn't have super powers but then ignoring the fact that he's fucking Batman. Typical battle-harem trash BUT I never thought I'd actually prefer it to the isekai craze we have now. Still shit though.
So how did Ikki end up winning against Stella in the final tournament or is that still ongoing?
Probably for the same reason that people call SAO a harem series. If you have a series with one guy as the main character, a bunch of girls that admire him or are attracted to him, and only a handful of other guys who have only small parts in the story, it'll get called a harem series even if the main character is fucking one of the girls exclusively from the start. The gender ratio and the amount of attention the girls give to the main guy will remind people too heavily of a harem series and they'll label it as one.
This and Testament of Sister Devil know what readers want
Define underrated. There were plenty of threads when it aired, and there was a cancerous shitposting war between it and Asterisk War. Ultimately, both are generic battle harems, so there's no reason for anyone to bring it up again.
Have a look at these fantastic villains, Sup Forums! A bunch of kids, a creepy clown, Ikki's brother, and some big-tit fapbait!
Looks pretty standard to me for high school villains
m8 the big bad is the japanese prime minister, whos essentially gone full retard over trying to go muh nationalism.
Assterisk got a an S2.
Love how they cut that bit out in the anime
Because it was one of the many sudden magic academy battle harem LN adaptations with the added cliche of "strongest girl challenges weak guy MC"
He reaches his own power cap mid fight, then breaks through it. This also means that Ikki no longer has the safety of a 'fate' to rely on, but is on his own against the world.
Also, regarding the series in general, author tends to lift up stuff from other series and put them into Rakudai. They're good stuff, but little of it is original.
Interesting so is he on his way to becoming a Oni Samurai like his grandfather?
>dat painter girl
Fuck man, Season 2 WHEN?
Most of anime doesn't get second season.
You're thinking of Magika no Kenshi, which did end in a harem whose members the MC fucked but the main ones got distinguished with pregnancy.