Exact same premises.
Two different directions.
Two different styles.
Two different genres.
Two competing publishers.
It's time to decide:
Exact same premises.
Two different directions.
Two different styles.
Two different genres.
Two competing publishers.
It's time to decide:
did they have sex in World's end harem?
Why not both? They both make my dick hard, so they both work for me. OP should've included the third option for both.
Which one has a Chad MC who impregnates grills?
The art of PP is fucking shit and the author's body fluid fetish is digusting with all the pussy juice spilling everywhere looking like mayonnaise.
On the other hand the MC of WEH is an insufferable faggot but at least it's focusing on other characters as well for a decent amount of time. So WEH it is for me.
>betaman only wants to sexup his waifu
>other girls compromise and set a timeframe, meanwhile protecting him from 3rd party raep
you know they're going to milk the blue balls for all it's worth because this isn't a seinen series where the dude would be personally morally obligated to repopulate the world with his kids
Not World's End Harem. Like he's a messiah now BECAUSE he refuses to have sex.
>but at least it's focusing on other characters as well for a decent amount of time.
Both are trash. But I'll vote for PP because the MC of WEH is a huge faggot.
Why you people keep trying to make figths in user just like umaru and watamote
What did you say pedro?
World's End Harem taught me that monogamy really is overrated.
Because we need to know whether Sup Forums loves being constantly blueballed or truly desires for series where MC fucks his harem.
What about middleground, blueballed for awhile then fucks his harem?
you can have 4 wifes in islam, come my brother
WEH has better art but shit mc.
PP has mid tier art but decent mc.
please refer to
I think that art in PP is pretty normal. Some backgrounds even look pretty nice.
In nutshell.
Is Parallel Paradise fappable? I saw it's from the Elfen Lied author so I assumed it's just edgy shit
>so I assumed it's just edgy shit
It's not fappable unless you like dolls. And it's still written by Lynn. Give the edge some time we already have death by poison semen and melting.
It's not fappable, unless you really like girl goop. It's also much less edgy because it doesn't have gore explosions.
if we had PP's writing with WEH's plot it would still be cheesecake but it would at least be tolerable
Both shit
Pretty much is, if you don't have a problem with Okamoto's fetish over bodily fluids. Story is more sexual and less edgy than any other previous author's work. But all his trademarks are still present.
Too much sweating, it's disgusting desu
Both are garbage.
>Is Parallel Paradise fappable?
>Not fapping to this.
And this was right after one of their friends died by melting.
It was said, that they have to deal with people dying nearly every week. Sometimes, even more, people at once. So is not really surprising that they are already apathetic for those things.
The right one is hentai, right?
Parallel Paradis for me
No, normally published in Young Magazine where you find even things like Prison School.
There's a reason why the 2nd MC in WEH (third woken male) is much popular over the first MC, who refuses to fuck anyone but his waifu.
The author too late realized his mistake.
I wish Parallel Paradise would get properly translated...
world end's harem has great art, too bad about everything else.
Female /u/topia and female planets are the next big trend for anime, manga and LN's
Got to go with World's End Harem
>Female /u/topia next big trend in Japan
I want this to happen to see the male tears
World's End Harem have a better artstyle and better looking girls but the MC is such a fucking faggot it's infuriating.
You mean semen?
Yes I mean semen where the females can take it outta the dead males when euthanized.
It gets. Just editing is little lagging.
is paradise serious? the ending of chapter 1 is so stupidly funny to me
it's funny, but the sex stuff take another level
In core Parallel Paradise is just serious as all Okamoto's previous series. Being survival themed series. Just this time sex is main focus and plot drive and sexually over supple girls sometimes tends to make things hilarious.
Is there any old manga that have female utopia or planet settings?
no males, only females will fight for humanity survival
That's true, there are some high-tier ladies in that one.
Why is everyone hating the MC on Worlds End Harem, he has his own feelings and motivation to succeed on saving the males. I guess we have a lot of femanons mad over this manga.
and she was the most pretty tomboyish one
fuck Lynn
Because his feeling are utterly selfish and naivety of his idealism is annoying. MC in PP is at least sincere and more sympathetic as a character.
Most tomboyish is Lilia. Haru was rather mature and stoic.
The real irony is gonna come when MC gonna get cucked by Arisa and her intimate girlfriend for the last five years.
MC expression is gonna be priceless
>Haru was rather mature and stoic.
She should have gotten D sooner before she died.
>monogamy really is overrated.
She didn't wanted. And MC is not tipe who want force girls against their minds (fact that his touch essentially sexually brainwash them visibly doesn't count).
Both are shit. If you want to watch sex, just read a doujin. Better sex scenes and probably better story too.
Problem of Parallel Paradise is too slow pacing, not bad story.
It's a Lynn manga, the story is shit too.
Depends on what you imagine under term "shit".
Story-wise so far nothing plot-relevant besides MC fucking all main girls and letting one die, didn't happen. We don't even know all functions of that alternate world. So hardly rate anything besides too slow pacing and to a great focus on sex. But whether that are pluses and minuses depends on person.
As much as I detest the World's End guy, he at least has the excuse of wanting to stay pure for his waifu. That puts him above Rito and the wedding ring guy, at least.
Too bad that his decision is portrayed in such unsympathetic way, that I simply must wish for a situation where his waifu say him to fuck off in the end, because he let all those women to suffer and let world die.
MC is gonna get rude awakening when Arisa becomes full lesbo and doesn't want anything to do with him.
it's also from the creator of Kimi wa Midara na Boku no Joou
PP's protag has the mindset of an LN hero, but fucks his harem every other chapter. The plot hinges on it sure but after the first couple of girls it felt super stale. The only thing really intriguing about it is the potential for the Goddess of Jealousy.
Nigga, did you even read WEH? MC is one of the few people that's actually qualified to find a cure and he has exactly one year to do so in order to save one million men still in cyro. Out of everyone, he is the only one who actually has the big picture as 5 males is nowhere close to rebuilding humanity where as one million is. All he's asking for is the time limit before those one million die.
>MC is one of the few people that's actually qualified to find a cure
By what? Being virgin?
and he will fail just watch
The men already in cryo have altered changed or the damage has already been done.
>MC is one of the few people
>save one million men still in cyro
Good thing I'm not reading this
If you don't know especially given what this thread is about, then I have zero reason to spoonfeed you.
Go away, you trans-fag. You keep posting your shitty fetish posts in every WEH thread.
>shitty fetish
did someone piss on your cheerios today user
If someone keeps posting about how all the males will be forced to change into females in every single WEH thread, you'll be pissed as well.
>I have zero reason to spoonfeed you
The Premise isn't the same at all. World End Harem is like a Ys the last man scenario, and Parallel Paradise is an Isekai.
About why the MC is legitimately qualified to find a cure.
What IF it's the TRUE ending, would you be super pissed about it
Maybe because there is no proper reason besides protagonist exceptionality.
Premise is same.
Sole man in world of women, where he is forced to fuck them.
Genre difference is other thing.
insufferable faggot coming back soon, enjoy doi starting to turn full asshole in the meantime
>The only thing really intriguing about it is the potential for the Goddess of Jealousy.
You are forgetting about neck marks. If it confirms a theory that those are actually pregnancy marks it brings whole new (and pretty interesting) dynamic into story.
That's not the premise.
>In a future where all most of the men have died, MC is put into a breeding program, but he doesn't want to, and instead goes looking for a cure.
Premise one.
>Nerdy guy gets transported to another world, has powers no one else does, and fights monsters and shit, while fucking all the girls.
That's premise two. Completely different premises. World End Harem MC isn't even fucking the girls, so that throws your idea it's the same premise. Though are both painfully generic harem properties, but they are so different it seems retarded to compare them. Especially since there are so damn many Isekai harem properties that the OP could have chosen.
>Sole man in world of women
It should be a women trying to find a way to impregnate women
It's called an eromanga, you retard.
Grandpa will sacrifice his own harem members for his selfish goals.
He's becoming a great villain
Who knows
what part about craving the D for thousands of years you don't get?
If the mark means death I will drop this shit asap.
They're both shit, just read hentai you dumb losers
The hell are you even talking about? Did you even read the manga?
Doi-kun doesn't deserve to be a villain but it's inevitable
anime when?
harem or paradise?