Ask a guy who literally lives on $2.50 worth of gas station 7/11 food a night anything. all jokes aside, no trolling...

ask a guy who literally lives on $2.50 worth of gas station 7/11 food a night anything. all jokes aside, no trolling. i'm on food stamps and have managed to figure out my daily alotment of calories (altthough from bad places) and survive of $90 of food stamps a month.

also, do any of you think this is fair? or okay? that i starve or go hungry? if i even had a place to cook a 'homecooked meal' it would cost more than i can afford in the first place. yet bigots talk about people eating steak and lobster on EBT. that doesn't fucking happen. i eat gas station food to live. show me different.

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Prove it faggot

why don't you get a job at that gas station 7/11?

get a job faggot

>lives on $2.50 a day cuz EBT
>still has a working phone
Priorities mate

It isn't fair. I should get half of that money I'm hungry too

Join the fucking military pussy.

you only get 90$? My fat cunt of a roommate gets like 150 just for going to school.

Shredded beef burritos are for workers not neet filth

get a job

It could be worse. Have you ever heard of pagpag?
My only question to you is why do you feel entitled to free food?

you could literally save more by eating cooked rice everyday

i'll take half from both of you too

>it would cost more than i can afford in the first place.
No it wouldn't. You're just lazy and uncreative.

This isn't even remotely political go kill yourself

meme flag be gone

stop smoking drugs

Most of that comes "eating lobster" comes from botched with kids who get there total they receive proportionally bumped up but 2/3rds of it is already covered usually from the kids then double dipping and eating for free at school for breakfast and lunch

Seriously. Ask the manager for some help if you've been eating there and shit.

>still shitposting
fuck off faggot

job, food pantry, actual grocery store fuck man a nigga cant live off gas station food

this, if you're so hungry, just eat your phone, faggot

Imagine being so innocent that you think everyone on EBT tells the truth about their income level.

Get a fucking job faggot.
KJV For even when we were with you, this we commanded you: that if any would not work, neither should he eat.

You could hop over to ck or fit and read some threads for poorfags, rice, beans, eggs, you could probably get more for you 90 dollars if you made shit yourself. What are you eating to get 2k calories a day for 2.50?

I think you will enjoy Trumps new food box delivery program. Ofc you wont be able you use your excesses for drugs anymore so that might cause you some discomfort.

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Will we ever see (2 posts by this ID)?

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man i hate people that think like you

it could be an old ass phone his parents bought for him when he was not an adult

it could be a phone he bought when he wasnt struggling financially

he could just be making small monthly payments on the phone

>forgetting my half
Reported to the Cheka, fucking hoarder

listen nigger, you could buy a shit load of food in bulk and eat a lot cheaper than that. the fact is, you're a fucking dumb poor nigger and deserve to rot from the inside out

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Are you homeless too? If not then you can eat way better on that money with rice and homemade slurrys for flavor and bulk.

>you need a phone to get job interviews

bro, do you even dumpster dive?!?!?!? WTF...pleb

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>t. posted from mommies cellphone

Like: I could make 8 full size burritos for the price you pay for 6 of those midgets. Homemade tortillas too.

That's more than you deserve considering you rely on the government for food you fucking retard

You eat better than the majority of the human population FOR FREE yet you still whine about it. If I was poor I wouldn't waste my time on the internet crying about it.

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>Will we ever see (2 posts by this ID)?
It's even less likely than your pic getting a job.

this... be more social OP you will get a lot of charity

get a job faggot

>not dumpster diving at nearest grocery
youre not starving op

Yeah right he probably has an Obamaphone since you get one for free if you're on EBT. In the ghetto theres pop up tents everywhere handing out free phones to poor niggers like OP (or the type of person OP is LARPing as) so the company can start collecting that sweet sweet government money fucking us taxpayers.

bought my own phone w/ cash, have had it for 3 years, but if that's what you want to believe that alright.

try having some empathy you dumb nigger

Dude I failed at life and moved out. I work at retail making approximately $10.50 an hour working full time to support myself.

I work an average of 35+ hours per week. I can't even qualify for EBT by my state's standards. I'm living pretty close to the poverty line besides, but I sacrifice what little time I have most weeks to cook for myself on a budget of $20-$35 a week.

I think the average American school getting home of Home Ec classes was a mistake. I trade in time for good quality food. Maybe you should ask how to be a good cook instead of an awful cuck.

This is NOT OK. Get a job, you lazy faggot.

under rated post

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>its gonna be funny when you're 40-something, dying of a neurological disorder

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you should really eat for free at homeless shelters and soup kitchens. ebt is really more for buying luxury foods. you have to learn how to budget.

t. been homeless

i've personally seen tribes of nogs load multiple shopping carts with junk food. If you want to live like a bum move to a democrat city and knock up a stupid whore and collect your gibs like the ghetto trash.

i did. i had to quit because they werent paying me. 7/11 USA is a globally illegal corp.

pay me.

priorities is having a phone, connection to the world, you idiot.

can't be military cause reasons, also, i won't fight for anyone but myself so fuck you, slave.

thats probably cause she's female. they give women everything for free. that's why there's 'welfare queens', us guys who are holding on to life get little or nothing.

shut up aussie cunt

give me a job

i'm not entitled to anything. i work and scavange for my own food outside of the shit i can buy on ebt.

i don't do any drugs at all, ever.

manager is a fucking faggot and makes all his money off the backs of the college kids he literally robs of their time. do you have a rocket launcher to correct the situation?

I work 40 hours a week and can afford only 10$ per week for my lunches (4$ of meat + fancy Bread). You technically have it easier than me.

Also I'd like to add that I am a minority but I'm not Black and actually a citizen. When I went to apply for EBT I was the only one who showed up in business casual thinking it was some sort of formal thing. Everyone else showing up for renewals looked like they just got out of bed and of an unhealthy weight.

As soon as I get the money together I'm learning a trade. Also a lot of my money goes towards rent since I'm willing to trade excess money for better living conditions. No way I'm living closer to the ghetto than I have to.

buying bulk could save you more and get you higher quality. sad to see you in such a state that you eat gas station food.

>eating rice daily

Please tell me you're not this stupid.

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not judging but have you considered buying an electric grill and/or crockpot?

rice and beans go a LONG way.. as well as whole chickens

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What's wrong with that?

>I'm not entitled to anything

repeatedly asks for a job in an entitled manner.

Why don't you just eat beans and rice? You can eat for way less than $2.50 a day eating rice, beans, and potatoes, and there are ways to make those things taste pretty damn good.

doing all i can. i'm weak, i'm hungry. and i'm a good person. i don't deserve this. i'm not trying to make any appeal to emotion. but there are those of us who are being shit on, forced into the streets. because we are white.

Poor people who complain about this shit disgust me. My mother had to feed my family on £20 a week for years and we always had food in our plates, never starved.

People need to buy a cookbook or two and buy bulk foods. Yeah, maybe one week eill be tough as you need to restock on bulk rice, potatoes and pasta, but once you learn to cook cheap, you'll never starve.

>can't be military cause reasons, also, i won't fight for anyone but myself so fuck you, slave.

Beggars cant be choosers, no one owes you anything, so if you have a chance to work for anyone you should take it.

Any family or friends that can give you work even if temporary? You need income

i don't know what any of that means, but i will take food or money from you by force so i can eat, you fucking piece of shit. that is how shit works.

OP is too stupid to do anything except eat $2 worth of frozen burritos from a 7/11 instead of investing some money up-front from non-EBT funds to purchase a George Foreman and Rice Cooker. Rice cooker chili wasn't glorious but it worked.

Eating rice isn't as healthy as you think it is. While it'll provide decent amounts of fiber and carbohydrates as well as calories it's not necessarily nutritious and will need to be supplemented by actual vegetables and proteins to avoid getting sick.

>My mother had to feed my family on £20 a week for years and we always had food in our plates, never starved.
Same here. She taught me to get creative when you're missing things; that you can make anything from scratch, and most of it is easier than you think.

You'll poison yourself.

No, I'm not making that up.

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Who the fuck just eats rice as a meal, that's not filling at all. Throw in some chicken and broccli and then you have a complete meal.

what do u mean cuz ur white

>no one owes you anything
Ahh makes me happy not to live in such a shithole atomised state

Fair, no.
Cheaper to buy gas station food than to cook, even if you had a kitchen, also no.
Family of six, fed for about $125 week. Fed well. We cook all but one or two meals a week.

Learn to cook, quit buying boxed crap. For $90, beans and rice plus spices, you will live. And you'll have money left for a little extra.

If you don't have a kitchen, leave whatever shithole city you live in and get ANY job in a decent rural town. Live in someone's closet if you have to. Learn to share and split an apartment.

Ok so confirmed for nigger.

>but i will take food or money from you by force so i can eat, you fucking piece of shit.

It's a dog-eat-dog world. While I don't blame you for thinking this way, don't blame anyone either if they decide to fucking end your life for trying to act hard.

If a retard like OP thinks that $2 burritos are okay someone must think plain rice dinners are okay as well.

Get a fucking job, loser.

You're obviously full of shit. There's no way 7/11 just refused to pay you, that's highly illegal.

In all honesty, it sounds like you do deserve this. Not because you're an inherently bad person that deserves to starve; nobody deserves that. I say this because you clearly put in little to no effort and lack any semblance of ambition. You claim that the reason you don't have a job is because of the big bad America that flat out refuses to pay you, yet every other American knows you're lying. Whether or not you see it, you enjoy your victimhood. Part of you enjoys it as a method of deflecting personal responsibility so that you can sit on the streets blaming your plight on innumerable external factors rather than yourself, the guy who wants us to believe he's so unfortunate that no company will even PAY you.

Get a fucking job or remove yourself from the gene pool. It's that simple, OP. Man the fuck up and quit with the poor little me act.

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As someone who grew up with a disabled mother who lives on food stamps, SSI, and section 8... it is very much possible to feed yourself cheaply by making your own food. So long as you have a place to store food, and a place to cook food, you will always beat out fast food and gas station crap. That said, by the sounds of things, you don't have a home to cook food in, so I think your decision to eat basically garbage can be ignored until you get that basic need down. When you do, some advice...

Eggs are cheap protein. Buy them by the crate of 60. It should be around $6~8.
Frozen vegetables are cheaper than fresh vegetables, and they last longer.
Potatoes are dirt cheap carbs, and you can use them as a base for casseroles.
Drink water. Many apartments cover water/sewer/garbage for free, and you might as well take advantage of that. Also, regular consumption of soda will give you type 2 diabetes.

>I'm living pretty close to the poverty line besides
according to international standard you are on poverty line if you don't earn $3/day. You clearly exceed that limit. You're fucking rich faggot. Come to 3rd world shitholes if you want to know what poverty is.

quit being a lazy nigger and id hve some empathy for you bitch boi

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r u a nigger if not ur still an honorary nigger

yes, i am homeless and stay at "friend's" houses for as long as i can. people usually get sick of me and kick me out and i move on. if i dont have a place to sleep, i take trains back and forth to stay warm. no one questions a guy sleeping on the train. it's the fact aht i am white and i am somehow the enemy of humanity to everyone, no change in my cup.. i sit and freze on the street with a sign and an empty cup. if i was a nigger they'd be packing it full of money. i've seen it. and they spend it on crack. it's disgusting. but i have a college education and yet the rich whores would rather throw $5's into a nigger's cup and leave me to die.

i am full of hate.

> only at night
PB&J 20-30$ worth gets you through the month
> save 60-70$ a month
> do it for a year
700+ Saved after a year. Trade the 700+ in food stamps for 400-500$ in cash to a family who’s going shopping or multiple families and wait outside grocery store.

Time to sell 700$ worth of drugs

is it hard to get a job? even here in my shitty country i can easily find a job that pays $1000 a month in the capital city (ofc cost of living is much lower)

boomers are shit. im sitting here self flagellating and starving as always because ive been on call all my
life going on 20 years and my mom murders my face every time i take 2 days off. doesnt matter what i do. capitalism is fun. how does your bean mush taste

Poverty level in the US is $13,860 per year for a single person.

First thing to do is stop by a local restaurant 2hrs before closing. There will be plenty of work and food for you.

>$90 of food a month is difficult
Wait what? I live on that much too and I'm almost a millionaire. The fuck are you complaining about???

I'm not talking about the international standard here. I live in America. While I admit I'm far above the concept of literally living in a Brazilian slum I happen to live in a 1st world country so that's expected.

Fuck off.

i will never get that just buy huge bags of beans literally the best cheapest source of proteing you can even get. Eat beans dude you can use them basically in any dish as replacement for nudles, beans, wheat and all that bad shit fucking you up.

Buy a plastic coffee mug and Ramen noodles (square kind is cheaper), you crack it in half and use the warm water from the bathroom sink to soften it.

Each pack is 380 Cal and costs bout 20 cents each at Walmart. So you can get by on about 40-50 cents a day, which I did when I was homeless.

Also people get alot more in Stamps than that, I worked with people who got hundreds in stamps a month who had jobs and were not homeless.
Eating expensive shit food from the Gas station is dumb, if you want to improve your situation you have to do less dumb shit, you can still do plenty but you have to do less than you do now.
The gas station is probably looking for help, most of them are now a days. Working full time is enough to pay rent on some broke down ghetto apartment and then you can start buying rice and beans and mixing in a little meat and spices as you can afford it.
If you are really that hard up go to the soup kitchen, they have TONS of food there and they don't give a shit if you go every day. I used to get good meals at the Soup Kitchen.

I get that people are homeless and shit but why do people gotta be such fucking tards about it..

Life was never supposed to be fair, fair is for children and mothers of children, not for grown men. Deal with your shit, people are paying money to keep your ass alive..

Don't make us carry you, get your shit together.

yay beans

How did you get into this situation dude?

i was a complete poorfag for about a year. had enough dole for the rent and maybe $40 bucks a week for food. used to jump over people's fences at midnight and raid their veggie patches otherwise i would have fucking starved
That said
>do any of you think this is fair
nothing is fair in life. get used to it. stop being a faggot. do whatever you need to do. but try and retain some morals, unlike what i did. but the tomatoes from the greek three streets over were fucking delicious

>he feeds on shitposting
all money is fake. all money is inherited

Guarantee this guy worked like 5 hours in a 7/11, demanded to be paid immediately, then walked out when he found out they "wouldn't pay him."

You don't deserve to starve.
Its these shitbag "ancaps" who prop up corporatism that cause this shit, these dumb shit fascists on here cry about some global cabal of bankers ruling over us yet they fucking sit there stroking their dicks while the 1% keep shitting on us.

>dude just eat sugary goop

i dumpster dive every night to look for thrown out food that is always good. it's how i eat outside of what i pay for that's fresh.

go away meme flag, i'm real and have been posting the whole time.

eating out of dumpsters and afforcing some microwave shit from a gas station is better than the rest of the human population? interesting. tell me more. because fuck you, and fuck your... whatever that shutty unfunny beavis crap is you're posting. loser.

Why do Americans have to be different on everything. Nigga top level positions have salary lower than that here. lmao
That's a lot of money but yeah I understand jews tricked you into believing it's not.

most people here are privileged trust fund babies

Being is like always having $20 in your pocket. You will be trusted more than a nigger or a spic. If you live in a tourist city and I'm assuming you do if people are making beggar cup money then all you need to do is prove to some restaurant you can wake up at a decent hour and you can wash dishes under the table. It's a stepping stone.

The funny thing is that most of the "homemade food" isn't any better than fast food. Everything is artificial shit nowadays. Just remember it's not all about calories, empty calories are worthless. You need the valuable ones too.