IBERIA: new study shows impact of medieval Muslim conquest in Iberia.
Recently we've had some groundbreaking insights into medieval population genetics, revealing more about the Lombards, Ostrogoths and Bavarians. Now Iberia gets the treatment.
The study shows Iberian genetic affinity with North African populations like Moroccans, including Sub Saharan African admixture obtained via the North Africans. This Maghrebi DNA is not distributed according to proximity to North Africa on a North-South cline, but rather the highest amounts of it are found among the Galicians in the North. Although there is also some evidence of an affinity with Irish DNA among Galicians due to a much earlier Celtic migration to the region, the flow of "Arab" DNA into Galicia is more recent and stronger, coming not directly from Muslims, but from the gradual flow of admixture around Iberia, probably from Portugal. Portuguese and Galicians show a strong genetic affinity.
>"Perhaps surprisingly, north African ancestry does not reflect proximity to north Africa, or even regions under more extended Muslim control. The highest amounts of north African ancestry found within Iberia are in the west (11%) including in Galicia,despite the fact that the region of Galicia as it is defined today (north of the Miño river), was never under Muslim rule and Berber settlements north of the Douro river were abandoned by 741. This observation is consistent with previous work using Y-chromosome data. We speculate that the pattern we see is driven by later internal migratory flows, such as between Portugal and Galicia"
The study also shows that although the Basques have less North African admixture than other Iberians, it is not true that Basques are a genetic isolate population since other regions resemble them also.
Great... Dindus want to steal more heritage and history from other peoples?
Nathaniel Wright
It depicts the final "showdown" where technically Queen Isabel told the muslims to leave Spain. And it marks the total reconquest of Spain.
Easton Russell
>It depicts the final "showdown" I thought it was King Boabdil surrendering Granada to the Castillian armies in 1492. He already lost to them.
Christopher Powell
Notice their obsession with Galicians, Basques and northern Spain -- oddly enough the one part of the territory muslims could never conquered.
For Muslims and such it has been shameful how Northern Spain fought them, resisted and then pushed them out politically.
They have also made documentaries with arabs and egiptian "academics" talking about how backwater, racist and underveloped was Spanish Visigoth Kingdom (which they say it's why they conquered to "put order") in reality this is not true and Roman Legislation was actually still in place in Toledo while other courts and kingdoms were imploding in Western Europe.
Josiah Martinez
Damn BURN!!!!
Nolan White
is around 5% of patrilinear and matrilinear dna average of north africa so no so much while in north africa there is 20% of spaniard dna in place like marroco or algeria of the people expulsed long time ago
Daniel Carter
Objective scientific fact that the Portuguese are not white.
Oliver Wilson
You may call it the last act (if words are not adequate). That moment marks the end of reconquest. Actually for quite a while they were already withering politically.
Although after the Battle of las Navas de Tolosa in 1212 (way before late 15th century) basically everything went downhill for muslims.
It's the same with the beginning of the reconquest, it began with an improvised skirmish in Asturias, which later turned to full scale warfare.
Owen Thomas
Why did it take so fucking long to get rid of them from Europe? Infighting?
Isaac Allen
Not counting those jews kicked out, who also have Spanish ancestry (sefardies and such) and not the other way around.
Noah Diaz
The moors were not conQuerors, it was the berber and arabs who beaten the visigoths who were fighting an civil war. The moors were colonized as servants, much like the gipsies in the balkans by turks. There is no such thing as blacks conQuering whites. Later the moors were absorbed by north afrikans who have 25% nigger blood hence why they look so ugly and retarded, they are muts.
moors were not black, just look at wiki, even there they are depicted as arabic/white colour, moors being black is just nigger and SJW meme and outside of internet nobody takes them seriously.
Joseph Mitchell
Even so, they were a bunch of retards, the christians used the term moor as a slur for muslims.
Camden Campbell
My ancestors are from Asturias and Leon kingdoms. So when a kingdom became big, it was later broke down into smaller kingdoms once the powerful king died. So that's one issue.
Another was infighting, but not so much between actual Spanish kingdoms but between magnates, which were super powerful feudal lords, nobles, and cadet royals branches who were always battling each other. Some even hired muslim mercenaries to settle family feud grudges.
The other issue was that muslims were always pouring in people from North Africa or Middle East. While Spanish Kingdoms with constant fighting had low birthrate numbers (sound familiar?)
There were cases when Muslims attacked entire villages, killed men and boys and kidnapped women and girls for them to procreate and such. That is why castles and towers were a must at the southern border of the Kingdom of Leon. But who controlled those castles and watchtowers, nobles, who were fighting between them to get them.
Levi Bell
Kek, moors are far from being nogs, stop repeating bullshit
Logan Martinez
Everyday I wish we woke up from the eternal siesta and begun fiesta again.
>Moors are not a distinct or self-defined people,[4] and the 1911 Encyclopædia Britannica observed that "The term 'Moors' has no real ethnological value."[5] Medieval and early modern Europeans variously applied the name to Arabs, North African Berbers, and Muslim Europeans.[6]
>The term has also been used in Europe in a broader, somewhat derogatory sense to refer to Muslims in general,[7] especially those of Arab or Berber descent, whether living in Spain or North Africa.[8] During the colonial era, the Portuguese introduced the names "Ceylon Moors" and "Indian Moors" in Sri Lanka, and the Bengali Muslims were also called Moors.
Why do you test us Iberians? We have our plate full with kikes and their ally marxists now the sandniggers..
Average admixture of a region diesn't mean anything, average new yorker is 70% non white admixture, but new york has 30% white population without non white admixture.
Its funny watching Sup Forums individually turn on each other every time your nationality or race is questioned. You come here to laugh at each other, and pretend there's nothing wrong with you. That's your "cope", your psychological coping mechanism. One by one, the trolls attack each of you, and you have the same desperate damage control response.
>The study shows Iberian genetic affinity with North African populations like Moroccans, including Sub Saharan African admixture obtained via the North Africans
I am sure this "discovery" has absolutely nothing to do with radical islamic clerics and terrorists telling global followers to start kissing black ass and unite with them to kill western europe and later the us. Yep nothing to do with that at all.
Benjamin Wright
you can dispute it, if you are interested in learning about population genetics, programming, and statistics. the data are freely available for other researchers to analyze
Jacob Morales
Fake and gay. The Iberian had a pretty thorough ethnic cleansing. While it didn't get absolutely everyone, the Moorish people left over were completely insignificant.
Morocco is also not a nigger nation.
Christopher Moore
>Fake How? >Morocco is also not a nigger nation. But they do have sub-saharan admixture.