How do I gain weight as someone who has fast metabolism? I'm 5'4...

How do I gain weight as someone who has fast metabolism? I'm 5'4, weigh 90-95 lbs and I look like I have the body of a malnourished child that just survived a holocaust. Pic related

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OWO. Post more.
Pls tell me tits are pierced

Your metabolism slows down at around 25. Enjoy it faggot.

you have to let me come to your house 4 times a day to fill your mouth and anus with my protein. it's the only way

show penis


Nice slide thread.

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Just eat pizza every day for a while.

show boipucci

Your body is okay you don't need to gain weight

You dance

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ur fat

You will become a fat fuck at around 27-28 so you should enjoy it now because you will be longing for the time when you could eat whatever you wanted.

I was super skinny in my youth and now have a fat fucking belly I just can't get rid of.

Easy, drink 2 liters of cola a day plus at least 8 kinder bar sticks and at least a big proper burger a day, for a month straight, there's no way you won't gain weight,UNLESS, you have type 1 diabetes where there's no way to retain fat, then you're fucked

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I concur with my eminent colleague. Call my secretary.

first of all, youre skinnyfat based on that pic, secondly


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1 post by OP

but blacks have aids and herpes

You'll lose it when you become an adult kiddo. Be lucky you can pig out because once you hit mid twenties, you'll not realize you hit 60 more pounds and the weight will keep rising.

Hi. I've been reading through the responses.

you are very overweight. go on a diet change your lifestyle

show boipucci already

How can we judge just by looking at your stomach? Show your legs at least. I'm not a desperate virgin or anything but I really can't tell much by not seeing the rest. Maybe you're not as skinny as you think you are.


You'll regret it a LOT when you get older
Fucking retarded kids

if youre a chick youre hot, fat is gross 10/10 would wife
if youre a dude, too much hormones still wont stop you from killing yourself when your man genes make you a disgusting gremlin

>I have the body of a malnourished child that just survived a holocaust
malnourishment never happened

No tits yets wtf

The holocaust look is in, I will fill you up love

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>I have the body of a malnourished child >implying that's a bad thing
post feet

Pregnancy should do the trick. Thank me later.

Bend over and have anal sex, the more dum you put there, the slower your metabolism.
It's science.

skinny bitches have thigh gaps


Show bobs and benis and I'll tell you whatever you want to know.

>that bulge
op you fucking degenerate

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Eat a dick.

That Benis

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If youre a womyn then dont do anything, youre fine. If youre a mentally ill trap faggot kys asap.

I’d hit it

cute boy

Thigh gaps are mostly positional, not always anatomical. You'd know this if you ever had a girlfriend.

You look fine to me. Eating pasta, and bread should do the trick though.

Go to
Also, nice gyno fag


Post feets

But would you let it hit you?

First step is to show us your tits.

Second step is go learn how to make me a sandwich.

Mods for fuck sake 46 post.


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someone looks like a buffalo LOL

High fatty protein diet and exercise. Focus on Strength, Endurance and Flexibility, not weight gain per se. You will fill in nicely. Don't forget the squats for a nice round ass!

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Also eat more food. That's how. You don't eat enough. Fuck off with your fast metabolism, you don't eat enough. You're fucking 5'4, it doesn't take that much. Base metabolism doesn't vary by more than a few hundred calories per day for people of the same weight and body comp, you are not a special snowflake (unless you have some weird thyroid condition or other disease).

I’m not asking for a pic of your face just your tits follow the rules or fuck off

I just have to say that was an epic post


Gain all the weight you want. You'll never grow taller. It's a lost cause regardless.


I wouldn't do it. I'm skinny too and I once intentionally gained weight by eating high calorie nutritional supplement drinks like Boost mixed with condensed milk. I also ate several foot long hoagies a day. All that happens is your face gets doughy looking and your abdomen gets pear shaped. It makes you look older and gross.

The worst part is it's way harder to lose the weight than it is to gain it. You'll have plenty of time to be fat when you get old and your metabolism slows down.

Damn it.

>Would still prolly tap that.
>No homo.

ohh times have changed.

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eat more you fucking retard

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it's a trap

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Nude pics than faggot

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same thing with me, 6' 2 " and 130 cant gain a pound, just deal with it wear baggy clothes

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So nah we're going to let this one roll then? Along with all the other? Seriously mods are the worst linds of niggers.

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Wrong board cunt

Attention whore at /fit/

Lolol, the greek is back.

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Reminder that if you're gay and older than 25 you're useless

based thanos has arrived

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I can impregnate you if you wish, you'll surely gain 5-10 lbs.

are you asian? some people just have high metabolism its genetic

you look fine to me can you spin around and show your ass? that will determine if you have enough meat on you

we get a lot of trannys posting here

also remake your thread in Sup Forums since the mods here will porbably delete it

Yeah you need to gain some weight but I've seen worse. Maybe try some sports, muscles will make you "bigger" and they're healthier than fat. Just don't get overmuscled, girls like that aren't attractive.

Oats oats and oats. If you have no self respect just eat hot pockets and poptarts, wash down with mountain dew. Your body will give up eventually

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>mods will delete it
Fucking highly doubt that one bud

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So actually you don't have to worry, you look fine to me.

just eat more, even when you think you are full keep eating, 2 train go to the gym so you can build some muscle mass and gain weight

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Start lifting, stop fapping, quit drinking soda, read philosophy and the bible, and stop vidya.

Why are you spamming pics of dead traps?

> (OP)
here you go op come to Sup Forums thread

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They just blurred the dick kek

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T_T he just wanted to be thick