Why are Americans always portrayed as cunts?
Why are Americans always portrayed as cunts?
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it's not being a cunt, it's being BASED.
Why have a foreign character if they don't act different?
We kinda are. Especially to the humburu nips.
Well, Eagle was not a cunt.
>you will never be as based as hawk
Because the war, Okinawa, the occupation, etc.
Article 9 might be getting revoked soon. That should be a laugh.
In some cases it's just reflecting the stereotypes of the "spiritual east" and the "materialistic west."
Not always.
Because we are
¿Por qué sera?
Or like blonds?
America is a harsh place.
Well if you compare the two cultures, one is more upfront and one is more reserved. Just like we might have stereotypes of them they have stereotypes of us. Though I guess we just don't put them in TV shows.
The normal American has an assload of things that they want to be able to get away with because they're just rotten people deep down, and Japan is a pretty innocent place on the surface so Americans see it and immediately want to use it as their playground
I would say there is a fair share of exceptions from the rule.
She’s clearly enjoying it
Double Crust!
penis envy
But she likes it.
But in SoLs the foreigner is always portrayed as the best and most nice, i'm getting mixed signals here from japan.
>and then he never fought again
I'm still angry about this shit. When it comes to the super alpha males who never trained a day in their lives and became champions, what happens when they start working out hard, sparring constantly, and push it to the limit? An arc about Hawk Returns could have been based.
And I thought it was funny how the story tried so hard to paint him as evil. He has a thing for asian girls, so what? Takamura is a bigger asshole.
Nips are just butthurt that we beat them
the first american introduced in the series was as kind and gentle as Ippo faggot
Just like how Australians celebrate Halloween.
Because we are.
Will the short black flattop make a comeback?
They're still mad about getting nuked
Japs are butthurt.
Why are Americans so shit at boxing?
And then David Eagle was a swell fella. If he was willing to fight dirty he probably would have won.
Edgy boy can destroy USA army
They nuked Japan twice.
To be fair, Japan was being a total asshole.
well, in comparison to your regular jap you are cunts, you're used to the freedom of speech and if something bothers you you voice it, and if you don't express your discomfort with something you are consider a whimp, meanwhile japs are expected to stay silent if someone with a higher rank tells them to, there is a reason why the 8 hour shift was established in the USA first and why the japs are over exploited in their works, culturally wise you come as rude and cunts to jap standards
And why you do you turn your question mark upside down? Are a picrelated?
The entire cast bar a handful are American, so that's not really a solid comparison.
>attacked America unprovoked
>killed thousand of soldiers for no reason
>gets nuked 2 times
lol thats what you get for attacking Pearl Harbor.
He's based off a real fighter who retired once he lost
Not always, bryan hawk was a shit but david eagle was a respectable, kind, sportsman and a far fiercer opponent. Sucks that he doesnt get as much hype from the show as hawk did.
At least Terry finally found love after all those years of dead girlfriends.
>mfw I think of all the Americans now living in Japan
Immigrating there wasn't supposed to be a thing you could do. Get bent, Abe.
We exposed their Yamato Damashii or whatever as being total bullshit when they rolled over after a few measly towns got wiped out. You'd think they would be grateful for not getting the Nanking treatment, but part of being ((((humble)))) in Japan is saving face by not admitting to fuck ups, so they kind of resent us for it.
Leave it to a manga about a post-apocalyptic world after the bombs dropped to depict an american in a positive light
and they're all great
because americans ARE cunts? I was just in japan last week, and the few times I ran into other american tourists they were loud annoying fuck nuggets. HEY BRAH IT'S JAPANNNN YEAH I WANNA EAT SOME SUSHI@!!!
Basically the same jock shit assholes that Sup Forums hates are they types that travel to japan for that 'unique cultural experience'
Talking loudly while walking through a city is enough to make you seriously angry? This is the great sin that those evil Americans commit? You're a fag.
Is there a problem, user?
>being loud
>being disrespectful
>knocking things over with your dumb american hands
>sniffing cocain in public
>raping women in the street
>not saying kudasai when you order food
you are american scum and should be executed you american pig
I'm coming to Japan right now and I'm going to make Hawk proud by fucking your women.
>being loud
>being disrespectful
>raping women in the street
I think you're confusing americans with muslims.
>touching 3D
So I remember seeing an image of a bunch of ossan politician physically try to stop some other ossan politician to sign a paper to resign that japan isn't allowed to have an army thingy.
Did I get that wrong or something, call me ignorant but wpuldn't they be glad to have their army back or am I missing something?
Most of them were dirty Sicilians and Irish
They're basically the same thing.
>>I think you're confusing americans with muslims.
What's the difference?
There's a big pacifist movement in Japan. They find war pointless now, something Americlaps and Russtards can learn from before they blow up the planet with their dick measuring contests.
Because Americans are cunts.
3D is real.
You will never touch your waifu. Your waifu will never be truly alive.
Because American tourists are huge cunts. Not as bad as the Brits though, they are the biggest cunts in the entire world.
What if we get rid of nukes and aliens invade?
Who's going to protect us? you?
How the fuck do you think Nukes will save us if there's an alien species capable of such advanced FTL travel? They could hypothetically blow up the planet with a pebble, brainlet.
>Did I get that wrong or something, call me ignorant but wpuldn't they be glad to have their army back or am I missing something?
Some want the army back so they can be all GLORIOUS NIPPON INVADE OTHER COUNTRIES EXPAND THE EMPIRE again, but more people either don't see much point or realise that going on the warpath again would be a bad idea.
>3D is real
That's the problem
Reality sucks
2D sucks too, now.
Aliens can't destroy the Earth if we do it first.
You're wrong. Plenty of good shows have come out over the recently, this season isn't half bad either
I don't keep up with seasonals, and I don't like the industry now that it's just an American marketing tool. I'll take 3D, thanks.
If Japan did get an army going again who would they expand upon?
>2D sucks now
>I don't actually know what I'm talking about
k dude
Did I hit a nerve?
>being loud
>being disrespectful
Japs can be as rude and impolite as anyone else once you get over the weeb "SO RESPECTUFURU" phase.
Because you're a fragile snowflake and can't take jokes about a stereotype. As you can see from the thread, plenty of other weebs are butthurt about it.. Americans are stereotyped as being loud and obnoxious all around the world. Who cares? It's better than some weak and passive stereotype.
absolutely livid
Terry truly is /our/ guy. All the girls want him.
Leon Smiley in Ashita no Joe was also pretty great.
Why is it that Americans are always occupying the #1 P4P spot?
You Brits cant hang onto the Lewis-Tyson win forever, at some point you have to let go.
It helps that he's not a Nazi.
it's called realism
>Japs can be as rude and impolite as anyone else
True, but you don't see them being loud in public places.
>It's better than some weak and passive stereotype.
Hey if you like cunts walking around your country thinking they own the place, sure.
Funny how the first ever kind and gentle american was a nigger.
I don't know about Americans as a whole, but the minorities almost always have a chip on their shoulder.
And a lot of the city people I came across in general tended to be kind of smug.
Anyone they thought they could beat, or at least do well enough against to take some land from and keep.