Why do they need war with Russia to happen so badly?
Why do they need war with Russia to happen so badly?
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So that we goyim die in a war against our people in russia and we will be so destroyed and thwy untouched that they will dominate.
The jews controlled west and soviet union, the west needed an enemy and so they used the soviets, to destroy whites.
We need more russians here assimilated so xenophobia doesnt let the kikes play us by otherizing east euro people.
We're becoming too right wing
The same thing was happening in the late 90s and 2000. Then 911 happened...
To appease their white masters.
greater israel can't happen with Russia supporting Syria
fuck off amerifat who larps as an iberian
i wihs mods would ban this faggot
This why;
The future is not about national struggles but civilizational ones.
We are chock in the middle of the fight.
The fight isnt between nations -- but civiliazational spheres of influence.
The (((West))) is weaked because its fighting internal battles over its identity as well as external ones against the Eastern civilizations i,e. Russian Federation (that has accepted a level of multiculturalism but under its iron fist), against the Chinese who are an extremely efficient dictatorship, against India, who by sheer numbers can outperform their rivals, and the Japanese, who, although have their own internal cultural issues (i.e. low birth rates and cuck culture) are an industrious and intelligent people.
The West is literally going to come in last because weve become too soft. We've become too emotional and too (((caring))) about the plight of the (((other)))
I wish it wasnt the case.
Im a third gen European immigrant, but I can see that the future belongs to more cold-blood and efficient civilizations like Russia.
Dugin's is holding the winning hand in this game.
My allegiance in the final analysis, lies with my Christian (but moreso Orthodox) bros.
I'm not going to sacrifice myself for cucks who would rather die than be 'racist'.
But just to say, we are already in the fall, in the decline. But unlike the past, its going to slow painful and protracted because our economic systems allow for a slow decay.
By the time the masses realize its all over, they'll already be dying of stavation in the streets, while the ruling class will have left for greener pastures.
Our politicians are too concerned with their rich benefactors, and not the wellbeing of the civilization.
Thats why these dictatorships like Russian and China will win -- because they are functionning on long term civilizational terms -- not on 4 year election cycles and fucking lobbyist donations.
Take care of yourselves guys, take care of your kids -- but the future is out of our hands.
We cant fight against our (((rulers))). Theyve already consolidated too much power and influence over our culture.
Did I read your mind?
Defense contracts, keeping their enemies busy, moral equilibrium since others are fighting too, making it harder for russia to intervine for their aliies Iran and syria
I think it has something to do with Syria.
I see you posting yourself all over pol
Why do you post your face?
It's where they started flexing their power, with commienism in the USSR.
They need to get rid of the evidence before we're ww2+100
So they can sit back and watch at least one of them lose and get wiped out
well our film industrie is build on war movies, we need a fresh material. so dont be a hater and step up to the plater
The Jews would take the winner of USA vs Russia and get them to fuck Syria over so Israel can claim land in Syria. They've been trying for years to take Syria. That's why CNN pushed the BS about Assad gassing his own people so hard, to make them look bad and sway the stupid goyim in America to hate Assad. Luckily Assad is telling the Jew to fuck off. Putin knows this and isn't helping Israel which pisses the kikes off. A LOT. Now Israel's last resort is to try and start war between USA and Russia. Ain't gonna happen.
Say no more, you will be wise on the Jew.
"They who breed hatred between the people andvwho doesn't allow them peace, those who have brought war to us and that will institigate another great war, THE JUDEN!"
Let us gave peace and not impose ourselves against one another.
Too many goys are waking up to the heeb's tricks. They went more brother wars to slaughter another 1/3 of the white population like they did over ww1/ww2.
Putin named the jew, or did we all forget?
>ending 3 digits are literally a glow in the dark character.
This timeline.
You were saying something?
Ultimately I think the Zionists are hoping for mutual destruction. The American/European Goyim destroy themselves against the Russian/Chinese Goyim...
Zionists get the mutual destruction too.
Read up more.
China won't get involved in any conflict they are growing.
This is escalation.
Zionists are just a tool at the end of the day.