Astral Buddy 5.5, chapter is out
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Here's the download. I'll start Accel now
How did Gabriel know what sasha's method of speaking and personality was?
Ready fo Astral Booty; I mean body; I mean buddy.
Is a angel, doesn't have to explain shit.
I want to impregnate them both and leave them as single mothers
Misaki has fat feet
I'm using translate, but I am still having a little trouble figuring out which cards do what.
I'm aware that cards of science characters (Level 5s, clones, ITEM, ect ect) are likely science stat related, and that cards of magic characters (Kanzaki, Styil, Lola, the nuns) are magic stat related. I've also noted that they're different colors.
Is the way to tell whether the card is defense/attack or whatever its color? If so, can someone tell me what color does what? Or some other easy way to tell what card does what? Like I said, I'm working on the assumption that works like "The character pic tells you which side; the color tells you what stat it raises" or something simple like that
Junko is cute. CUTE! Not normal.
As a more a less current shitposter of the Raildex threads for years, I've just finished Railgun S.
Damn, Railgun was shitty until it hit the Sisters arc. It actually made me gave a fuck about Mikoto AND Touma, something not even Index could. Hell, even Mikotofags started making sense somehow
I ship Junko and Gunha
I hope you'd say thank you to the devs for putting work into OT16 Acqua instead of just slapping the boss as playable with the poor model and all
Other characters should release earlier because they have decent boss models already
I ship Junko and dicks
Misaki's futa dick
I didn't care much about the original Mikoto until I read the Railgun manga myself. I prefered the clones (specifically Last Order/Worst) more.
And yet so many Railgun fans hated Touma's role in it. But neither anime does Touma much justice.
Index's version of the arc was about Touma too. Mikoto is surprisingly non-existent. She just seems mildly annoyed. Railgun makes her seem to be in actual distress.
Card colour is rarity. Green, Blue, Purple, Gold. Generally they have better effects as they increase in rarity, they also max out at higher levels (Green 20, Blue and Purple 40, Gold 60). The stat bonus they give usually makes sense based on the character, but not always. Match the names of the attributes to the stats on this picture, you'll probably memorise them fairly quickly.
If a stat bonus doesn't make sense it's because that specific card has a slot for any random stat
>Railgun makes her seem to be in actual distress.
This. Index make her seem like random generic arc distress girl, on Railgun it actually made sense how she behaved there. The scene with Accelerator reversing the flood curse and exploding one of the sisters while Mikoto watched was kino
So all Junko wants is to be a normal middle school girl that you can find anywhere?
Thank you! I have that pic saved. I think I'll be able to figure it out a lot better now. Also, the connections are strange. Like, my Fukiyose card does not connect to Komoe, even though it really should. None of my GROUP cards connect, even though they should. I would think Kanzaki would connect to my Misha card or to my Acqua, but that doesn't work either.
You need all 4 for GROUP to work, Misha and Acqua should work though
Some connections require more than two people, if you want group or item to connect you need more members however some characters have duo connections like Mugino and Frenda
That seems to be a requirement for a member of SNIFF.
Is Uiharu for hugs or for fugs anons?
I don't see middle school girls with this many drills
Post Noukan
I smell Kakine bait.
Fug hugging? Or do you mean leglock? That would be hot user
Uiharu is for bullying with rough sex on the spot immediately afterwards.
I want you to hit me as hard as you can.
I heard the artist made some porn before, can I get some evidence?
Why is only Kakine paired with Uiharu? Isn't some side character for that? Why always the mindbreak route anons?
Be kind with Uiharu, she is for [vainilla][leglock][impregnation][happy ending] only.
>leglocking is a fug hug
You just blew my mind user
I like how Kakine is only beaten by Saten on this.
>avatars were mentioned in NT10
Well shit
DId I blow your mind in a good way anons?
Fuck, you made me remember that one doujin of Uiharu and Saten with a bunch of burglars. Not now mate
I know Acqua needs speed and strength as far as how to build him, but what stats to focus on as far as cards go? I am assuming magic damage/defense.
I've mainly got HP and Attack, with a few Crits thrown in. Defense would be nice but you can just keep his bubble up and effectively double your HP.
>She said this while poking her tongue out, as if she was using all her energy to toy with her foe.
>Kakine Teitoku went silent.
>“…Very well.”
The Uiharu X Kakine scene has the most sexual tension in the series. If Accel wasn't cock-block them they would have fuck for sure.
Just noticed my Acqua was very low attack compared to my Accelerator and Touma, the other two members of my team. Trying to look through my cards and see if I've got an attack one even if its a science side character.
Kamachi should really make use of the roll call Illustrations again.
He could've done something similar in NT10 but most volumes can't really use them
Fuck, I forgot. When does this happened?
It might be nice to use it for Cronzon's group and Touma's group in the current arc but I don't see it happening,
>Touma on the side of Kiharas
REALLY makes you think
>Aleister vs Coronzon battle royale
If Coronzon prepares 3 avatars to match Aleister's 3 boys, we could get something close. Someone pointed out last night that Accelerator's eyes were mentioned as pigeon blood rubies. That could be a serious hint that Coronzon intends to go after him and the other 2 MCs.
>Kihara Enshuu grabbed the photo fluttering through the air between her index and middle fingers and then muttered something further.
>“I understand, Touma-oniichan.”
>This time, a chill ran down Kihara Byouri’s back. This was different. A possibility she had not expected had just bared its fangs. Her body froze in the fear only a Kihara could bring.
>“At a time like this, Kamijou Touma would do this!!”
>The thought patterns she had analyzed had not stopped at only Kiharas.
>That announcement had been the worst one possible for someone of such great darkness as Kihara Byouri.
>Kihara Enshuu mercilessly attacked with the very Kihara-like means of misusing good.
Here I sit in this room. My final hours have come, everything has gotten worse. Yet the one thing that hasn't been taken from me is my love. What are you doing right now I wonder?
Not that it matters. I'm just a walking corpse."
That was the last letter I got from her. Her last moments were spent thinking of my own health, and spent doubting herself. I wish for just a minute to spend hugging her.
Describing Accelerator's eyes as specifically "pigeon blood rubies" was definitely hinting something. I'm doubtful that we are going to be able to guess correctly at exactly what it's hinting at.
But here are some possibilities:
>Accelerator's purpose lies with Aiwass/Coronzon
>Coronzon is going to get very, very personal with Accelerator; which in turn hints at the larger picture of Coronzon getting personal with the other 2 MCs as well
>Accelerator is a Coronzon avatar or possibly a fake Coronzon Aleister set up
I think it's most likely hinting that Coronzon's going to fuck with our MCs hard and maybe even imply it was always around and responsible for the MCs' suffering
>the frog doctor actually piloted a souped up concorde plane
>pointless NT characters and plot
>pointless spin-offs
>pointless movies and games
This is why raildex died and become unpopular
Can't you try harder?
>2018 is near
>still replying
“I loved him so. And he knew what I did. He knew all the fucking stupid things I'd done. But the love... was stronger than anything you can think of. The goddamn regret. The goddamn regret! Oh, and I'll die. Now I'll die, and I'll tell you what... the biggest regret of my life... I let my love go. What did I do? I'm 65 years old. And I'm ashamed. A million years ago... the fucking regret and guilt, these things, don't ever let anyone ever say to you you shouldn't regret anything. Don't do that. Don't! You regret what you fucking want! Use that. Use that. Use that regret for anything, any way you want. You can use it, okay? Oh, god. This is a long way to go with no punch. A little moral story, I say... Love. Love. Love. This fucking life... oh, it's so fucking hard. So long. Life ain't short, it's long. It's long, goddamn it. Goddamn. What did I do? What did I do? What did I do? What did I do? Touma. Touma, help me. What did I do?"
He's trying as hard as he can every thread and still not doing much
>implying I don't look for any excuses to post rad Acqua
>hit 90k during a recap stream during weird as fuck hours
The absolute state of denialfags
"I mean, if you’re saying they’re gonna blast Venice out of existence, my heart’s not going to let me do nothing about it.”
I like Saiji. Touma's excuse for saving a city is always some shit like "But the girl I know is there".
Then there's Saiji, a Nip who is willing to go out of his way to protect a bunch of Wops he's never met.
>Blue and Purple 40
Only blue. Purple can still be upgraded, presumably to 60. Gold should logically go up to 80 if the trend holds kinda hard to check since they need millions to upgrade and a truckload of upgrade cards.
And yes, like user said, only the first two stats are fixed, the third one for purples is randomized. Not sure about golds, don't have any of those in multiple copies.
By the time Touma punched Accelerator and user's "Kakine is the true number 1" comment went flying by, it was around 120k.
>tfw you dark matter so hard you become it
The better question might be, were they unique ips? Because I remember a lot of people here complaining about having to refresh constantly.
It's a view count. But the stream was from like 2AM to noon for them.
I want him to be happy, no matter what that means. I want him to find someone who will treat him with all the love he deserved from me. I want her to meet someone who will see her always as I do now, through my eyes.
>Kakine is the True Number 1
The madman actually fucking did it the exact moment he punched Accelerator.
>Mikoto enters a coma
>Goes to the Abyss
>Fight the real Coronzon
What is this Mikoto has cancer or is in coma coming from? I don't remember reading any of this
When he decides to do another Danganronpa probably.
The coma thing is coming from things like the AAA/curse/Coronzon. The cancer/dying alone in a room or whatever is coming someone wanting to smear the thread with shit. Just ignore.
Just a OTfag shitposter. And yeah it went from like 48k start to shooting up near 95k at the end of Index II and peaking at 100k or something. Reading comments, it was people enjoying the nostalgia, reinvigorated hype, newcomers, resuming the novels again, etc. Was good times.
I find it funny how AC's hospital equipment is still gonna be operational. Kind of a hint that someone's probably gonna be left behind in the hospital.
First of all, fuck you. You should be able to say "fair enough" to that.
Second, glad to see you at least enjoyed it. While I cared about them already since Index I, It was a great thing for Kamachi to give us an expanded/rewritten arc when he had the opportunity. Was good.
Well, if Mikoto does get brain damage/thrown in a coma because of the AAA, Aleister's curse, Coronzon trying to possess her, OR some combination of the three, AC's hospital would be the best place for her
>Accel only beat Kakine because Kakine fight with a boner
True. But as we saw in the begining of NT18, even they didn't know what was wrong with her after she got cursed. Who knows just how that's gonna turn out if it happens.
Patricia, Fiamma and Rensas are still at that hospital so if that got shut down Kamachi would kill the final boss of part 1 offscreen
>touching Junko's lips like that
>Accel gets hard countered by Imouto in pvp
Misaki a pile of shit
Accel was cursed offscreen with karma.
No he doesn't, Imoutos are easy tier
When was it said that fiamma was in the hospital?
Fiamma's probably been out for a while. These right hand users are pretty durable it seems.
When there was an ambulance called for him? Do you need text describing that an ambulance, who's assumed job is to take the patient to a hospital, is going to the hospital? Waste of pages.
Jobbing Fiamma is suffering. He didn't even get acknowledged by High Priest after being KO-ed and wasn't mentioned at all later.
Mikoto wasn't even acknowledged by Neph or Niang Niang till she spoke up. They're gods after all. Fiamma doesn't even come close to their status either.
He has been slapped around by magic gods before. He could probably fix himself as soon as he woke up.
What about "La Persona Superiore a Dio" Fiamma? Would he defeat the Magic Gods?