I haven't seen British anons post anti-Islam/racially "insensitive" stuff here. Is that because most of them are actually black/paki or afraid of the Internet Police?
Brit Posters
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They got arrested.
anyone got arrested yet for posting stuff on Sup Forums?
Oi you cheeky bavarian cunt bin that hate.
You know nigel isn't allowed to say the bad words about his paki overlords at gchq.
Sucks to be you guys.
T. The holocaust is a jewish lie and fuck the islam paedo cult too.
>anyone got arrested yet for posting stuff on Sup Forums?
Ofc not. That particular piece of legislation was only hinted at by May at the Tory party conference, it was never even proposed as law in parliament, let alone passed. Besides which it would only have applied in England and Wales, Scotland and Ulster have separate legal systems
It is a real fear. But also brit anons even on Sup Forums are massively cucked
>Is that because most of them are actually black/paki
Yes Hans. Didn't you know that according to the 2017 census, the UK is 94.6% non white? Out of a total population of 78 million, 51.4 million are muslim and a further 14.8 million are black or mixed race
Don’t worry, we know. The 5 remaining whites in UK are in jail.
Sure thing, bong. As if there aren't British agents on pol (there are) We will teach you Jihadi cockholsters something about what white people can do that you forgot a long time ago
Kekm brit cucks btfo by their own feninist governmwent
wasn't refering to UK population, but rather to ethnicity of most Sup Forums posters.
read somewhere that most of them are actually non-whites
This is only a thing on social media
here we can say fuck mudslimes all we want
Anyway yeah, don't say any facts on facebook and you're good.
I have a katana user, it's legal. our laws make no sense but it's not as bad as you think.
We can own many types of guns, especially hunting rifles and air rifles.
Just gotta get the license and thats not hard either.
But the weird laws are what makes it hard.
Like having no curved blades longer than 50cm unless it has historical significance and such which includes katanas despite being like 100cm blades in cases
It makes no sense but it's not a blank everything is banned and butter knives get you arrested like the memes.
But at this point I fear bringing back semi automatic weapons because the pakis and blacks will buy or steal them, in the cities anyway. At this point, pakis and such have 0 access to legal weapons.
Actually, I'm working on a petition right now to get the government to calm the police the fuck down on political oppression. This look good? No obvious spelling/grammar errors?
>More transparency and clarity from the government on hate speech
>Brittany Pettibone and Martin Sellner were detained for 3 days before being deported from the UK with little to no reason given from the police or government. This has sparked concern across Britain of political oppression and erosion of free speech. With no crime committed, people feel insecure.
>These people have controversial far right political views which Britain disagrees with, but if they don't provoke violence, we will fight for their freedom to say it.
They claim they wanted to have a meeting on free speech, which shines a bad light on the police for arresting them, and sparking fear of an Orwellian police state.
Britain stands against hate speech, which is easy to say, but words like "racist" and "extremist" are too subjective and vague for the police to use as a benchmark.
I'd write more, but they give a character limit on their own bloody petitions
how can it "not be that bad", when you are not even allowed to wield a butter knife to fend off burglars?
not saying Germany is any better in that matter, but you can't be serious
It’s because they are too weak and degenerate to oppose raping of thousands of little british girls. Vile! Unmanly! Disgusting!
Well, you foreign cunts would know more about my country than me so you must be 100% correct. Please accept my apologies for interrupting your superb and extremely insightful analysis of the problems that the UK currently faces but that your countries obviously don't in any way, shape or form. It must be just spiffing to be an uber intelligent alpha male from a utopian ethnostate, such as yourselves
Thanks Ivan, I knew you'd understand. Please no nuke
Ah shit. You're not Ivan. Disregard last reply Slovenia, disregard
Learn martial arts like a real man
>not even allowed to wield a butter knife
That's not true though. Not even in England, which is by far the most cucked and Orwellian part of the UK
You’re still getting the nuke tho, the nuke of the BSC (Big Slovenian Cock). Checkmate, atheists.
pretty much every instance of hate crimes against muslims on here are british, like the putting pork in the halal section, getting locked up for throwing bacon at a mosque, and kicking a terrorist in the balls. You continentals are spineless cowards.
This board is filled with self righteous country versus country conflict on top of LARPtards and the worst type of mongoloids.
Sup Forums seems to people who've been interested in genuine Nationalism or patriotism towards their country as the_Donald seems to these faggots. Such a basic level of Nationalism that never goes beyond "muh white race" or "muh Hitla" as if you could replace Britain with French people or Germans and still have the same country.
come on, in Germany a couple of refugee camps were set on fire
we can't be THAT spineless
>wasn't refering to UK population, but rather to ethnicity of most Sup Forums posters.
>read somewhere that most of them are actually non-whites
Just lurk for many years you tit. You are part of the problem with pol these days.
>only her PR claims that this happened
>the knife could have been a fucking machete
>They weren't intruders, they were kids
But I'm not 100% sure about the exact English laws regarding knives since I don't live in England
Noooooo Slovenia nooo. I visited your charming little elf kingdom in 1995. I was probably Slovenia's first tourist
Obligatory: youtube.com
Tommy Robinson says the British state tried to get him killed in prison.
If no one in Britain seriously talks about very harsh immigration restriction then it's already over. We'll end up like the middle east.
>we can't be THAT spineless
You're not. Neither are the English. Ignore all the /bant/ tier pissing contests on here lately. It's civ nat bullshit whipped up to frenzy point by salty mutts who are still crying about the 56% memes
That guy is the modern-day John Connor, single-handedly leading the resistance against the Skynet establishment and the Infiltrating Muslim terminators.
What an absolute lad.
Plenty of us still here though, OP.
Problem: We do, but we get arrested for it by our myopic governments
Solution: Sign this petition I'm spamming everywhere
>Jihadi cockholsters
How many flag draped coffins came back from the wars you started that directly led to an influx in global Islamic terrorism?
How many tax payer dollars, directly or indirectly, ended up equipping and training those jihadis that killed your nation's finest?
He might be a cockholster, but you're the cuck who sends your troops in to get killed failing to deal with a fire your masters set and poured gasoline on.
I do agree with you. We have to consider that the Lybia situation and getting rid of Ghaddafi were amongst others big reasons/causes for the refugee crisis and the were orchestrated by Clinton/Obama
We know that they want to start jailing people for reading or watching "far right propaganda". Judging by what most in the government believe is far right and what the BBC tells us is far right, this could mean literally anything from stuff that is critical of Islam and anything that says anything critical of mass immigration, all the way up to stuff that promotes free market liberalism or freedom of speech. It literally could mean anything that isn't far left or Islamic. Literally anything. Scary times lads.
Maybe all that immigrant Jizz your eurgh-mans have been pumped full of is affecting your ability to read; there's been plenty of anti Islam stuff posted here. I'll give you that most of it has been larp about uprisings.
But you don't know if it'll be used against you one day so people have toned it down quite a bit I reckon.
I mean imagine this
>current year is 2025
>you watch a Milton Friedman video
>in the UK
>you go to jail for 10+ years
That's what we are potentially facing. This is fucking serious shit.
The whole "hate speech" thing is a real bastard too in that regard, I don't think anyone truly knows what the laws are on that, perhaps made to be deliberately ambiguous to keep people paranoid about saying anything to upset minorities and to deter them from doing so. There's been times where I've retyped something on social media from feeling like it could maybe land me in the shitter. Not so much now, granted, but it definitely has an effect on people.
I just had debate with one ''British poster'' and it turns out he is Anglo-Jew.
When you see (((British flag))) it can be anyone behind it,Nigerian,Paki,Indian,Jamaican,etc...just average citizens of London.
People should be allowed to say whatever the fuck they like without fearing imprisonment. It's just basic. We need a written constitution. But even beyond speech, the thing is with other hate crime laws is they serve no purpose and can only be abused. What's the difference between beating up an old man because you felt like it or because he was black? Both are unprovoked attacks on a vulnerable member of society but one will be punished more severely than the other.
Paki nigger allah sucks mohammeds cock in the depths of hell, with ali and aiysha riding a buckaroo that has a serrated dildo attached.
Happy now Abdullah?
Police slammed over memo saying Telford child sex abuse was 'consensual'
Officers investigating child sexual exploitation in the town were sent an internal memo telling them “in most cases the sex is consensual”
Whistleblowers who raised fears over one of Britain's worst child abuse scandals that affected nearly 1,000 victims were forced out or ignored
A gang in Telford, Shropshire, has sexually abused young girls since the 1980s
Telford's Tory MP, Lucy Allan, has called for an urgent Rotherham-style inquiry
Three people were murdered and it is thought up to 1,000 victims were targeted
It has now emerged two whistleblowers who tried to speak up were silenced
Most posters are from Wales or the North.
thank you friend, have my le upboat!
what is your point, mate?
London needs it's own flag and you can fuck off with your meme flag an' all
send help
There's probably intelligence agencies here but your average diversity enforcement officer who scours twitter for islamophobic tweets certainly isn't.
There is a huge crackdown in progress. Part of the Pettibone/Southern detainment and deportation was to flush out people who support their views so they could be arrested.
>first tourist
Kek'd hard
Is the climate and insinuation really that you can expect a knock on your door for one or two casually offensive tweets, or do you have to repeatedly say something really vile and crude before you gain their attention?
Brits have been conditioned to be more upset over a Russian double agent being harmed than when their own imported Islamist rape and massacre their own children.
>Islamist blows up a crowd of young people outside of a concert
We Brits should not look back in anger. #NotAllMuslims
>A Russian double agent is harmed
Brits have signaled to the world they are willing to squash freedom of speech to protect the unstable nature of the Islamist they imported but are willing to spark a nuclear war over a Russian double agent getting harmed. Brits will attempt to defend this but can not. This is not something that is going to change because they can not deport the several million Islamist they imported. Anyone can force the UK government to censor its own people to protect the Islamist. Not all Brits are guilty but all Brits will pay their price of their government policies and agenda.
You guys have the twatter thought police in full force. How can I believe you.
I did.
I posted pics of me raping your mom.
Remember? You were at the trial.
Foreigners are being banned from the country for insulting Islam. People are losing their jobs for telling jokes in their own homes. Far left groups are openly allied to Islamists and have political backing from people like David Cameron, etc. The leader of the opposition has endorsed literal jihadi groups. We have been more or less a socialist country since 1906. We are well beyond fucked and have been for some time.
Agreed on all those points. Free speech should be guaranteed. Not sure it's possible without the right to bear arms. I'd have reservations allowing gun ownership until we got rid of undesirable elements entirely.
I'm pretty careful posting even on Sup Forums, even though I'd be willing to entertain any method of securing our existence. The police will most likely only bother going after people on Facebook and Twitter.
Whiteboy here, I mainly don't post because it's so hard to get a normal fucking argument on this board.
>Not sure it's possible without the right to bear arms.
It simply isn't.
>I'd have reservations allowing gun ownership until we got rid of undesirable elements entirely.
Agreed tbf. I think leaving the country is probably the only sensible option at this point.
I finished the petition, and that's pretty much what it's asking for!
Sign it plz
You think many people are gonna sign something that sympathises with the "far right"? Why even bring up the far right? It's not particularly helpful lad.
>I mainly don't post because it's so hard to get a normal fucking argument on this board.
No one gets a home field advantage on Sup Forums. You are just not up to the banter. Go get run over by Ahmed. Also, Brits are not white so you are not a whiteboy.
If they ever try that 1984 hate speech shit here, I'd say it directly on the cops social media and kill as many as i could when they came to arrest me. Live free or die.
but she will have taken your guns by then. How would you do it?
Suck more dick after school
No one will ever take my guns unless from my cold dead hands. Live free or die.
American calling the british non white. Oh the ironing!
I can't be bothered but to be honest the hate speech in the media is all made up. Everything is ok and leafy quiet in reality.
> If I was in Germany I would be very scared though.
Why don't white German's move to Britain before Brexit and apply for Britbong citizenship? Flee while you can and come with us.
Calm down nigger. Everyone knows you Brits are not white.
>I can't be bothered but to be honest the hate speech in the media is all made up. Everything is ok and leafy quiet in reality.
Out of sight out of mind. Just like they want you.... blissfully ignorant.
I'm a citizen not a subject, the second my guns become illegal, my government becomes illegal.
The petition doesn't necessarily sympathise with the far right - it simply advocates for more clarity on "hate speech", what does and doesn't fall under "advocating violence", and therefore what does and doesn't fall under "free speech". If it does well, people will be able to criticize Islam without fear of getting arrested, as long as they don't call for the killing of Muslims. Stuff like that. It's not exactly what Sup Forums wants, but it'd at least stop the government from making vague and subjective things like "racism" a crime.
>I haven't seen British anons post anti-Islam/racially "insensitive" stuff here.
Where the fuck have you been looking? Are you a /ptg/ fag or something?
>paki nigger kike
There you go.
Some bong took a picture of a letter he got from police, stating he has a hearing for material posted on Sup Forums.
Not sure if letter is fake and I'm on phone now, so, take it with a grain of salt.
Should have never given up your guns. Same with Austrialia. You guys are fucked now.
Interestingly, despite being a Brit and being heavily involved in some Twatter conservative activity, I was NEVER issued with a warning or outright banned like many Americunts were. I was shadowbanned though.
Why do you think that was? Because Twatter know us Brits and our 'free speech' will be dealt with soon enough.
Brits - watch it and rage
Also - endgame
Also - cocks
Why can't Europoors understand dignity? They have none. They are subjects with no rights. Neo-feudal peasants. Americans are the only free white population on the face of the earth.
I think Eastern Europe is doing okay also.
Gotta be more careful than that these days. Why not mention libertarians being banned from the UK instead, or Ahmadi Muslims not being allowed to criticise Sunni Muslims? That kind of thing. I ain't clicking that shit anyway.
It would not work even if something was passed. The thing the majority of this country are not made aware of is that the police answer to themselves. Any valid complaint is dealt with by the Police so they can basically scrunch it up and throw it away. The IPCC is just a a front and the Police decide which complaints are referred to them. So until something is done about this then we all fucked.
That's enough to rape all of your daughters.
i'm truly saddened at the current state of England, out of all trips i made there i saw entire crowds of pakis, the fuck is wrong with english men these days
>(((american))) talking about dignity
>not even allowed to wield a butter knife
You really need to separate pol memes from reality hans.
Pahahaha. You sound paranoid as fuck. Do we live under tyranny? Yes. Do we have free speech? No. Can we still talk freely online as long as we take reasonable precautions? Yes.
Fuck Islam. Fuck everything it stands for. Fuck immigrant scumfucks who're just looking too leech off benefits and then hit some people with van of peace. Fuck Labour. Fuck the Tories. Fuck the whole lot.
fuck are you on cunt? Nobody has been arrested for supporting these people, yeah blocking them from coming is bullshit but we don't have secret police kicking down your door to check your youtube subscriptions you dumb cunt
The Brits are Europe's most well-behaved and seamlessly domesticated cuckolds. They even make Swedes look like high testosterone archetypes of brutal masculinity.
As we speak their slag women are being freely auctioned off to the horniest foreigners without a peep from those servile little cowards called "men" in not-so-great britain.
I never understood how Slavs produce such ugly and deformed men and such beautiful and flawless women. I confuse.
> stating you live under tyranny and need to take reasonable precautions to express your views
> user is paranoid
pick one
Because Britain is islamic now, disgusting kuffar.
Allah doesn't exist and Mohammed was a faggot pig fucker.
Fuck islam.
>yfw just yesterday two men were arrested for building bombs to use on mosques and have been widely praised on the Web here.
The eternal anglo wiped these people out almost completely so much so there is only about 10 percent left of their ancestry.
Good, now you just need a right wing candidate for PM.
Insulting Muhammad is a crime in Britain and I mean literally,you can be arrested or if you are foreigner not allowed to enter.
Like I'd ever want to go to that 1984 hellhole. Fuck Mohammed, he was a liar, fuck Allah, he doesn't exist. Mohammed fucked little kids and pigs and I hope, if hell exists, he's burning in it. Fuck all muslims, they should be exterminated off the Earth, children first, while their parents watch. Not edgy, not shitposting, just hate muslims and their stupid cult religion.