No, seriously, why does most of Sup Forums not have a girlfriend?
No, seriously, why does most of Sup Forums not have a girlfriend?
This is the main reason why
because woman have rights
wife would get angry
Because I don't know when girls are interested in me and don't have any friends to go out with to meet girls
I went to see Sabaton saturday and some girl flirted with me but I didn't realize until after she left
I'm a fucking idiot
Because am married and do not engage in adultery like western degenerates.
Why should I?
Don't project. Plenty of Sup Forumsacks have girlfriends.
Because they fine enough without one.
>(((getting a girlfriend)))
>(((leaving the house))))
Nice try, Soros!
Hello, my hikikomori fren.
I don't know
I can easily, I'm in high school, I'm attractive, I'm straight. It's just that many of them are thot material and I just prefer to keep a distance from all if the social garbage
my wife is the one who linked me to this shithole lmao
Of* I'm on a phone
Because then Sup Forums would be happy and wouldn't shitpost anger on here.
Wife did get upset. Had to let them go.
>Falling for the vaginal jew
Knowing the dangers of 3DPD is the final redpill.
i have and it sucks
I don't have enough money and patience to deal with a ton of baggage dragged around by damaged goods that already got it's chocolate starfish stretched out by Tyrone. I'm not afraid to die alone I maintain myself, my appearance and my career, why jeopardize that over something that's no longer worth it?
2 more years and wizard status.
Sup Forums still doesn't know how to be white
even if the heritage is white the white pleb still has no idea.
tis what it means to be white... IE you don't know how to be white even if you are white. aka god damn clueless
why are you so needy that you need one?
Good luck to those looking for one.
For those won't aren't and don't already have one, take these feels with you.
you just nullified your argument of white supremacy by indicating that many whites are uneducated and unsuccessful therefor those traits have nothing to do with race but rather individual exceptionalism.
2d non-human women > 2d women > 3d women
spek 4 urzelfs faggits. I got a thicc red haired farm girl who is 10th gen anglo American, who hates kikes, nigs, and spics, has a concealed carry, and sucks my dick in wayz I don't deserve.
Thinking about women is bad for mental health
Are you some kind of furfag or something?
>theres only one woman in the world
More of a girlmonsterfag to be honest.
>competing in virtual soccer tournaments
The fuck?
why dont you just drop her
I'm not exactly a chad and the only girls who approach me are thot material, overrall it's not worth the trouble.
I think it's about that webm when Sup Forums plays against Sup Forums but I don't get it neither
2d human women(male) >2d non-human women > 2d women > 3d women
If you ever post in this manner again im calling the fucking cops dude
>who approach me
I was going to laugh, but I got arrested for rape because the women next to me didn't think it was funny the morning after I used that joke as a pick up line
I see. Carry on.
You gay-ass homo.
Because they’re too pretentious to fuck fat chicks.
It’s 2018, the only reason people are single is because they choose to be.
But I have a girlfriend.
Even fat chicks are whores now user.
It's a clown world
I need to stop speaking to my ex, but it is hard. The last two times I went no contact she sends me a letter saying how much she misses me. I come back only to find out she just wants me as an orbiter. Fuck women.
Of course she only wanted you as an orbiter. All the benefits without any of the responsibilities, an opus to the life of modern women.
i am half white half paki and have a qt jap gf
Because I'm a romantic who wants to hold hands and enjoy hugs
Not a monkey man who needs to unga bunga some cunt and than support a literal child with monetary resources until she creates problems
I've seen literally nothing positive in any interaction I've had with various dates
Hopefully in a few years I'll have enough money to go live out in a farmland and try to marry a farm girl
If not
10 more years until waifu robots
I think I can manage
>plus sized women don't like overweight men, study shows
Bitch is so fat she looks like she's sitting on a couch, still think she deserves Chadwick Highcheek and a life of luxury on his dime. Feminism, only ever once because it's usually the last thing society ever fucking does according to all the records we've got.
I reject society in this current state. I reject the role of man to do the bidding of the elite in exchange for the chance to grovel for pussy and the duty of raising another generation of slaves. I believe that the ultimate duty of mankind is to overcome animal instinct in pursuit of great truths.
>tfw never even hugged a girl
May be gf is yust so consuming.
Not that i know.
If it makes you feel any better, it's more disappointing than it feels good.
I smell underage bait
u mad?
It is very time consuming, plus lots of retarded drama if you ever let her get bored.
The first month is fun, after that it's a slow suffering
hard to have a gf when you're married desu.
Aussie Man
You don't get it
That's what my dreams are plagued with
This is what makes me not want to get out of bed in the morning
Not wet dreams
Not bizarre dreams
Dreams where I cuddle up to a girl
Dreams of walking through a forest holding hands
Dreams of laying down in a girls lap while she strokes my hair
My fondest memory is playing hide and seek when I was 11 and hiding with a girl I liked and we held our sweaty hands together hoping to not be found
That's 12 years ago user
And I remember it clear as day
It's bad user
Real bad
We don’t have time for millennial whores. We’re doing gods work
user there are at least 6 critical fuckups to get between there and here, and AI gf isn't the solution. You can just take an exit bag full of helium and the 30 seconds of suicide will be just as mentally fulfilling as doing it over years with a headset
No, seriously, why are mods not deleting these garbage shill threads?
I have aspergers the only people I can truly form any relation for is in my family. I have no desire for love after seeing what my mother did to my father and then destroyed his financial capability but he has since recovered.
cause women are much more degenerate and we are too strong to abandon our ideals for some roasties
>Ai Gf isn't the solution
Says you
I already talk to my computer as if it were a human person so it's not that big of a leap
Also suicide is a cowards way out
And If I suicide I want to be at the top of my work
I want to go out as NUMBA 1 and than die so that no one can truly surpass me
That's my dream
Or if that fails go out with the classic
"Seven lives for my country" style
Zero self esteem and honestly feel like women would only tolerate me. Not actually like me. Been on dates, never had a steady girlfriend. I'm
>25 years old
>College educated
>Have a steady and dependable $60k/year job.
>Self sufficient
I'm a 4/10 on a good day. I'm overweight because I anxiety eat but even if I lost it, I'd be a 5/10 MAX. I'm not the best in any of my hobbies. And I don't make enough money to even get me a gold digger (not that I'd want one). I'm just average in everything. Why would anyone want to be with me?
I just spend my time and money on my hobbies. I'll die alone
its not worth it
>masturbating to cartoons