So which side are we taking Sup Forums?

so which side are we taking Sup Forums?
Saudi Arabia (with new leader MBS who is liberalizing the ultraconservative saudi society) and the UAE(with dubai which is the middle east most prosperous city) and Egypt(a military junta that rapes any islamist in the butt butt)


Iran(kaffir murtadd shia) and Qatar(supporting islamist groups such as Taliban and Muslim Brotherhood) and Turkey(backstabbing the west by dealing with Russia and Iran)


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>dubai which is the middle east most prosperous city
lmao no it's not

lol saudi boy couldnt emulate dubai so hes jealous

We own most of it retard. The rest is for Abu Dhabi. Dubai doesn't have shit.

wtf no

Pls get back to work Pajeet.

shut up saud you dont even have any money now because of the low oil prices

sunnites are murtadeen

Show your flag faggot.

>shitskin vs shitskin
Difficult decision

Hi Rajeesh

>US vs UK

Now look at you 2 posts and you're about to start swordancing and throatslitting. NUKES 4 ALL THATS WHAT I SAY

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USA vs New Pakistan you mean?

I choose USA

I pick Egypt and start a Crusade with the Koptic upper class against foreign influence.

Label Muslim brotherhood and other terrorist organizations as heretics to the native Muslims. Make up a lie about them serving the Jews.

Saudi knows what's up

i dont support either side, but death to Turkey.

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You mean Nuevo Nuevo Mexico vs New Pakistan?

Based Saudis now. Iranians once they get rid of kike Aytollah.

Correct - Abu Dhabi is top dog

I'm voting for whichever one is the opposite to who Pakistan supports. So Iran, I guess?

The Pakis are actually neutral in this.

Should just nuke the whole area, and move on.

I choose to not care. Mudwogs killing mudwogs. Either way the world smells a little less shitty.

Egypt is not a military junta. They had protest to get rid of Morsi and had a new election.



Our president will return.

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A surprisingly well written article that sheds some light on how Qatar and its camp handle foreign policy for those not familiar. Long read but worth it imo.

Shut up you dirty immigrant

Why is only one soldier wearing sneakers? All the rest are wearing matching boots. Why is that detainee not shave her arm bit? She is wearing a sexy bra. Why are they dragging her like this?

reminder, if you team saudi you are team israel