1: All Jewish influence will be stamped on, with Jewish families sterilized and deported to the Antarctic.
2:All Jewish wealth will be confiscated, liquidated or distributed, irrespective of good or bad family deeds.
3: Islam, Judaism and any other coloured religions will be classified as cults.
4: DNA testing will be a federal requirement for every citizen of Europe and the U.K, the one drop rule will be in effect. Anyone with non White Blood no matter how small will be deported.
5: Soy products, homosexuality, communist rhetoric, unnecessary taxes, abortion, divorce without good reason and usury will be banned.
6: Gold and silver will back up the money supply.
7: The internet, created by the White man will be censored. Any communist, capitalist, leftie or anti White rhetoric will be treated as a terrorist threat.
8: Movies and TV shows will only have White actors.
9: Anyone caught distributing Interracial porn will be sent to military prison for promoting White genocide.
10: White citizens will only pay for the maintenance of water lines and powerlines, there will be no bills for power or water metres.
>no bills for power meters. >buys 1000 antminers and assembles mighty fortune. The power of absolute thought.
Levi Cooper
Whoaa edggyyyyy
Nathan Campbell
Sounds just like here except for #6. Godspeed.
Kayden Lee
So what's your plan to implement this?
Dylan Perry
muh one drop rule > purity spiral purity should be praised and worshiped but not a must >we need numbers there so few whites in the world we need every soul and pair of boots we can get > hitler didnot see it this way hitler made honorary aryans for a reason
First off we would need to form a tight community, an example of that is Orania. We would need to arrange the (((funds))) for a school in a PLE but it could be done. Instead of having the (((police))) we would have volunteer militia. Also, better vetting of pro White activists as there are a lot of mongrel infiltrators in our ranks. A family tree inspection and possibly a DNA test will be needed. I could go on and on
Connor Morales
Oh, hey there 90%er. Look, I know over at stormfront they may be more lax about blood quantum but I am not. My forefathers kept my bloodline pure and I sure as hell am not letting it get wasted to a bunch of mongrels, even if they are damaged goods by way of a miscegenation 20 generations back. White is right.
Josiah Rogers
>6: Gold and silver will back up the money supply.
>claims to hate jews
I think we all see what is going on here you kike fuck
Carter King
Take the gold and silver off the Jews. Idiot, America had the gold standard before 1913. Rothskike dog
Carson Ramirez
I just think everyone is wondering why you are so fixated on gold and silver and not paying for things like power and water.
Seems pretty jewish.
Jonathan Perez
Nikola Tesla wanted electricity to be free. Also, why should you have to pay for the water you drink. If anything that is a Jewish trick
Nathan Perry
>non European >talking about what Europe should do
Go get a DNA test faggot, this not even 1% shit will leave about 30 people at are pure, you aren't going to gain any power with such a small group. Even in Germany quarter kike blood was tolerated if the person wasn't ever involved with kikery.
>1: All Jewish influence will be stamped on, with Jewish families sterilized and deported to the Antarctic Why Antarctica? Why not israel or some African shithole? UK had a plan to send them to northern kenya/Uganda circa 1905, why not do that? >4: DNA testing will be a federal requirement for every citizen of Europe and the U.K, the one drop rule will be in effect. Anyone with non White Blood no matter how small will be deported Impractical. I'd say if you're at least 85-90% white, look white and act white, then you should be allowed to stay. Although anyone above approx. 5% non white admixture should have to declare their lineage to any prospective marriage partners >5: Soy products, homosexuality, communist rhetoric, unnecessary taxes, abortion, divorce without good reason and usury will be banned Just restrict abortion. A blanket ban means downies and other tards cannot be eliminated >6: Gold and silver will back up the money supply Bad idea. Why back your currency with metals considered ""precious"" for arbitrary and intangible reasons? Also- ask yourself who controls most of the world's gold and silver?
Also; why no ban on circumcision?
Alexander Scott
The antarctic desert is the only land on earth untainted by tribal influence. Its not fair on the world to send them there. Follow Hitlers plan and send them to Madagascar during an Ebola outbreak.
Daniel Richardson
>hitler's master plan was strategically weak Did he never play Pandemic 2?
Benjamin Diaz
>Madagascar Madagascar has too much unique flora and fauna. The jew would wreck it. I'd send them to some irrelevant, backwater little group of islands. Comoros maybe, or Cape Verde