Well, Sup Forums, have you accepted CG as the future of anime yet?
Well, Sup Forums, have you accepted CG as the future of anime yet?
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At least post a screenshot of something good
The day they drop 15 fps I will accept it
Currently rewatching Gdgd Fairies which is one of my favorite anime, so yeah. I hope Yaoyao-whatever the studio is called doesn't go to shit after the Kadokawa fiasco and keeps making more stuff like Gdgd, SegaHa Girls and Tesabu.
it just isn't the same as proper animation.
>praise be to them
Praise be to them.
I'll be ready to accept it the day that it looks identical to hand-drawn.
But why would you want that when it can look so much better?
So never ever?
Because people STILL bitch about muh cels vs digital
No, but that's okay, because it's not actually the future of anime.
No. Hand drawn is so much better.
I already did youtube.com
Dia makes me diamonds.
I really really want these models to be put to... other uses.
That's impossible. And why would you want to mimic the traditional instead of trying to create something unique with your new tools?
This is the only example of CG done right, but it's short and not very interesting. It does look just as good as hand drawn though.
I can't get my rocks off to this
>low framerate
>poorly done normals
>awful lighting
Do it right or not at all
Why can't Japs into CGI like Americans?
I wouldn't accept CG even if the day where it became indistinguishable from 2D were to come
But why? Just out of prinicple? The art of animation is also subject to change and expasion of methods, in the end it comes down to choosing the best means to portait your artistic vision, which might be best served with purely 2D or 3D or more likely a combination.
I'll stop watching anime by that time. Its literally impossible for 3DCG-shit to completely emulate 2D anime. I watch anime because it's 2D. If it becomes 3D, I'd watch Pixar or Disney movies instead.
3d anime is not that bad user, compared to the crap pixar do atleast.
woah there. So you're saying the only reason you watch anime is because it's 2d? You don't care at all about story and characters? And why should we want to emulate 2d? Why wouldn't we want to grow and evolve past the limitations of drawn 2d into the exciting world of possibilities that is the world of cg?
when the framerate stops hurting my eyes
I'll watch whatever is GOOD. That could be either 2D or 3D. I don't watch just for what style of media it's animated in. That's pathetic. I have nothing but contempt for people who value the medium more than the story and artistry being presented.
Why the low framerate though?
i have accepted rocks as my saviours
Can you be a bit more especific?
Are you asking why don't all 3D anime looks like guilty gear?
Some is good.
I liked pic related style.
>Janky as fuck
HAHAH, that shit is flopping hard like the other full 3DCG shows so far
b-but user, it's not flopping.
It's actually doing really good.
You're a big dummy
and it's no wonder. The visuals are setting a new standard for anime.
Time and cost constraints, just doubling the framerate can actually more than double the time and cost to produce it when it can cause you to drop frames which looks even worse, or you have to work in smaller blocks of video which can cause scenes to jump around if you aren't careful, and require more work to check through. More powerful computers help, but the cost for an improvement can be prohibitive.
Well at least we know it has forced animation just like normal hand-drawn shows
>just doubling the framerate can actually more than double the time and cost to produce it
That's a load of horseshit. I've been working with computer graphics and 3d for decades now and unless you're doing pixar shit with 30,000,000 individual hairs, rendering time on modern equipment is completely negligible now. I can guarantee you I've worked on projects more visually demanding than this show and final render is by far the least time-consuming part of the process.
>drawn 2d
This is Japan, they probably still use Windows XP and decades old PCs.
They intentionally remove frames.
yes and no
i do think it will become mainstream anime in the future
but it's still a long way before that, as i noticed whenever they do choose to do cgi, they forget about their original directing and designing techniques, becoming lazy. As long as they do that, it will never catch on.
That's retarded
I can tell that you don't actually draw. Secondary motions, camera turns, hard perspective, textures and plenty of other things are so expensive and time consuming in 2D that the scripts have to be written not to include them. Drawing is so slow that there is only so much you can animate.
2D is very limiting in terms of time, money and effort.
No, it's smart. They know what their audience wants. If you think 60fps is better, go make the next RWBY and see how well people think of it.
Well done 2D will always have more heart and soul than well done 3D and you'll never convince me otherwise.
Suck a dick CGfags.
I think they have the right idea, but 24fps or something would be better than 15.
RWBY is extremely popular though, so evidently people love it
People have tried CG with high frame rate, and for various reasons no one's really done it successfully. So they stick to what seems to work
People with taste.
An example of anime in 60 FPS this season would be Infini-T Force and that thing is selling like shit. Granted, it's because it looks too uncanny, but I have not really seen any 60 FPS CGI anime that did well, or any CGI anime that did well in general.
Houseki no Kuni seems like the first to be doing this good in Japan.
That's a damn shame because I liked ID-0 and Blue Submarine.
Seikaisuru Kado was really promising and utilized CG well for a sci fi story (imo) but unfortunately the plot went totally off the rails in the last few episodes. Also it wasn't really hyped or marketed at all like gembutts is.
CG will never be the future of anime. The end.
Will people come to accept it more in the future? Most likely.
Will it replace 2D or even become the majority at any point in the future? Never.
>CGfags are also RWBYfags
>Will it replace 2D or even become the majority at any point in the future? Never.
Actually it very well could given how lazy and pathetic most 2D anime has become in this bloated stagnant industry. Not saying it SHOULD, just that 2dfags aren't even trying anymore. Why bother expending effort on anything when you can just shit out another season of acceleratorshit and all the dumbed down idiots still watching that garbage will lap it up?
Just dropping in to mention that the theme music is fucking outstanding.
They'll just be lazy and pathetic with 3D instead.
Hell, they already are.
Read it again.
You read it again.
How many years would it take 2D artists to draw all this beautiful grass?
I couldn't even get it to webm without artifacts there's so fucking much of it.
amazing. absolutely gorgeous. drawn literally cannot compete.
I don't think people that like 2d would accept 3d at least most them won't, but I do think as 3d getting better and better, it would create bigger fanbase then it is now. I hope I explain my point okay because I'm not good with english.
They wouldn't need to because they've developed visual shortcuts to imply that grass is waving in the wind.
Might as well watch Wallace and Gromit.
>w-we don't need to see the grass it's implied
do you realize how pathetic that sounds?
>forced animation
What is forced animation?
The counterpoint here is that doesn't even look like real grass. It looks like super long astroturf. You're trading one visual drawback for another.
>I hope I explain my point okay because I'm not good with english.
It's fine. Many people are naturally biased against 3D, but I think Houseki no Kuni is changing a lot of opinions. It's a very beautiful show. Sadly, I wouldn't expect it to be the standard for 3D for a very long time.
They would abstract it to make an artfully beautiful landscape like proper animators have been doing for decades.
You're seeing the blades of grass for the plains, my friend.
This is the most retarded thing I've ever seen anyone post in an animation-related discussion group. I know some people need to post bait for attention but this is just sad.
When you apply too much movement to a scene that doesn't need it. Distracts from the actual show and often comes across as the studio jerking itself off
I am a goat and I approve of this show.
My waifu has been CG for at least 3 years already.
>good preoders
>people buying the merchandise jewels that cost up to 30k
>dominating pixiv
>dominating 2ch discussion
>2nd most popular on twitter over the past 2 weeks
>already getting figures
Whatever keeps you awake
Looks like a high quality MMD asset.
I want to fuck a go/a/t.
>straight up moons her at 7s
shit, I need to catch up
I was really impressed by the look of the CGI Harlock movie, and completely sold by Gantz 0.
Anthropomorphized jellyfish don't have butts, user.
Angela is cute and sexy and perfect!
That movement really sells the glorified nico nico douga video feel.
you can't even really call it anthropomorpization if you don't give them a butt
I don't get why everyone makes arguments over this as AOTS because of the CG, and not because it has the best story/themes of any anime this season.
I want to eat that grass.
Sooooo stiff. I practically need a chiropractor after watching that.
>that hair
Oh, I think it's pretty close to real grass. Closer than a shade of green with a couple lines running across it to to approximate the wind blowing.
Yeah, it might not be perfect.
But it is still good.
The thing is the story has not even kicked in yet. It's too early to call anything AOTS anyways.
Chiropracts are a scam, go see a doctor not a shaman.
Where do you live where grass is neon green.
Oh great, now we have to deal with the hyper-realistic graphics fags from Sup Forums
If you want realistic grass just watch live action.
This episode already made the themes apparent though for animeonlys. It's clear as day it's a very philosophical anime since the beginning anyways.
Something feels really weird about this angle. It feels like the camera should've been rotated a bit.
This reaction is too precious. We've evolved from
>anime characters can't look like real people because its anime
>grass can't look like grass because anime
Read the thread.
>and not very interesting
Are you kidding? The sudden turn it takes into trainwreck land is enough to baffle anyone