This entire manga was a waste of time. I expected at least him to become the 10th, or to have kids with the Hahi girl, but it goes to nowhere. It has no direction, no meaning, no real ending. I still wonder why I didn't dropped it 20 volumes ago
This entire manga was a waste of time. I expected at least him to become the 10th, or to have kids with the Hahi girl...
>or to have kids with the Hahi girl
I'm still salty about how much they fucked up her character in the last arc, and even saltier that it was a open end.
I am salty that Cervello suddenly faded out of existences half way through the manga.
I haven't read this in a while and kinda phased out after Varia, but wasn't there a whole big thing where Tsuna had to learn what Newton's Third Law was? And it was played as a serious hard to figure out thing? Hilarious.
From what I remember, that was just an arc of him realizing he could use his new flames in a blast form, and then struggling to actually learn how to balance his output.
I actually liked that bit since most shonen heroes just fire their bigass lasers without any sort of backlash.
that "final big bad" fight was stupid and so easily resolved, also fuck the ending.
I just recalled that there was a thing where Tsuna took a while to figure out he could blast better if he aimed a hand in the opposite direction. But it seemed pretty obvious and a thing that should've been underplayed. But yes, a lot of shonens don't even seem to even know what is a recoil, so that it was incorporated at all is a step in the right direction.
This manga literally made me gay
>Alright Tsuna is stronger than his competition
>Alright Tsuna is stronger than other mob bosses
>Alright Tsuna is stronger than himself in the future who was stronger than everyone else
>wait Tsuna needs a power up to beat somebody in the past
Future arc sucked but the arc after just shouldn't exist. Also that "I will not become the 10th ending" I'm amazed the japs didn't lynch the mangaka
Yeah, the powercreep really pissed me off.
>Tsuna becomes strong enough to beat the bad guy who dominated every other possible timeline
>he and his friends immediately job to a mafia gang in the past at 1/7th of their power
>there were people who literally kept on reading after the future arc for god knows what reason
ya stupid?
>Series ends nearly exactly where it began
>Tsuna still behaves like a talentless loser
>Still refuses to join the mafia
>Only difference between the end and the beginning is that now he has friends
Yay friendship? Fucking bullshit.
Didn't he get both gals as mistresses in ther future?
I kinda liked it, then everything after the future arc was fucking bullshit.
Following this manga, right up to the end, should've been one of the first warning signs that i had an inner fudanshi waiting to get out but i didn't listen. Also Enma a cute desu.
I remember seeing a pic of Tsuna and Gokudera (my first husbando love) kissing and that made it go off
Now I like dicks :^(
O right the ending with the Babies.
Started well I loved the dying will bullet like tsuna was such a weak bitch it made him OP.
as for direction it became baddie of the arc JUST LIKE everything else.
and motha fucking friendship cannon
>Reading 100 chapters of jumping around in a tunnel
At least you got the best girl right
Including the future arc.
It had great girls though.
boku no hero is worst
Yeah it was bullshit but I still liked it since it seemed Tsuna actually grew a little. And the girls were great, that's true.
Man i wish Amano's manga about the bum detective got picked up
Reborn is the shonen manga for people who are actually smart and do not just blindly and voraciously buy into whatever fucking concept let's them see literal children kill each other for their amusement.
Varia arc was the pinnacle of tournament arc. It was full of hype moments and does not overstayed its welcome.
I completely forgot about this series.
Picked up HSDK, it seems to be all right. Only 100 chapters in. Feels exactly like this series, tho.
I do like the cow.
At least Chrome was cute.
Reborn is a guilty pleasure of mine, I occasionally go back and read parts of it.
>dropped HSDK fairly late in
>want to finish it, but don't really remember anything that happened in the first 400 chapters and don't want to reread
>anything but fuji pandering nonsense
yeah, ok enjoy your "creative take" by a literal team of ghost writers, which was only spurred by a decade of shittalk
nothing worth continuing for, as the school arcs were the only decent part of the series. It reaches for a broader character based arc by pitching the light/dark teams, but falls flat on its face
Varia arc is badass and really seemed like Amano could pull off the pivot from gag to battle, but then future arc ruined everything
Comedy arc was good got old pretty quickly
Mukuro arc was ok
Varia was best
All other arcs have the problem of starting really good but ending really shitty. The ending to the series as a whole was especially bad
>craving reading a shonen after this thread
>everything is shit or already read
How's Black Clover?
Just finished the anime. Had to watch on 2x speed and skipped the arcobalano trails/inheritance arc and even then i barely made it.
>arcobalano trails/inheritance arc
I shouldn't be so hard on Artland because it's filler, but those two are literally the same arc ("Well guess you need more training better go back to the present!!")
>only get to see 20 years future Lambo once
That always confused me why they would introduce his character, yet never bring him up again.
Also future I-Pin a cute
I would've loved to see more future Lambo as well. Present Lambo made me skip 10 seconds forward every time he opened his mouth.
I actually hated those characters.
It was like, pum out of fucking nowhere.
I got into a heated argument about who was the true mist guardian. I said Chrome was just Mukuro's little secretary and voila! As soon as Mukuro is out of jail Chrome is delegated to housekeeper.
Tsuna was one of the most shallow MCs ever made. He never evolved, he keeps being the same piece of shit of character from the beggining to the end. The same jokes, the same expressions...
Also, I hated BUT I FUCKING HATED the fact that every arc ended up in some kind of tournament or competition. Reeally uncreative.
I remember watching (and then reading) Hitman Reborn, the entire time just waiting for it to get good. Waiting for it to get engaging, and it just never tapped into its potential.
It was just power up after power up after the future arc too, shit was ridiculous.
Vongola ring X times Maria rings combines plus future rings x petsx flamesx element x true vongola, like wtf?
It didn't help that the fights were fucking awful.
Future arc is the Chimera Ant arc of Reborn
Also, I hated that every antagonist turned good in the end of their respective arcs and all ended in "we are all friends lol"
And when they showed Checker Face I said "wow finally something that looks kind of cool between all this pile of shit". Then when they revealed his real identity, I hated Akira Amano. Fucking hack, I will never read a manga from you, talentless cunt.
Not really. This is one of the worst battle shonen ever made, I don't know how it wasn't cancelled before
Yes, somehow, it was kind of cancelled
>I hated BUT I FUCKING HATED the fact that every arc ended up in some kind of tournament or competition. Reeally uncreative.
This bothered me a lot too
I don't remember much anymore, but wasn't the ending basically saying that he never actually changed and he was still wimpy as shit?
No it doesn't. It barely has any female characters and they're all either literally whos with no personalities.
>Still refuses to join the mafia
If he joined he'd just be conforming to the standards of everyone around him which would still make him a wimp if he doesn't want to be in that position.
>He never evolved, he keeps being the same piece of shit of character from the beggining to the end. The same jokes, the same expressions...
muh development doesn't make a character any less shallow.
Not defending Tsuna but focusing solely on a character's "development" is just the most irksome thing a person can do when criticizing a character.
>How's Black Clover?
Like Fairy Tail but somehow worse
This is now a Gokudera thread. Say something nice about the best right hand man in mafia history!
>ya stupid?
Some of us watched/read it for our waifu's
No. It's the best thing ever according to some thread.
The only kind of likable character. (I still hated his obsession with being his right hand)
So you are stupid
>Be me
>Wonder why everyone hates the Future Arc
>Look it up
>See that the manga was about 150 chapters
>Ok that isn't too bad
>Look at the anime
>Over 2/3 of the series is that arc
So I take it the anime is an unholy mess, right?
What's your flame type, Sup Forums? I know I must be a cloud.
You're being fooled, user. It's only good for screamposting
If you even read or watched Bleach, imagine the fake karakura town happening multiple times in 1 arc.
He was totally gay for Tsuna right?
>People are still mad over the whole REAL 6 generals thing
Always found it funny desu.
According to a quiz, Storm. Which is great cause Storm was the coolest one anyway.
Christ I still hear it even years later
Oh fuck off.
People can shit on characters with no development if they want to.
Tsuna deserves more than anyone because he is somehow worse than character's that never matured
Every time that it looks like he is going to change, he fucking doesn't so everything was pointless in the end and pretty much everyone wasted their time with this series minus the Varia arc
It's fucking sad that every antagonist of each arc ended up being more interesting in comparison when they returned for the next
Rain for life
Sun was cool too though.
Mist. cause I'm nihilistic and have a wicked sense of humor
Hueco Mundo always felt overlong to me. But then looking over a chapter list when all was said and done, it didn't actually take up more than its fair share.
By comparison, nigh on a third of Naruto's run was taken up by the Fourth Shinobi War, yet that felt fairly brisk.
god damn it
Future arc is by far the longest arc in the entire series. In the anime's case it's literally every episode past the Varia arc (wish they continued with the arc after it) if you count the two copy and paste filler arcs that occur during it.
The problem with Amano was instead of launching everyone into the future they could have just fought enemy families in the present, which in turn meant she didn't need to just erase Lancia or Shamal from existence
I liked everything up to the Varia arc, then the future arc was too much. Even though I liked the antagonists, the arc in general was just so slow. Made it a real drag to watch/read.
Inheritance arc brought me back, and I thought it was ok from there onward.
The ending was real shitty, but I at least saw a lot of returning characters I missed. Like Xanxus, Byakuran, and even Tsuna's dad.
So the way it went is as follows.
>Daily Life Arc
Pretty good for being comedy focused. Pretty funny for the demographic it was targeted towards. I thought it was gold at the time as a shitty Seventh/Eighth Grader.
>Kokuyo Gang Arc
Was pretty good. Showed that the life of a shonen Mafioso isn't all kicks and gags. Really set up the stakes up there.
>Varia Arc
Now this is where the series peaked. It took the whole Tournament Arc trope and made it have some actual stakes (although I was bummed out to have realized Lussuria survived being shot in the back by Xanxus and Squalo survived being eaten by Sharks since it eliminated any sort of dread).
>Future SAGA
It was slow and painful. The start was pretty good, and the way Tsuna killed Byakuran was pretty fucking brutal (nigger erased a man from existence in the future timelines where he ruled the world), but still went from being good, to okay, to terrible.
>Inheritance Ceremony Arc
It was great when Ryohei tied with Koyo and both got fucked by Vendice. It wasn't until everyone else in the Vongola won theirs with ease that I felt cheated by Akira.
>Arconabelo Curse Arc
Jaegar was the best part of this. Made me had to check twice to see if I was reading the same fucking series. Still felt cheated at the end.