fucking christ every piece of us media has white men with some sub human nigger...why do white women stoop so low and why did you let the jews take control of your country americans?
Why does it seem like 50% of white women are with niggers?
wrong pic
Its not even close to the truth though, and the ones that do are almost always bottom of the barrel shit from single mothers. Once you get back to the very tip-top the trend reverses again sure but they are outliers. Even the most myopic egalatarian woman with a modicum of parental upbringing will scoff at the notion of being with a black
Because that's where your mind is focused. In reality only a tiny fraction of White women would even consider being with a nigger even for a night.
im not so sure, after white men the second most popular race for white women in the usa to be with is black men, you fucked up giving them any civil rights, now they are begging you to bring back segregation in your universities, you gone done fucked up! also having less then 5% of your immigrants be from europe means you will end up worse off then south africa!
it's not where my mind is focused you would have to be retarded not to realise that it is growing statically and that the media itself promotes it heavily! maybe you live under a rock?
This. Jewish propaganda is strong, but - as is everything they do - it's deception for their own gain
>white men the second most popular race for white women in the usa to be with is black men
Well they are the second/third biggest group of people depending on who's counting spics as spics so that doesn't really say anything
>everything you said after that
I don't disagree with that a bit
No it really is that bad.
I changed my tinder profile pic to a black dude and have been lots of steady matches with 10/10 white girls
White women are attracted to black men for the same reason Asian women are attracted to white men.
Black men have higher testosterone, they are more masculine in general, they do have larger penises on average.
Historically blacks have been super poor, uncivilised, violent and smelled bad.
That's all still largely true today, but the standards of blacks are slightly improving, so every now and then you will get a clean and reasonably well off black man, with average intelligence.
And white women will be attracted to him, it's simple.
Exotic people are attractive. Women are sexually attracted to exotic guys just as men are to exotic women.
Women however will not pick a partner based on sexual attraction. It will be a minir factor in her decision to be with you.
Simple but true
>Women however will not pick a partner based on sexual attraction. It will be a minir factor in her decision to be with you.
Everything up to that point was fairly true, but what do you mean by that?
Yeah, they'll be looking for casual sex with black guys.
Women have casual sex partners, then they have boyfriend/husband partners. They want very different things in these separate categories.
If you tell your white girlfriend or wife you have cuckold fantasies and get off on the thought of her fucking and sucking black cock...
Just wait and see. She will resist at first, feign disinterest for a while out of worry it is a trap or attempt for you to sleep with other girls or whatever.
But after a few weeks or months, she'll be ridiculously into it.
I read about it all the time on Reddit cuckton. That stuff is sickening, hot as fuck but to imagine actually seriously letting your wife or girlfriend do these things...
Lithuanian blonde white girls luv my big 56% half-black cock, bruv
The ethnicity most likely to race mix are in the US are Hispanics and Asians.3% of Americans are of mixed race and the whites are probably 30% of that yet you think that is the end of the times.Things are nearly as bad as you think they are even with the media brainwashing.
Well. For women, factors like wealth/career, what her family and friends think, your personality/intelligence, how you treat her and so on...
All these things matter a huge deal to her when she's looking for a boyfriend or man. You're the guy she's officially with, not the guy she fantasises about fucking.
I'm not saying she will get with a guy she has zero sexual attraction to. But it is not anywhere close to as big a factor for women in choosing a mate as it is for men.
Its the plan and whites are simply so damned inferior that they will be extinct soon.
maybe you live in a multicultural shithole
Because your sense of reality comes through jew media you moron. Turn that shit off and remove it from your life.
Look at the average US mutt. In comparison to that, blacks are the better option.
Women are retarded. Without patriarchy keeping them in check they go straight to nigger fucking and SJWism
i don't fucking care about lithuanian girls most of them are disposable garbage! lithuanians are barely white anyways
Do not reply to low effort and spammed troll threads like this. Report them.
??? Multicultural ??? Lithuania is 99.98 percent white...your country is more multicultrual then Lithuania you have one of the largest jew populations in europe!
i do turn it off but it's called fucking research dumbass i and many people need to be up to date on the jewish tricks unlike you, fucking basement dweller
Its not even jews entirely. Remember nobody pulled a gun to those slags face and made them do it. they did it willingly. Also there is a thing called ethnogenesis. And for the us to not have a civil war they need it. Also thanks to the culture of consumerism EU birthrates are low as fuck and those idiots in Brussels import sandniggers to "fix" the easily "unfixable"(which is a whole new mentality and rewiring of the brain). Ethnogenesis, remember that word as it will create new nations and bring old ones to ruin.
>In loving memory of Sweden,Great Britain,France and Germany.
like 20 percent of niggers are in prisons, even the lowly mutt american is better then niggers, no surprise this is coming from you though muhammad
I decided to marry my wife after she called blacks niggers in public. Along with her friends. There's 0 status in dating a black. Maybe for whores...
20 percent plus of polish women have children born to asian or black men in the uk, your women are the worst of the worst race mixers
0 status? the holy kardashian royal family of the usa that all your women bow down to all date and have ogre looking children with niggers is the standard that young impressionable women in the usa follow? the fuck you talking about status!
Well with their blonde hair, blue eyes and porcelain white skin I def consider them white but if you lads don't care about them no wonder they're so addicted to non-white cock, send more of your women here man. There's no such thing as to many white girls lol
Money. As I said a culture of consumerism. Please read. EE, especially Bulgaria is poor as fuck. Every time i hear a greek complain i tell them the average salary hear and they BTFO. Also what is very important is that diaspora aren't really Bulgarian, or Polish or whatever. As they live in a country with a different mentality and not that of the country of origin. And believe me this is a double edged sword.Also my country wouldn't have survived for 5 centuries of rape and genocide if we were racemixers, as those who converted nowadays consider themselves turks. And there are no blue or green eyed turks my friend. They are greeks or slavs.
Slavs are renowned BBC whores. You always see Slav whores with Arabs and niggers in UK.
Slav women were raised with communism. They have no standards and are SJW at heart.
Of course they will suck and fuck niggee cock.
Don't you and every female in your shit hole has a Lonzo Ball signing to go to?
your country is a fucking shithole, lithuanian girls don't race mix much desu, nobody wants to go to the uk anymore as well it is a fucking shithole, lithuanian girls would rather race mix with norwegian white men or other whites, but i guess race mixing with other whites is not that bad even though i disapprove, anyways fuck off shithskin the day of the rope is incoming
The first fucking line already does not make sense, if asian women are attracted to masculinity why are they also not attracted to black men?
lonzo ball plays for la dumbass his brothers play here, nobody fucking cares about them here other then 12 year olds kids!
Most slav whores are actually raised under post communism. In my country it was a 2 decade debauchery,degeneracy and money worshiping. Which resulted in the destruction of morals and the praise of easy money via crime.
>has PC filled with interracial pics. to shit-post with
>thinks a white woman standing next to a nigger means she fucked him
This fucking nigger hasn't been outside in months. Get some human interaction you depraved fucking retard.
Well tinder new config now matches whites with other races i think it 1 white for every 6-7 POC fucks
bulgarian women are too busy drinking and smoking to have kids, I have seen bulgarians first hand and they are dark as fuck! and the women look terrible, but to be honest at this point in my life i realise almost all women are shit so don't take offense
>sits at home watching blacked porn all day every day
>all he can think about is niggers fucking white women
Fucking faggot.
it does mean that dumbass i screens-shotted that shit and it was a couple from a show i was watching so you are wrong
>it does mean that
So if I a woman is standing next to a dog in a picture, does it mean she fucked the dog?
because you have confirmation-bias
Because its (((media)))
In reality you only ever see race mixers in cities where there's a drastically reduced number of whites and a massive number of non whites meaning those few whites don't have enough whites to be with which in turn combined with (((media))) propaganda leads to race mixing.
Its the ultimate trick of replacement.
They look happy.
Fuck off nigger mutt
Thats where you're wrong.Ethnics look like pic related. Next post is what you're referring to. aka gypsies. I am not offended as they are our problem:
-go around europe to steal and sell to fleamarkets back home
-steal steal steal everything they can
-represent as bulgarians abroad as its the only language beside romani they know(and they barely speak proper bulgarian) and back home they take pride in their crimes
-live in literal favelas
-70% of prisoners in bulgaria are gypsies
-every week there is a murder story on a news outlet about some mangali teens that robbed killed and raped old people in rural areas.
-have numerous children (5+)
-get married at age 10
-bride market
the list goes on.... and so does the black pill
5% of your meagre population is here in uk, most of it consists of 20 something year old white girls who love black cock, all black men thank Eastern Europe for sending their hotties here for us to enjoy. Don't be buthurt for being poorfags and drunk virgins you got fast internet so keep posting on pol and play vidya, when we get tired of your white girl will send them back and you can raise our based black sons :)
And I believe the "bulgarians" you were referring to had this skin colour ?
also my bad for not greentext in previous post
Now there some good gypsies that you cant really say they're that bad but those are a minority within a minority.
Now this is what I call a butterface
Girls are very impressionable they go with the group if they see a mix couple on Disney and MTV they are going to think its normal. Its only going to get worst parents sit they're dumb little shit in front of the TV. To learn these wonderful things.So mammy can zone out on tinder thinking of all the black dick they gonna git " You go girr you a strong independent women" then they're little pile of dumb shit going to learn from momma. Thank you Jew Media how did we every manage before !!!!
This does seem to be the case. Once they enter what is essentially Eurabia proper, they become degenerate whores spurting out half breeds from niggers,paki's and arabs.
I've seen this trend aswell unfortunately and (((they))) have been pushing it heavily in East Europe and West Russia in recent years after revelations that they are the only white regions with a growing white population albeit slowly, everyone else is decreasing. The Amerimutts have put legions of their nigger soldiers in those countries so no doubt we're gonna be seeing the polish version of the "Rhineland Bastards" soon enough.
they were a couple they weren't just standing next to each other!! how fucking stupid are you??/
They're not. Blacks have been segregated in the USA for a long time and it's not changing any time soon.
No white woman will put up with being treated like a piece of meat to a bunch of niggers. Walking down the road you have to watch your back. Yo whyte gurl snowflake etc. Women learn. Most of them. It's bad.
Have you ever actually seen an interracial couple in real life? Because I haven't
>photoshops fake sexualized gore
>jerks off to black dicks in his spare time
Why haven't you killed yourself yet?
nigga everytime some stupid bitch race mix here in lithuania it is front of the page news because some shit went wrong and the whole country makes fun of them! it's not common. you are probably not even a nigger but some english cuck larping! and another thing is 5% of our population is not in the uk dumbfuck, we have more of our population in the us over time...you are a nigger though so counting to 5 in the first place is going to be a struggle
>standing next to a person means you fucked them
I have a picture of me next to my 8th grade teacher back in the day. Did I fuck her?
It's getting worse.
Instead of promoting indigenous peoples to have more kids(because that would be "racist"), this is what governments are promoting.
>in a slightly more "liberal" culture than mine
Didn't refute a thing of what I said
reminds me of romanians i saw as well overseas, they look similar to that, but i am even talking about normal looking standard bulgarians your women still smoke a shit and you have a terrible birth rate don't act like you are any different and are doing something special, sure you may have good traditional values but that is not enough you need to go full hitler mode and create economic value that is strong af, this is what pisses me off about eastern europe, the economy doesn't really produce anything special, meanwhile in western europe you have switzerland doing fuck knows what making luxury shit in france, italy, uk, and germany is an economic powerhouse, this is the fucking problem with eastern europe, if it only had an economy that wasn't basically cucking in the west or being cheap offshore factories for western companies..
> most had polish fathers
> of the rest 23% had Asian/African fathers
> of the rest
> not 23% total
sage goes in all fields
this isn't 1943 soldiers don't mix with native whites and shit I literally have not heard of 1 case of this! also the women who tend to leave eastern europe are the lowest of the low or a very small percent of very wealthy or students etc. those who you say go out and mix with the lowest rung of w europe are trash to begin with! and that is a problem that is a leftover from communist times
You're painfully right. But we can't make a good economy with a mafia-like government made of commie lackeys(FFS OUR PM IS A EFFING FIRE FIGHTER AND FORMER MAFIOSI AND BODYGUARD OF FORMER COMMIE DICTATOR). And regarding our women,we all have a problem with cigarettes, however there is a tendency to quit smoking when they are abroad. Maybe you've seen seasonal workers/lower class ?
wtf, I see a pyramid in the lower right hand side, must be some new world order jew organisation, fucking sick how low germany has sunk
nope I was in a university overseas so my experience was with the higher class bulgarians and other nationalities
damn. Guess we really don't take care of ourselves. Kinda justifies the high mortality rate here.
Every hollywood movie of the last 10 years has a Black guy / White woman in it and lately they even have some Black Guy / Asian Woman movies. I dont watch movies or series anymore but everytime im at family and the TV is on it's literally every second.
America is more segregated now than it has ever been at least since the civil rights movement. Ironically this is a bit of the problem since the vast majority of whites actual contact with blacks tends to be with the top 10% of them and they sometimes conflate the other 90%
Lithuania girls are in love with black, paki and Turk cock, my Lithuania hoes always say how disgusted they are by white, especially Lithuanian "men" and how much more manly and confident non-white men are
because that's the case
shut up mohammed
Found your answer right there, senpai.
u mad white boy?
here you are, trying to offer your white skin, flabby body and boring timid personality
they're not excited by you.
from Texas so not that many nigs but I see white Austin soy boys with Asian girls the most followed by WM-beaner woman, or bean man white woman but that's rare
arabs getting in on the action as well, taking advantage of the current situation
The media over exaggerates it in order to try to push it. In reality, interracial couples are relatively rare and most of the ones I see consist of some fat white chick and a black dude.
this is what your high school crush does on weekends
>Expecting niggers to know statistics
Yep. And this is actually a good thing. Unhealthy and undesirable defective men and women are removed from the white gene pool, resulting in a stronger breed.
over 50 percent of women are sluts
over 50 percent of women are stupid
over 50 percent of women grew up in white homes where there fathers probably lived up to some level of personal responsibility
50 percent of women probably think their white ass is so special that this dood they try to tie down could not POSSIBLY walk off on them
Burn coal, pay toll.
Are you autistic OP?
0/10 leaf
Exactly. Race mixing is fine, I don't really find white girls all that attractive, to be honest, emotionally or physically.
I much prefer Asian and Middle Eastern/Indian/Pakistani girls. I also like Southern European girls.
White males don't lose out with racemixing. Black males don't lose out with racemixing.
Only Asian men lose out with racemixing, which is why they try soo hard to shame and preven it in their culture, which drives Asian women to racemix at such astronomical rates.
Live and let live. Eventually Asian males and black females will band together like the outcast scraps they are and the Asian cucklets will sire the black sheboons children from previous one night stands with nigs and whites and arabs and such...