Does anyone else have a nagging need to hate fuck pic related ?
Does anyone else have a nagging need to hate fuck pic related ?
Yes because there's nothing more attractive than a goblin recovering from chemotherapy.
Self righteousness does have a certain look doesn't it?
No she’s too ugly to even hatefuck
No. I just want to dump acid on her face.
She's attractive tho.
Poos will literally fuck anything though.
No. Don't be gross.
> hate fuck
Meg detected
Oh that's a girl? Feminine penis girl or vagoo girl?
Are Indians capable of disgust?
You are so beta you want to be cucked by her
Not gonna lie a little bit, but sexual depravity is admittedly my kryponite
I'd have this whore reciting 2nd amendment while I hurtfucked her into oblivion
Im black tho
This girl and the how bout that girl just do things for me.
I don't get it, why would you not find her attractive?
I don't care about her opinions.
Not at all she’s a fuggo
Look at that soft, plump skin, looks like she just shaved and showered.
And look at those [spoiler]nips[/spoiler]
nope she is really not attractive
She’s just begging to be hate fucked into pregnancy
She's even light enough to have decent kids with
Based finchad
Another devastating critique from the master of the one-two punch: manletism and brainletism.
She looks really cute there
I'm not attracted to mental illness
Nah man I'm over here
>shaved head
>el goblino features
>JUSTed eyebrows
>ugly eyes
>horrible smile
I would date her tbqh. I find her activism cute. I'd probably go to a protest with her even though I disagree with her politics. :)
I like women user thats a raging faggit
Imagine how low you'd feel after shagging an El Goblina Americana.
Anymore pics user?
most women with a shaved head and no makeup would look worse than her desu. imagine if she had long flowing black hair. would smash.
hate fuck?
you mean rape?
thats a baad word user, you shou- oh its *that*
continue sir
No. That's Hoggs cousin btw. Her mom's maiden name is Hogg. Coincidence lol
>Im black tho
Well, knock it off.
"are indians capable of disgust"
Nothing of that quality
If she grew her hair out and didn't seem so angry, she would probably get a better result. Like more of a sweet innocent victim look instead of turbo dyke on Tren... you know?
She literally looks like the "le 53%" meme
I would not hatefuck a goblin.
cute af
Mmm, delicious malk
Why is she wearing a jacket? If I remember correctly it wasn't cold on Feb. 14th.
She’s cute. A crazy liberal but cute.
I can't help but to laugh at the pajeets who post here
a shitty shitty terrible bad replacement for augdog
But bestiality is sin, user!
no. seek help
Nope, because I'm not a pedophilic 56 fucker.
Only in India.
>Stick your dick in a jew
Latinas can be cute but this one sure isn't.
Tell that to your fellow Pajeet earlier in the thread.
>finland talking about raping
Seems like to roles have reversed
Fucking kek. Have a (you).
No. This does not activate my lions in any way.
>bad genetics
>bad evolutionary bet when I could be spilling my seed on fallow ground instead
God Tyler1 is such a mutt.
Give up your guns
I’ll relieve my cums in your mouth
Hold your horses there, Spades Slick.
Pajeets have an evolutionary adaptation that allows them to be attracted to repugnant things. If you lacked this adaptation your people would have died out.
Das a bad Finlend
no but I would assassinate her if I had the means
Any photo of her butt?
I can't decide otherwise
Amazing political instincts
Gun nuts on suicide watch.
I'd happily get in her pants
She seems grouchy. My high capacity, high caliber, fully automatic, military style assault dick would make her feel better.
Just look in the mirror and admit to yourself that you are a homosexual. You may find some peace this way.
Looks cute but she also looks like a massive liberal ding bat of the very worst kind!
Not worth the effort.
I´ll do it for you po/
let´s make her a 100%
yeah seriously missing, but since it´s a lesbo I guess it has a chunky ass
>Poos will literally fuck anything though.
You mean rape.
>la goblina de texas
more than you, but not to ubermensch
any pics with her hair grown out?
I would still fuck the goblin
still lmao dude
>Hogg isn't working out
>Too white, outed as a shill fast, killed the white ally subset too early to recover with quasi "all american boy activist"
>Oh god why are guns selling so much more
>NRA-rejecting businesses tanking as they are outed as virtue signalling limp-wrists
>Chemo Goblin too screechy and boring for people
>not brown enough to draw the correct voting bloc
>need to keep this bitch relevant through midterms, ideally through next election
>Let's make Sup Forums assult her, like those game girls!
>Run it, those evil males will jump at the chance to show their toxic masulinity!
>didn't that blow up last time...
americans are installing bulletproof shelters in schools instead of getting rid of their guns. major lulz.
my dick, literally, physically, retracts up inside my pelvis everytime i see this person.
is that even a girl
Nigger she have a pussy,you are jealous.
I want to take her shooting, under proper supervision and education most people who hate guns just haven’t had a chance to use them. Bring out some guns and 2 liters and 90% of anti-gunners will have different views after.
And yes I’d wreck her shit after
if by "hate fuck" you mean "crush her skull with a fucking hammer" then sure OP, I feel you
why would I care about someone half a world away
Based on what you assume she is begging to be fuck and pregnant?
You morons on Sup Forums need to get a fucking life.
>Norway attempting to be relevant again
enjoy yer sage, child trafficer