Sup Forums humor thread 2.0

Previous thread

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Other urls found in this thread:

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Attached: Peter pan.webm (1280x720, 951K)

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what was the point of that?

Attached: ISIS captures Human Torch, Mr. Fantastic holds press conference urging Avengers to take action.jpg (524x263, 17K)

am I shit or moar?

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soldiers are kept busy by performing useless tasks, sometimes its just a test of loyalty by the officers

teaching soldiers that no matter how stupid/pointless an order may seem, they still have to follow it and respect the authaority regardless of how they feel, because it will save their life one day.

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Attached: weztloT.jpg (750x335, 21K)

>Be me
>Anglo baker
>need to buy bread knife to slice bread; last one broke and was only plastic
>haven't got license
>return home and get license
>go back
>try to buy plastic knife; even poorer quality than last
>"mate, ya need a license for that license, an' a license t' handle t' plastics. fork it over cunt"

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Have fun on your job m8

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removed as much degeneracy as I could
I can't draw so I can't remove this cringebelt and sneakers
if there's something else then I don't understand the reference

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Probably a punishment for something petty


Britbongs BTFO (1/2)

Attached: 4321135.jpg (1348x326, 100K)

>fork it over
>no fork license

Attached: download_8.jpg (1024x534, 165K)

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Britbongs BTFO (2/2)

Attached: 4321134.jpg (1346x248, 74K)

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Enjoying your life wagebitch?

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Fucking with the new guy.

Where's his fucking cover. Dumbass marines

>quads for taking literal meaning of fork

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>no metaphor license

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>Killing someone who could potentially harm you and your family would give you a guilty conscience.

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>no metaphor license

Attached: wat.png (571x144, 15K)


Attached: black_doll.gif (202x360, 1.86M)

>I must go

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I call bullshit.
baizuo lies

Attached: cant wake up.jpg (960x640, 81K)

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her twin sister cried when she saw her nigger doll present

Attached: Poł.webm (1280x720, 2.14M)

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Attached: oprah speech.webm (268x480, 747K)

They generally don't realize that the majority of home invaders are coked up niggers out of their fucking minds on drugs who literally cannot even understand rational approaches, they would be more likely to gnaw your face off if you did something this stupid, because they would be confused and thus even more imbalanced than they were before.

Attached: Trains.png (599x301, 35K)

video with sound

wacha doin', rabbi?

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I like how the first girl says she likes it even though she doesn't. That's good parenting. She knows to appreciate what her parents do for her.

I direct teens to satan of course

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Damn, why cant girls stay like this when they grow up? We would solve 50% of the wests problems if they did

this looks like a very nice fake
disturbingly well made for a fake

Attached: Black forest black.webm (600x336, 2.97M)

>leaving autofocus on

what a tard, never going to get big as a content creator that way

Attached: t3_6l3cgu.png (834x642, 165K)

It's not fake.

Skip to 5:30, and like 5 mins later his mom walks in

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is she vegan?

Its a parody account. Wouldnt be surprised if someone believed that though.

It's real.
Someone from /r9k/.

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Why am i not in the least surprised?

No way to be certain

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why does he wear the mask?

Can't tell if he's pissed or thinks it's funny. If he has enough of a sense of humor to laugh at himself, good on him.

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lol wtf

>Final Defecation

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Because nobody knew who he was until he did.

this would actually be applauded at a pride march just so you know

also I miss Gord sad he's gone

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>saving america one rock at the time