10 seconds! Go!

>be average millenial euro white man
>older gens try to break you
>parents try to break you
>education tries to break you
>society and government tries to break you
>christcucks try to break you
>millenial euro women try to break you and openly insult you with things like pic related

You got 10 seconds to give millennial euro men a good reason to not stand by when an old couple gets beaten up half to death and their daughter gets raped half to death by refugees.

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Other urls found in this thread:


Because when you're old it'll be you. Be the change you want to see

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none, user.
Take the antisocialist pill.

Let it be known that giving women political power is how all of this started.

Attached: assemblywomen.jpg (867x1000, 375K)

Easy. Look at them, judge them, if they look like leftist/cuck voters leave them to the fate they have chosen.

Because that is what the elites want you to do. Only when you comply to their standards have you lost. You are one if them now.

Once when I had to go to work at 5:30 in the morning on a sunday I saw a gang of sandniggers molesting a young white couple coming back from clubbing. Looked pretty badly. I don‘t know what happened after but I saw zhe guy being driven off and then all went out of sight for me. Probably raped her.

I did nothing. Didn‘t even have a cell phone wiht me to call a police. But I very clearly remember thinking: a mile to the west is my apartment, in that apartment is a safe and in that safe is my k98-rifle and were it not for this distance, I could (and probably would have) done something. In the end one can‘t really blame me. No point acting the hero and receive nothing but brain damage but still - feels bad man.

Don‘t be like this. When refugees attack your people, hit them with everything you have if possible. If not for your peoples sake then do it for the sheer arrogance of acting like that in your presence.

Remember: there are always ample reasons to hit a young male refugee.

>You got 10 seconds to give millennial euro men a good reason to not stand by
Why stand by when you can join?

t. malicious old shithead who didn't see the refugee shit coming his way when he was trying to break the youth.

>implying that not voting left is a good reason to give a fuck about them
>implying that I'm so lower than them that I will go out of my way to scan them and see if I'll risk my life for them.

Wew lad I said good reasons

>The elites are so based that they want me to not give a shit about those who gave me shit.

You sound like one of those ex-feminist tradthots shouting ITS DA JOOS.

I took the mgtow pill. Best pill there is.

step one
get rid of the memeflag

First cut the throat of the attacker, then hit the woman/elder in the face and stab the coward traitor to dead. More important, stop working but go to interviews and tell HR that you don't want to work for the company because they hire woman and non whites, then get back collecting welfare shekel and make money on the side through unregistred work for whites, blackmailing, cc fraud and drug dealing

Simple. Remember that Sven-Sören that he will save a green/red/Merkel voter and that they will vote so again to ensure a neverending influx of the same people they just get beat up by because they learned fuck all from the experience.

>muh memeflag
Aka "oh shit you got me"

And why would I waste time doing any of that? Im a minimalist neet who barely works 2 months per year, cash only no taxes, and when I give a death glare to a refugee trying to talk shit they back away. Why should I put more effort into terror too?

>not killing the women too
Wew lad

>13,000 gun murders annually (average)
>325,000,000 people
This makes current gun control laws 99.996% effective. What are they protesting for besides a complete ban?

OK? What do I give a shit?

The state relies on fear

I know you could have just scared them off without doing anything but are you willing to go to jail for that

I fear that things will have to become much more orwellian in both of our countries before enough people have the courage to resist in a way that truly challenges the state

I'm often blackpilled about it all but I'm glad some people are willing to risk their lives /reputations for us

No. Let it happen. Don't save SPDCDU sheep. Once the pain becomes unbearable, things will change. If dumb sluts vote a commie slut that imports masses of illegals, that's what they get.

What do I care if pain becomes unbearable for coalburners and feminists and you think I'll do something about it then?

I would have done something if I had had my gun with me. Obviously you go to jail if you hurt any of the vibrant youths with that but I probably could have scared them of with it. There would still have been legal repercussions, but I would have risked that.

this or help them beat rape and eat the traitors. traitors deserve death it is literally in our laws since forever and always remember these people are perfectly fine with it happening to you, this is one of the reasons they invited teh shitskins here in the first place. normies are absolute scum never risk your life for them take care of your own

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I get your feeling. When my parents told me that refugees hat murdered the perfectly integrated Persian who had sheltered them I laughed and still do. When I read about the Ladenburger case 90% of me are pissed that some lowlife can act like the murderer did and feel no consequences before he finally kills someone but 10% of me laugh and say she deserved for her refugee posting and cuck father.

Then again: can we really expect young women to be smart enough to see the world like we do when all their education and all their instincts tells them everything is dandy but for the evil nazis?

Defend the people you can, user. That‘s how new nobility rises, by doing more than they must and getting little to show for it.

>0.86 seconds to type this

Just hit the gym, read philosophy, be upstanding in your actions and your conduct. Stop going blackpilled. Be a real man.


Nobility implies that peasants are tolerated. Fuck that pure vikings or nothing. When peasants tried to punish me for trying to make a hunting spear in my childhood I should have been able to shove it in their throat. In fact the possibility of someone punishing me for it shouldn't have existed at all.

>Once the pain becomes unbearable, things will change.
You are wrong. It won't change. You are being conquered RIGHT NOW, and your women, like all women throughout history, will accept their new "stronger conquerors".

My bad I should have wrote inb4 man up for the inevitable retards like you

Attached: suck_it_peasants.gif (500x281, 950K)

I implied that nobility would be alpha warriors and peasants timid feeble beta sheep and wannabe nerd overlords for simplicity sake. If you want to make it hard mode on yourself and easy mode on me and include how the nobility/peasant system will degenerate in a state where a jofrey ends up king.

Go right ahead

At least we arnt the US.
56% and their children are minority white. Lel.

You are making a mistake here: Young women are narcistic consumer whores. They don't understand the concept of "giving back". That's why your nobility will lead to nothing but "weiter so". A bunch of narcistic vagina-insect-people who build echo chambers on social media ("you are the prettiest, smartest, strongest ...") need a sledge hammer for a wake up call.

Well, you got a point. Maybe it's just my eastern european ancestory that tells me "who gives a fuck, take you shekels and go back home".

On the other hand: You are not winning anything with defending some demsel in distress. You are winning with politics and mass movements. Individual help will just put unnecessary risk on you. Why help some slut and risk death or injuries? So she can vote for Merkel again?

The more i think about it:
>Roosh V autist mode
Saving a damsel in distress doesn't do shit. If at all, there will be a small article in German media saying something like "Man defends woman from molester". Triggers nobody.

Same woman gets raped, media writes "Woman got raped by group of men" - Blitztriggerkrieg! Triggers lots of emotions, everyone knows what "goup of men" means. This contributes to change.

Conclusion: Encourage western women to hang around violent groups of rapefugees.
Meanwhile men should train their bodies and, probably even more important: their rhetoric abilities.

how do Christians hurt people/society?
complete myth-yranny of the status quo

Christcuckery is the most sophisticated system of attempted beta supermacy to exist. I remember how good pagan lore felt when I was a kid and how disturbing and unnatural was christcuck classroom lore and pictures.