Daily reminder that whether it's very soon, or even later to the point where whites are an extreme minority, persecution will lead to mass redpilling and the establishment of a safe enclave in the world for white European people.
The ethnostate is inevitable
All attractive white girls are welcome in my ethnostate. Unlike white dudes who go after the ugliest Asian females, only slim and attractive white girls will be accepted in my ethnostate.
heres ur reply, chang.
So how will a hated minority white population gain enough power to establish an ethnostate you brainlet
Through superiority of intellect, ingenuity, and common sense.
We've been in this situation before. Once whites realize what's at stake and snap out of their stupor, the cunning, genius, and boldness that always made them strong will return.
You sound like a nigger with their victim complex.
but i do fear that this identity politics bullshit is really working in your favor. Used to call myself a liberal then their constant stupidity has turned me into a bitter independent.
I'm an Asian guy with a white gf, how do you feel? Take a gander at this bad boy
I say we make a cast society similar to india in which any ethnicity has a specific job and role
Germany make engineers cast
Italy food cast
The access of military is mandatory for every ethnicity.
I like slim beautiful women. Women who know how to take care of themselves. I'm a good 7 or 8 I'd honestly say, but I can't find that one woman. But i tell you one thing, when I do, I'm gonna make that woman the happiest woman on the planet :)
fuck off virgin neckbeard larper
We had that up until the 60's when immigration controls and standards were thrown out the window.
"Jon bettedorf" as a non-white. Im sure he has some major identity issues. kek
Not a virgin, not a neckbeard, not a larper. Get out of here with your straw man garbage.
you god damn amutticans are fucking retarded, i fucking swear. Do you even know what means ETHNOstate? Its a state for certain ETHNICITY. Do you know what is not ethnicity? "White". White is race, a sngle, undefined supercategory, which is comprised of many ETHNICITIES. There is no one singular, monolitic "white ethnicity", ethnicities are Croatian, Polish, French, Romanian, Welsh, Finnish, Norwegian etc etc, each with different culture, different set of beliefs, different mythologies, different history and many of them have absolutely nothing in common except shade of skin color.
For example Hungarians and Icelanders, what do they have in common with each other? And why do you think all those "white European people" would want to be in same country with 50 other ethnicities? Just because they are all white? In old world, Europe, ethnicity is way more important than race and no, ethnicity is not what dumb new worlders think it is (you all conflate ethnicity with race, what is incorrect)
That's why the Nazis won WW2 right? Superior means nothing if you haven't got the numbers/resources
>extreme minority
>safe enclave
Boer squtter camps then?
So... white people reservations like those natives America's live?
Any realistic solution?
>home of US white culture goes under the waves
>all of Sup Forums points and laughs
Inevitable you say.