My gf is about to get an abortion. AMA

Yeah it’s my sperm. Yes I want her to get it done.

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Other urls found in this thread: reports/trends in attitudes about abortion_final.pdf

This is not political, this is a waste of time. A shit post into an ocean of shit posts.
Do not reply to these off topic threads, Report them.

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>100% of them will never be pregnant
Thats not very progressive, if women can have penises too then shouldn't men be able to have wombs?

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wear a condom

Abortion is highly political in the USA. In Australia it’s easily obtainable. You’ve been reported. AMA

This is absolutely transphobic, shitlord.

>too poor to buy or too stupid to not know what condoms are

your e the reason the white trash stereotype exists

I like the physical sensation on my cock of raw pussy. I also like the forbidden aspect of Fucking women raw.

>being anti-stealing my money to fund abortions makes me anti-abortion

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In my experience here in the UK, there were 2 types of people in the waiting room; those who clearly were effected badly by the decision/experience, and those who seemed like this was routine.

Which camp do you fall into?

Also; do you guys get protesters harrassing women going inside?

We do not have anti abortion protestors. I’ve had one girlfriend ten years ago also get an abortion. This will be by RU486 not surgical. You can go to almost any GP for the pill and you take it at home

>Men can't get pregnant

um, transphobic much?

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>implying that sperm can't be stolen

She probably just fucked a nigger and doesn't want you to think shit comes out of vaginas in the delivery room.

It’s probably aimed at pro lifers who are probably generally anti multi gender

She has cucked Me before but not for months. We are very trusting

>implying condoms are 100% effective guaranteed

77% of aborted fetuses are men.
100% of them will never live life.
Is it so bad that their older brothers look out for them?

Btw killing a human while it's life is only just beginning because it would inconvenience you to allow it to live is just about the most selfish thing you can do. I don't think your soul will ever recover from that, seems like kind of thing that will alter your conscious forever.

Souls are a conceptual human construct. My conscience is clean.

I'm fine with woman keeping the child, but if man is pro abortion and woman refuses, man should not carry any responsibility for this child, neither morally nor with his finances
So no child support from man who was pro abortion, all fair

Supposedly protesting outside abortions clinics is illegal, luckily the three blokes who were dragged through court here the other week got off by arguing that:
>we weren't protesting, we were praying
Genius defense, must have hires a Jew lawyer for that one.

I agree. There should be a legal document you sign to support this. Many men have had their lives ruined because of accidental pregnancies, and even bankruptcy doesn’t get you out of child support obligations in Australia

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Pure mental illness

Sorry brah but you've obviously already lost your connection to the spirit, an unfulfilling life awaits you.

I’m ok with this. There are other ways to fulfilment than spiritual

Repent, your soul is in mortal danger if you go forward with this.

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Ok I’m repenting as we speak. But it will happen

She’s a murderer, so is the abortionist and you three will burn in Hell

There is no repentance like this, you’re fucked if you don’t stop it

I chortled. I hope you said that with a little bit of rage

If rights and humanity are an illusion, don't forget that when someone don't consider you human or consider your rights. If all is relative, you are not the exception.

>hahah someone doesn’t find the murder we’re about to commit hilarious what a fag
Get raped by a dingo then kys

Nailed it.

Can we Skype? I want you to roast me

Why are you killing your son? Why don’t you want to teach him to play catch or ride a bike?

>want you to roast me
wanting to turn like your gf is the first step to becoming a tranny

Lmao. So cute

Congrats on being supportive of ripping a child out of its mother's womb and murdering it. Rot in hell

Why don’t you like the forbidden aspect of being a white father and husband?

>Yes I want her to get it done.
Then you've a future of guilt and self-loathing ahead of you! Trust me, have the child, you'll cope, you'll find a way to!

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Fucking kill yourself now.

This meme isn't even close to being accurate. Men are far more pro-choice than women are.

> reports/trends in attitudes about abortion_final.pdf


Lmao you guys are hilarious

It’s probabky some regional stupid poster from Texas

Why do you want the white race to go extinct?

Well when God judges you I hope you don't have an excuse for this

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how exactly did you get her pregnant were you wearing a condom?
it is if you aren't a fucking retard

I don’t use condoms I like raw primitive fucking

Don't do it. It will be the biggest mistake you ever make and pro tip here- she won't be yr gf for very long thereafter. It will ruin both of yr lives.

>edgy rebellion against morals you consider to be exclusive to "religious nutjobs"

You're lost mate, everything you do has an energy behind it and bad energy breeds more bad energy. A woman's body cries out in horror when you murder her baby, even if she ignores it, her body won't forget.
You're already lost but it's not to late to save your gf, don't ruin her like you did the last girl, you know she'll never be the same.

Don't do it OP. I did when I was younger and it has haunted me very deeply ever since. Genuinely the biggest mistake of my life.

That sounds highly non scientific

77% of all nonmurderers are nonmurderers

100% of them will never murder

Sorry I don’t subscribe to this philosophy and never will

you can't undo it. you'll be complicit in murder for the rest of your life. think about it.

today i just saw a webm of a fetus outside of the body, about the size of a hamburger, moving on it's own until it died about 30 minutes later.

>77% of anti abortion leaders are men

And over 50% of american women are pro-life, so what now?

>how big of a thirsty cunt can I be for the (yous)?
>19 rrplies
>gimme gimme

Wow so intolerant!

What do you mean 'MEN WILL NEVER BE PREGNANT' you redneck hickbilly who fucks his cousin?

Of course men can be pregnant, get back in your cave you neanderthal.

(I love the endless loopholes in libtard 'tolerance')

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Ok. I don’t consider abortion murder

Stop virtue signalling for transgender people

that doesn't matter what you, today, consider to be murder. tomorrow, once you've wised up, you could.

There’s a lot hey. One of the more successful posts

I don’t imagine so. I’m 35. I’ve matured.

Are you suggesting that the Feminists and the Transgenders are tearing eachother apart behind the scenes whilst the media turns a blind eye? Because that is what I read.

They are eating themselves.

You'll change afterwards. You sound like me before I went through with it. It eats away at you with time.

>i don't consider killing another human being murder


you are a fool

I don’t care about transgender issues. I don’t hate them nor do I really think about them

It’s not my first abortion

I took the propaganda hook line and sinker. It's all lies and it destroys your psyche.

and yet you still haven't come to grips with it. you're so unaware of yourself.

someone post the video of the little fetus moving around, basically crawling around on the towel until it dies

I mean, let's be honest, this guy's son would be a plague on society.

It's hard to be against abortion when it's so beneficial in cases like this.

See I need references for videos like that. Also it doesn’t phase me. I was once planning on becoming a doctor

>muh morals
Human life is infinitely replaceable.

it was on /gif/ earlier today but got deleted so you're out of luck, "champ"

A zygote and/or early growth foetus isn’t a human being

>It’s not my first abortion
how would your other child be today?

>Why are you killing your son? Why don’t you want to teach him to play catch or ride a bike?
Do I kill millions of my children when I mastrubate?

Lmao. If that were allowed to grow past six weeks at the time the termination occurred, it would be 13

well, this one was about the size of a large peanut and was opening and closing it's little hands and turning it's head side to side

look man, you know where liveleak is, go and find these videos yourself, mr doctor. this is the truth

but why? just let that little fucker live.

Did they just ASSUME these leaders' gender?

so you'd have a kid in middle school, maybe starting high school now. probably might actually want to be a doctor, or maybe go into the raaf, play games with you and all that. you are good enough to be a parent, don't let the news decide whether you are or not

>sperm on it's own is the same as sperm that went into the egg and started growing in the womb

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I’m not sure what the point would be? I’ve seen living foetus videos before with nil backstory or medical citation as to what exactly we are seeing. Most likely not a termination as you don’t remove an intact living foetus at such an age in most western countries

you're spitting incoherent nonsense, but that's because you're trying to rationalise the un-rationalisble, you know it's wrong so don't do it.

Actually my entire response was factual

People like you are so self righteous and disgusting. I guarantee you if you were stuck with a bitch at 19 years old who was pregnant with your child you would have every logical tendency to not want to live your life, Because now its over. But no, you'll pretend for the masses that you're some righteous god among men and that your morals are above everyone elses. Holy fucking shit you should've been aborted you waste of oxygen

So your big point is that instead of removing the entire fetus whole, they vaccum it out piece by piece after breaking off the head, arms, and legs? Because all that means is that they kill it while it's inside of your girlfriend. Good luck ever looking at her pussy the same way ever again. That's the scene of the murder now.

In other countries, they're not so prim and proper about their abortions, so you can see what the truth looks like at 1 week, 2 weeks, 3 weeks. etc. They move on their own. They survive outside of the body for hours on their own.

>B-but muh morals must apply to every human not just me

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If you were smart you'd actually realise it's better as by the time your kid was 12 they'd be in school, you'd only be in your early thirties so you'd still have time to enjoy life before you get too old

Why dont you send the child to me when it gets born and I will pay you for it?

>as you don’t remove an intact living foetus at such an age in most western countries

Except we do. By the end of the FIRST trimester (9 to 12 weeks), the fetus is fully recognizable as human, with brain, nerves, muscles and all other relevant organs having formed and beginning to work.

Hahahaha. Ok Josef


I haven’t seen the video so can’t comment. Nor will there be a medical citation. With the video. It could have been blown out by an ied in Syria for all I know

I really do mean it I want a lolly so I am willing to pay you up to 50k euros for it? Deal?

You’ve hit the end of my moral rope with this one

So killing it doesnt hit it but me wanting to buy your child does? Cmon its like you want it so whats the problem?