Pewdiepie just shared a bogpill video
Pewdiepie just shared a bogpill video
Pewdiepie is a nigger killer
Consistently based.
the rothschild monkeys dont know, start it up.
Rothchilds bow to Pewds
Why is this a thread? Reported, saged and hidden, enjoy your ban.
I love his use of the soviet flag and anthem to show the double standard of the establishment.
A clear indicator that the forces that produced the genocide in Russia are in fact still in power.
Tack Felix, jag är stolt över ditt handlande.
wtf I love pewdieppie now
Bitch got bogged
Please take your e-celeb bullshit elsewhere.
It is not political, there is no discussion nor facts to be shared.
Please report off topic and troll threads like this. Do not reply.
Holy shit I haven't laughed that hard in a long while, video was 10/10.
>the phonecall that saved youtube
>how do you do my fellow kekistanis: the channel
He makes unfunny reddit tier videos and recycles memes from here and pushes more kids and newfags here. He is definitely not /ourguy/.
>A Swede with 60 million subscribers and a consistent high viewer count is a Sup Forumsack.
We are breaking the conditioning.
Everyone was a Newfag at one point. The more people that browse here the better. You can't unsee the truth.
>i dont want people to come to Sup Forums
>pewds is totally not ourguy because he shares and discusses questionable videos and books
>he is exposing the youth to these ideals that arent mainstream and basic leftist
Oh waffleman, you...
pewds was on Sup Forums in 2009. he's hardly a newfag.
>pushes kids and newfags here
>not /ourguy/
This isn't your safespace hugbox anymore faggot, if we're going to get this second shoah under way we're going to need more recruits.
We hope.
Stop the fucking board. Pewds shared a meme video!
>Nazis: responsible for 10-15 million deaths
>Ironically plays a short clip from a Hitler speech
Public outcry
No Ads
Youtube cancels his show
Communists: responsible for 100 million deaths (conservative figure).
>Plays soviet national anthem and sings along while displaying hammer and sickle.
No public response
Youtube: "das breddy cool bruh"
pewdiepie if you are reading this know you will always be /ourguy/ you based aryan nigger
The /biz/ one, its really good
He definitely is, and he is subtle redpilling 60 million kids.