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Cause i'ma stir my coffee with my finger. Get outta here!
>He stirs his coffee with a straw
Nigga what the fuck
>not stirring your boiling hot coffee with your dick
never gonna make it
Idk what you got in the way of convenience stores in your country but here they give you these little coffee stirrers that are like super fucking thin straws.
Wooden or recycled stirrers. Problem solved.
>having anything left of your dick left after years of boiling hot coffee stirring
Do you know the story of Icarus my friend?
Caffeine boosts test and makes your peepee bigbig
Who the fuck uses straws?
>not jamming fifteen bendy straws up the eye of your dick and using he resulting monstrosity to whisk your favorite cocktail to a frothy foam
why even live
Soyboys who can't handle BLACK coffee
>i'm lactose intolerant
Sorry about being non white user. My condolences.
>he thinks milk does anything for coffee but pussify it
>will be around forever
>will decompose in 200 years
the left can't meme
That straw you used
>from the concrete building
>on top of the tar paved roads
>that span hundreds of square miles
>skyscrapers, automobiles, planes
That straw will last 200 years...
Fucking environmentalist logic
>not using this technique to instead piss through the straws creating a whirlpool effect into your coffee too create the ultimate blended brew
Straws are killing the planet?
Well shit, now i must star buying them!
Why are you poisoning yourself? Water or nothing, don't be weak
I do for most sweet drinks with sugar in them because it's better for your teeth.
How about you pour your cream in first then coffee? I don't stir my coffee because I'm not a faggot
>not using the powers of pissvortex tm for evil instead of good, and instead creating an FTL (Faster Than Leakiing) spacecraft and conquering the solar system powered by notihng more complex than six pints down the local
I use straws if I'm drinking coffee or soda so I don't damage my teeth.
What you do sounds gayer desu.
Still, he has the choice to use milk, because he's white, something you can never do
straws suck
>Tiny toxic particles
Particles can be toxic?
What witchcraft is this?
Spoilers: If you're drinking sugar drank, you're fucked regardless, and a prick.
humans and subhumans kill the planet, not straws
>X is made of poison
Amazon has packs of biodegradable straws
150 for $7.99
>needing to create a spacecraft instead of just necking three longys and laying on your back and pissing forming an interstellar blackhawk capable of splitting atoms with its spray force
>while not making a sound
I'll show you where you can put the straw
I tell ya what, if straws destroy the world before black/brown overpopulation, I owe you a Coke.
Through the hole on the tab, right?
>Stirring your coffee
Are you drinking gas station drip garbage or something? When you order a properly made coffee it shouldn't need to be stirred
wrong hole bro, wrong hole
I've used the same straw for a while. If I throw it away, I will cut it length wise to make it less dangerous to wildlife.
>work at hospital
>drawing up medication for patient
>other nurse comes in
>mentions that we shouldn't use straws anymore because muh environment
>tell her I just poured half a bottle of fentanyl into the water supply because our hospital doesn't have a dedicated waste reservoir and we don't give a damn about the environment here
>her face when
Pretty much. Convenience store coffee on the way to work.
If i listened to people telling me that, i'd never get laid.
What is a spoon?
fuck you, I don't use a straw because they're gay, couldn't care less about the planet.
probably made of plastic, are you stupid? austria pls
So you make two pieces that can Danger the planet?
Good thinking
They keep the stirrers right next to the cups and lids. I don't even know if they have spoons anywhere.
Jesus christ dude surely you have a decent local cafe on your way to work
My coffee from tims this morning was shit and I had to stir it..
Going to be around for generations. And it notes the remains will still be around.
I dont drink from straws anyway
Take the lid off your cup and drink from it masterrace here
Why is everyone talking about coffee?
so, not a straw then?
Tims is only slightly better than gas station tier
I do what I want.
Umad Sup Forums?
As they deliberately specify "That single use straw in your cocktail or coffee" in the refuse the straw PSA in the OP, I'm betting my coffee stirrer habits are exactly what they're rallying against. It's an extremely thin straw. You can find them in gas stations and convenience stores throughout this great nation of ours, should you ever visit try to remember this conversation and you'll surely notice them.
Well they also won't let people use wood disposable utensils anymore so.
Have you heard the story of foreskin?
Jews don't want you to be a man.
Men stir their scalding hot coffee with their dicks.
>On the planet forever
>200 years to break down
>200 years
Somebody underestimates eternity
I drink any soda I drink with a straw.
It's better for your teeth.
Maybe we should look after straws instead of binning them...
Your statement is as retarded as animal rights activists.
Coffee is never stirred unless you're a child who adds milk or sugar.
I hope you're not living on that.
big if true
So then I'm a child. What are you gonna do about it? Draw me having sex?
Why? It's pretty healthy for you. I drink quite a lot, here's me upon discovering a vendor nearby that stocks all the flavors!
I'll just report you for being too young for this board.
>his body can’t handle coffee and he tries to call out other people for being weak
Sure. Bamboo.
Stay salty english teacher. I'll just explain to the mods what an obvious joke is and they'll recind the ban. Maybe I'll even get lucky and you'll get one for abusing the report system.
I actually do agree with this or at least they should try to make straws out of different materials that are biodegradable there's so much plastic in the world they need to think of better ways to do things
What about instant coffee
Americans are fucking weird
It's pathetic how people on here just have this kneejerk reaction like "WOLOLO WTF NOW IMMA USE MORE STRAWS TAKE THAT LIBSHITS". Most people on here would nail their cock and balls to a barn door if they thought a liberal was telling them not to
>the ocean prevents climate change
But trees do absorb pollution and reduce the nearby temperature.
Cutting down the Amazon rainforest was perhaps the worst thing him and have done to the planet
>It takes 200 years to break down
No it fucking doesn't.
that's why theres paper straws
nice slide thread sage
The law of conservation of matter: Matter cannot be created nor destroyed, so yes the straw will ben on the planet forever.
>it's better for your teeth.
my teeth > the ocean
You're all pieces of shit.
I hope nuclear war kills every human being.
I'm supposed to feel bad for that fucking coke head?
Use a wooden stirer
None made available.
>Will be on the planet forever.
>immediately disproves itself by stating it will break down in 200 years
Straws are for suckers
Lol the whole it doesnt decompose shtick was proven false.
Fuck you you stupid fucking cunt. Shit happens, except you bullshit pseudo science that plastic doesnt degrade. Put a fucking bag of trash outside and see what starts to happen within a few weeks.
And there are naturally occuring enzymes that break down plastics, a byproduct of another naturally occuring substance called oil.
Next you will tepo me carbon dating is a real science because humans have been observing carbon for any meaningful period of time to determine the lifespan of carbon.
Don't you have a bull to prep before heading to work for your wifes son?
What a stupid fucking animal, why would it try to eat shit with it's nose, you're such faggot nigger for posting that.
>Not making your own coffee at home, where you can use a metal spoon
>Not visiting a local coffee shop if you need to buy premade coffee where they provide wooden stirrers
>Not going to Publix for a cafe con leche on the cheap
What is wrong with you?
It's microplastic after 200 years, then it becomes nanoplastic after a millenia which is stable and doesn't break down further, but still toxic af.
I've never even seen a publix. I live in the north east. I make coffee at home in the morning, stir it with a metal spoon bring some with me on the drive to work in an ozark mug, finish it and then buy more coffee at wawa along with a Monster Ultra™ sip for later.
I don't have time to stand in line and wait while Cucky McGlassesbeard orders a soy mocha caramel latte and an egg white pita wrap just so I can get a coffee with cream and no sugar. One time I went into a Starbucks because circumstance demanded it and I looked like a visitor from another planet. I was wearing a caulk covered carhart and blue jeans and work boots and I was surrounded by fucking Nintendo lovers. I'm perfectly happy drinking gas station coffee and polluting the earth with straws. If you ask me, a lot of things are going to have to go really right for us if straws are what destroys the earth.
Fuck you
Cunt it's called measuring half life. Are you going to tell me dinosaurs are fake next?
How is an animal supposed to grasp the concept of plastics in its environment?
God I HOPE bill gates makes a super bug bacteria to kill all you pieces of shit.
Lmao user, I agree. I don't particularly like gas station coffee so I make my cup at home before heading to work - but if needed I'll drop by a 7-11 or wawa and get some.
Btw, you need to visit FL. Publix is a godsend.
Refuse the Canadian.