Traditionalist workers party

The traditionalist workers party got knocked down after the Matthew Heimbachincident. Thoughts?

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What's the skinny? I know he was arrested...

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That organisation is over. Tony Hovater (the guy from the NY times article that made libs lose their shit) is creating a new org for current members. Optics changing apparently. Tony is super normie friendly.

He was arrested on charges of domestic assault and was allegedly having an affair.

>changed for having an affair

Trump really is making America great again

So is he starting a new party

in the grand scheme of things... heimbach probably could have weathered the storm if he really wanted to. it would have been totally forgotten about in six months.

people are imperfect and flawed. you should really stop expecting for a perfect scion of a Messiah to show up with no skeletons in his closet to lead you. because he doesn't exist. especially in the age of the internet where info gets out so quickly. you can't expect perfection from people period, doubly so in the age of information where everything gets out so quickly. this is something you need to take to heart regardless of what you think of heimbach or twp.

Interesting... I just heard him on The Radical Agenda.

They were a constant embarrassment and reinforce the narrative that pro-white = white trash.


>at the same time as spencie slowing down his operation

Maybe these lads really were controlled opposition FBI and now they're shutting up shop? Then again maybe they're both just blackpilled over their lack of momentum and the latest failed event.

>should really stop expecting for a perfect scion of a Messiah to show up with no skeletons in his closet to lead you
How about someone who's not a fat arab who has the IQ of a nigger and lives in a trailer? I guess that's just too much to ask and unreasonable, huh? I know that's totally unrealistic for people like you who don't know anyone who's not like that, but there's real white people from the upper class that are destined to lead.

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i'm just criticizing the general trend of Messiahnism that is popular on Sup Forums. I always thought heimbach was a goofball myself for being such a doughy fat fuck but the point still stands.

at the end of the day the twp guys had it where it counted. it's bad to see them be disbanded.

kill yourself white trash

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I thought the TWP had a reasonable agenda that was being received a lot better than the NSM trash people are used to.

>the NSM trash
If you think there was a difference between NSM and TWP, there's a 95% chance you indeed are trash. TWP and anyone like them are fucking normie repellant like you can't imagine.

not an argument desu

I can't tell if that was a compliment or an insult. The ANP and TWP were ( :'( past tense) way different from NSM. Heimbach and Rockwell were at least passive and articulate in their dialogue.

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Rockwell was an ivy league graduate, a combat veteran, and a naval commander. How fucking retarded are you to think they're in any way comparable? Rockwell's strategy was a failed and doomed strategy by the way, no amount of respect for him will change that.

Wdym, it only failed because it got overrun by people who couldn't even come close to how articulate he was. Heimbach, granted, was way more insignificant than him, but at least he was portraying a more wholesome and relatable view of the ideology than "girr Jews bad". I'm not even a natsoc and I felt he was well articulated.

>he was portraying a more wholesome and relatable view
>I felt he was well articulated.
Like I said, you're white trash. You're the same type of people who hate people like Jared Taylor and Ryan Faulk because they're not poisonous to everyone in their general vicinity. This has been done before, and it's failed before, leave it in the 90s.

Heimbach has a rotten soul and it was reflected in his politics and it was reflected in him beating the shit out of his wife in front of their two young children.

Well I mean, we do live in a state of social decay, I would applaud anyone who at least has an agenda against the nihilistic and hedonistic culture we're breeding.

>who at least has an agenda against the nihilistic and hedonistic culture we're breeding
>he thinks trailer trash are paragons of virtue
wew lad

They did it to prevent membership lists from leaking. Good on Parrot for that. Also its sad to see that Heimbach is a degenerate.

To deny that our civilization is decaying because of our contemporary culture and social stigma is idiotic entirely, and heimbach was indeed a degenerate, all I'm saying is that he was at least articulate and an attempt to raise the issue.

I am shocked, SHOCKED that inbred, white trash, trailer dwelling, fuck head neo-nazi pieces of shit could possibly meltdown like this.
Well, not that shocked.

It's really not that hard not to cheat on your spouse.... like that should be a bare minimum for anyone presenting themselves as the moral paragon of a movement.

>white trash who have nothing to be proud of other than the fact that they share a susceptibility to skin cancer with people who actually accomplish things
>turn out to be massive fuckup failures

stop the presses this sure is wild

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Spencer was necessary for pushing the Overton window hard right to allow space for normie friendly ethnic nationalism to get a foothold. The hard part of his work is done, I think the fact he's not trying to assert himself as the defecto thought leader kind of btfos the idea that he is a CIA spook.

>at least articulate

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Firstly, I'm not a natsoc, I enjoy the enlightenment era and individualist values we have in America. But traditionalism and regression are means of preserving civil society and social order, which is the whole basis of the reactionary movement.

>You're the same type of people who hate people like Jared Taylor and Ryan Faulk because they're not poisonous to everyone in their general vicinity.
Taylor and faulk are great. I'm a fan of heimbach and the twp if only been of their willingness to function as brawlers.

There is nothing wrong with division of labor.

There was no way I could ever imagine him being a leader on par with people like Stalin, Hitler, Washington, Ceaser, etc. He's a dopey type of guy who was most likely going to fuck up like he did. At the best he would have built up the movement and had been killed by an actual leader who would have seized control of the movement. Someone post the pic of him larping as Rockwell. It says everything about him.

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First thing Parrot did after this was call the SPLC to give them a statement. Hmm.

Well you haven't been listening

Man this guy likes silent hill

Thank God for sensible people.

The whole approach of TWP was never for me, and Heimbach never impressed me. That said, I never shit talked them while they were active. Hopefully most of the guys that were in it can find their way into better groups.

Ryan Faulk is invaluable