Do you love my new tattoo, pol?
Do you love my new tattoo, pol?
Nah, garbage shading.
It's going to blow out and end up looking like Hillary in about 10 years. Which will be absolutely fucking hilarious.
homophobia has no place here bigoted meanie.
Do people who spam b-tier threads not get banned anymore?
>Displaying obscene homosexual imagery permanently on your body.
>Thinking your opinion is worth anything at all.
I always wondered what's the appeal of those faggy socks..
Weak af attempt.
You are a disgrace to your unit.
I like your sweat shop Nikes.
>1 Post by this ID
On a side note though, have you ever noticed the things Leftist shill the hardest always come crashing down and become ignored when they're arguing or get angry and frustrated.
That’s a fucking awful mate. Even if the drawing was good - which it isn’t - you’d still have a guy sucking a dick permanently tattooed on you. Fucking dotard.
Good luck getting a job faggot
Being this much of a triggered crybaby
Racism? Of course! Trump is in there.
>1 post by this id
Back at ya, you inbred fuck
Is that Putin or Netanyahu?
Thats your mom
Fuck off goblin
dame drumpf got btfo here, nice. how will he ever recover??
He wont
the absolute state of the left
looks cut to me.
Kill yourself you disgusting faggot traitor.
That just looks like a normal factory.
Hi hi haters
haha this is what all right-leaning people look like
fortunately I have all the correct opinions so I am very attractive. If these people would just get #WithHer they could be attractive too!
You know people only support Trump because they can't handle a meritocracy, which is what the left wants. The left supports free markets and equal opportunity, which is why attractive successful people (like celebrities) are always on the left.
The right is for people who think they deserve government handouts, and which is why they want to expand the welfare state just so they can get more gibs, because they're ugly losers who can't compete.
It's the jews.
Degenerate will do a degenerate do hopefully you get Hepatitis
Wtf is wrong with your neck