German military - missing winter gear edition

Germany presently spends just 1.2 percent of GDP on its military.

This week alone, German media reported that as well as tanks, Germany's troops supposed to join a NATO "rapid reaction force" lacked protective vests, winter clothing and tents.

"We will make the best possible equipment, training and support available to our soldiers" Chancellor Angela Merkel's conservative CDU said in a coalition agreement sealed with the Social Democratic Party.

But even if a prospective new Merkel government loosens the purse strings, "we wouldn't be in a position to spend more money with our present procurement structures," Bartels said.

Given these damning reports, should Germany be excluded from NATO until it meets NATO requirements and standards?

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>should Germany be excluded from NATO
and Poland should just absolutely murderize your awful nation from the face of earth moments after protection wears off

But Poland only spends 1/4th of what we spend, so your country is even worse off than us.

but it is more than required 2%
hate the game, not the player

>tfw No Bundeswehrfu

Also yes, the german Army is shit, who would have thought. No draft, faggotrysation of the general populace, "why would I wanna fight for my country" and even the most nationalistic people do not want to because they don't want to fight for Mutti.
Take on top of that that most Generals in the Army are Career animals without any nationalistic zeal who would send their soldiers to attack Russia, in Winter, naked, without rifles if ordered to do so and you essentially have an army that is doomed to not work properly.
From what I've heard literally every area is ridiculously understaffed.

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>German Military Sucks
>Yet nobody dares invade them.

So what's the problem?

do you know math?

The problem is that Germany is a laughing stock. We cannot even provide coats and winter boots to our troops. This is really bad. Our submarines are leaking, our tanks rusting and our guns are often replaced with broomsticks for cost purposes. It is an embarrassment.

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Maybe if you didn't spend so much money on "refugees" you could afford an Army.

Look at that mongy underbite. Looks like a mutt to me.

why does Germany need a military? Any serious attack by the russians would involve nuclear weapons against wich we are defensless anyway. And any attack without nuclear weapons is most like going to be a coordinated concealed attack with non military means against wich a classical army with tanks and battleships cant do anything.

Poland has a larger amount of heavy hardware than Germany in most areas. I think given this and our much higher motivation to fight for our country, we could take on Germany. We even have more in active service - 60k for Ger, 100k+ for Pol.

We could have to do it fast though, Schlieffen plan-style. Germany is a larger country with a much larger population and in an extended war we'd lose.

Hungary-bros, you in?

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yeah, and I am aware that our 2% is less than your 1,4% because of jewish magic and fake economy based on euro and using EU regulations to outcompete everybody while forcing your exports on them
anyhow, we pay enough, you don't. Funny world

Poland spends 1/4 of what you spend and they will still holocaust you in the upcoming WWIII. Really makes you think.

Well, you could be like us, spending billions and billions on the military just so that you can piss off more brown people to bomb your country.

Meanwhile, at home, cities like Detroit look like the 3rd world countries we pretend to hate.

Don't bitch, its not 1914. Nobody has the will or desire to fuck with you. Not even Russia.

Detroit is a nigger problem, not a money problem.

Some should start a nuclear war to end it all.

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>Maybe if you didn't spend so much money on "refugees" you could afford an Army.

Yes, but this is a hypothetical.

what point is there in having a military alliance with yountries you hate anyway? Would you die to protect Germany? I would much more prefer to see a alliance with the Russians and the Chinese than with countries who openly dream about invading and killing my people.

Attacking a land you buy weapons from? Sounds like a funny idea. Rheinmetall & Hecklar und Koch won't deliver parts anymore. Mercedes and BMW can produce fullautomatic tank systems from the blueprints. Our industry and engineers would clap their hands ...

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Detroit is perfectly fine. There is couple outskirts further down that are complete mess, but all in all it looks nice. Plus everything else around detroit areas like Livonia, Royal Oak, Aurburn Hills is all white people area Mid class and above.

t. Live in Windsor

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and yet you'd still lose like always :^)

>Would you die to protect Germany?
hell no, just like you would not die to protect Poland. This is all bullshit and we both know it, but on the other side you are not allowed to ever have army again cause you prove time after time after time that you use it for evil
hell, even when you do not have army you keep ruining europe, either with EU bullshit or rapefugees
killing your people would be gift to all humans

They get paid peanuts like the other Euro monkeys. You cant compare it that way.

and who would fight?
muslims who came for gibs?
patriots who was constantly betraied by their own leeders?

with evil you mean liberating the world from the jewish menace or saving it from communism. we failed thats unfortunatly true but at least we tried.

Poland’s existence is intolerable and incompatible with the essential conditions of Germany’s life. For Russia, Poland is even less tolerable than it is for us; Russia will never put up with Poland's existence. Germany and Russia within the borders of 1914 should be the basis for an agreement between us.

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Does Germany even need an army?

Are we surprised Germany's a joke no of course not with a person like Angela Merkel in charge how could things go wrong. I can't believe she still has power there.

>lack winter clothing
You are fucking good at learning from history, aren't you?

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educate a dumb american as to why the existence of poland is bad for both countries?

seems like youd want a buffer state with russia

You're mocking their GDP yet your army isnt even capable of recieving the funding it needs (much like ours). Does poland have the same problem? From figures it seems not.

Fuck you, Hans. Poles are cool and Poland is based, you are all unfunny grumpy gargoyles and are destroying Europe.

yeah, this bullshit
but we never start genocides against our own people, while you do it all the time
>muh german fap fiction
you liberated nothing, you planned your stupid drang nach osten, for thousand years you keep with your retarded plan of cutting Poland from the sea and you still fail, even when having Russian support
can you fuck off for once and just keep building car engines? this is only thing you do sort of decently

ouch, someone broke off his toes!

Ask the Greeks if you think I exaggerate: Germany runs Europe without firing a shot. It forces far weaker partners to stay in a currency zone that is crippling them, and uses its economic muscle to dictate immigration and other key policies.

We have learned our lessons and today we focus on destroying europe again with our influence and economic power.

What did you expect?

A friendly germany? A germany that got no influence anymore? On nothing?

Great products with the stamp "made in germany" are superior to your inferior products.
We hold europe, if germany gets destroyed it will influence all other states around the world. We won this war.

What our soldiers couldn't achieve is what our ruthless economics achieved.

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So you're proud of your country being basically cancer?
Sehr gut.

>your inferior products
Easy to be superior to things that don't exist.
Italexit when?

>Germany runs Europe without firing a shot
and europe is off the rails, natives are dyng and raped on the streets, we cannot compete with USA or China, european unity is meme, brits are out, Italy wants out, all countries that adopted euro have it worse now, Greece is bankrupt and literally hell on earth
for fucks sake you are ruin europe, not run it

its 2018 marek, you are the ones that die on the eastern front this time, german men will repopulate polan with your blonde qts

you lost aswell retard

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Russia is Germanys natural ally. It has been so even before the unification in 1871 with the Russian-Prussian alliances. Only unfortunate mistakes in history have led to the violent encounters in the world wars. I would rather have the pragmatic Russians on the German border than the irrational and over-emotional Poles.

We were the first victim.

Poland is an historic failure, which has won her freedom not by her own exertions, but by the blood of others. They are the monstrous bastard of the Treaty of Versailles.The restoration of the border between Germany and Russia is the precondition for regaining strength of both sides. Also because of pic related.

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yeah yeah more memes
not afraid of you in the slightest, you cannot win wars, you just start them

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>If you have anything against Poles, then I challenge you to a fucking duel, Sir.

german virgins
>I-It's okay
>It is not like Germany has any culture anyway..

That soy boy defeatist mentality is what is destroying Europe.

>We won this war.
>German women get groped and raped left and right
>40% of children under 5 have a migrant background

Siebenburger sachsen here,thank you for ruining the fatherland

>shilling for the JEU
kys my man

and you only lose them :^)

Grooming standards for fucks sake. How are they going to seal their gas masks when the Jewish question again rears it's ugly head?

you are not german you are a romanian subhuman. you are nothing but trash.

All I know is, my German tutor stood me up on chatterbug at 0600 this morning so Im in the mood for some genocide.

Based Anglo-Polish swordsman.

do we?

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we bullied the the anglos out and the next ones are the french. After that we have fully control of the EU.

tell that to the last two wars u had with them. they occupied half ur country for 70 years. U pompous fuck wits never learn. every goddamned time arrogance was ur downfall.

So what does that make you, because he was right.

>After that we have fully control of the EU.
that will by that point consist of you, Ukraine and Turkey
great plan, as all german plans

what a shitty argument
those plumbers are between two superpowers and we always made a pact with russia
but today id rather join polacks than commies again

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germans are quick to insult people and lose to them afterwards
happens all the time in history

dont adorn yourself with borrowed plumes

sei leise Ronny

A German military is completely pointless in 2018. Might as well sell the gear and save that 40 billion € per year on top of that.

why would you ally with poles, they would only stab you in the back. grow up faggot

Comparing first line combat equipment:

Poland - MBTs:
- Leopard 2A5 - 140
- Leopard 2A4 - 105
- PT-91 - 120
- Modernized T-72's - 160 operational
Tot: 365 first line, 160 second line

Germany - MBTs:
Leopard 2A6/2A7 - 420

-> Germany: Moderate edge

Poland - mobile artillery:
- 320 2S1 Gozdzik (Soviet tier, but do the job)
- 110 Danas
- 75 BM-21 grads
- 75 WR-40s
- 30 RM-70
- 25 Krabs
MLRS: Appx 200
SP artillery: 130 first line, 320 second line

- 40 MLRS
- 120 PzH 2000

-> Poland: Moderate - major edge

Poland - IFV's
- 1200 BMP-1
- 360 Rosomak

Germany - IFV's
- Marder - 600
- Puma - 350
- Weisel - 272

Germany: Mild edge (higher combat effectiveness offsets lower numbers)

Poland - Combat helicopters
40 Mi-24
40 Sokol

Germany - combat helicopters
50 Tiger

Poland: Mild edge (Tigers are in general moderately better helicopters, but not enough to offset the numbers)


Pick one,we literally built almost everything that the romanians brag about now.
0.5 Merkel Marks have been added to your account

nigger, you build your country with borrowed shit and russian soldiers won 1st phase of WW2 for you
you are the last person to talk about borrowing shit until you pay WW2 reparations :^)

Jokes on you, subhumans
We will join Russia and then we will finally put an end to the German Problem.

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Is it somehow better to stab yourself in the back out of spite?

If the French leave you are truly fucked if anyone decides times up on your clay, no ones coming to help you.

you are not german, do you speak my language? do you know our traditions? do you think like a german? no you got indoctrinated by romanian subhumans to the point you got to be yourself one. Your ancestry wont change anything.

>People worried about Russia invading
>Not realizing how WW3 would play out
Russia clicks off the oil and gas flow to Europe. Europe desperately tries to invade Russia before winter comes. Winter comes. Europe dies.

you wont ally yourself with russia lmao
get real

>you pay WW2 reparations :^)
spoken like a true jew, stop victimizing your self.

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>this is what poleshits believe
pathetic, remember to not use horses against tanks when russia invades.

so you can prep the russian bull and bent down? topkek

poles hate germans, the only solution is to get rid of them

Our "army" has enough women that can knit warm undergarments and hats while they are on maternity leave.

Germany is only an economical power, Poland could roll over Munich in a week if reports of your "military" are to be believed

we are strengthen the ties with russia, nordstream 2 is on its way.

also at pic, convinient that you cropped out the numbers you stupid slavshit.

Where is all the money going?
1,2% of German GDP is far more than the 2% of other countries, yet other countries are far more combat ready than Germany.

The fuck, even we have that shit here. Militaryfag here.

top lel, remember to murder civilians while bombing them in their sleep, that is very classy and truly shows the power of """"""""master race""""""""
it is not jewing if it is true
pay up nigger, or perhaps we should all waive your bullshit Euro currency and all debts everybody have towards you?

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Why spend on the military when you can invest in more german rivers?

The current german army is built around getting deployed to third world countries fighting wars for either France or USA.

>Given these damning reports, should Germany be excluded from NATO until it meets NATO requirements and standards?

only we produce all of your shit, and if war came it would take 2 weeks and we'd outproduce everything your piece of tundra could make in a thousand years.

Imagine Volkswagen, Audi, BMW and Mercedes all switching into full Tank making gear.
The military draft isn't gone btw, it's just on pause.

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poles arent human so its ok

Ameribros, would you side with Germany or Poland if it came to blows?

Germany expects all the other nations of the EU to die in their defense.

I highly doubt that
in a ww3 scenario it would open east poland for russia easily
and we could reindustrialize fast,all the power is in western germany anyway

No problem, strap some bombs on their pakis and your good to go
Solve the Russian problem and the immigration problem all in one go

Polish genocide of G*rmans when?

>Imagine Volkswagen, Audi, BMW and Mercedes all switching into full Tank making gear.

yes, but they still want to be the one attacking
even now as we shitpost they invite murderous barbarians to europe and use jewish magic to give them debt out of thin air, thinking it will make germany richer

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Poles are more animals than human beings, you cattle in human form and we will slaughter like cattle. Poles, Jews and Gypsies are on the same inferior level.

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While we're being run over and getting demographically replaced by subhumans, you lament a border lost 70 years ago. The poles aren't our enemies this time. Set your priorities straight

>do you speak my language

To a lesser degree,the educational system prioritizes in most cases english,french and latin followed german.

You have to take into consideration for how many years the commies tried to erase our identity but we still retain certain customs.

That's about it,I bet you'd even argue that the american-germans aren't german either


You had a good run, for a nigger-tier nation
I will press F as hard as I can once Berlin becomes a nuclear wasteland

Poland. No question.
